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Northville improved $a5,000 worth last year. Clinton Is the first place to have a leap year party. The Stockbridge Good Templars have organized a glee club. The Stockbridge Methodist are holding evening meetings. Second quai terly meeting at the Sharon M. E. church last Sunday. There were 12 interments In the Saline cemetery last year. Iiealthy place, Saliue. The newfoundry and machine shop of W. Pi L:imkln, at Milan, is starting off well. C. E. DePuy of Stockbndge is to visit !ïev Orleans and Florida in the near tuture. That school la the Dresslehaus district, ?reedom, has secured a teacher, we inderstand. Mrs. Dolly V. McPall, of Ypsilanti is to narry Wesley A. Vosburg of Detroit, so says the 1 cense. A singlng school class is now learning O raise and f all the eight note?, at the Gillett church, Sharon. The Manchester folks are harvesting he ice erop. Tlie old gag about next summer colic is tabooed. If the Sun"s report does not err the Stockbridge Fair Society has $1,662.95 cash on hand. One of few. Herbert Corbett of Saline, bas sold bis dray business to Chas. Curven, who will rat on additional drays next spring. The Manchester Enterprise office bas recently put in a new Pteam engiue, and ts presses are bow running by the new system. Mrs. Harriet P. Wilcox died at the IO11H! (if T iluil,rl,l,,r "" - - T... ¦.! ïged 73 years. Slie was one of MNan's ioneera. The Milan school board wonld not alow the scholara to fix up their room at heir own expense. Pretty conservativo ward, that. Lyman Burnham, who was land lord here fouiteen ypars ngo, has leased Babcock's hotel at Milan, and will run the ame hereal ter. A Salem correspondent wants us to note that Miss Anna Brokaw of that lace has become Sober, but we don't alow jokes in this column. Burr Starks and Geo. Latson, of Webter, have a portable feed mili which griuds eighty binbelt of corn per day, and the neighbors keep tbem grinding. Kev. Kilpatrick has got his Scotch up endwise and he is going to see that a 110,000 Methodist church is built in HowII, and his people say amen. - Brighton Jitizen . Gov. Luce has promised to be present it the G. A. R. campiire in Brighton ¦'eb. 22d. Rash promise. He will be in ietroit that day aud night we'll bet a )ig apple. The Observer prints a list of 17 old (?) jachelors, tor the benefit of Saline's leap ear maidens, and glves each one a hearty recommend. "Beware, beware, he's 'ooling thee." Last year Saline's town clerk paid for $22 woodchuck scalps and 205 crow's leads, $205.40 in all. Better instruct vour supervisor to have sparrows inciuded next year. The contract entered into by Miss Maie Stever to teach the Raleighville school vill be carried out by Mrs. Chas. Harris. - Milan Leader. A change of name but ïot of teacher, ehf Two men engaged a thlrd in a game, n an Ypsilanti barber shop and while lis atter.tion was thus enlisted they emptied his pocket of $50. The boom at Yplllantl still continúes. - Adrián Press. The golden wedding of D. W. Palmer md wile of Bridgewater, was celebrated Dec. 25th, by their children, who assem)!ed from long distances to see the old ïoine onceagain, with its aged occupants. Wolverine Lodge, No. 197, I. O. O. F., lave elected the followingoftlcers: N G E. F. McMullen; V. G., Asa Whitehead; Sec, D. Jewell; Treas., II. M. Dexter; Rep. to O. L, C. II. McMullen. -Milan Leader. Rev. J. Venning was presented with Johnson 's Natural II story in two elegantly bound volumes, on .Christuias, by 8ome of the meinbers of the M. E. church of which he is pastor. - Ypsilanti Commercial. An Ann Arbor man tried to show ofT a team of horses in Mar.chester the other lay, for which heiuous offenae the marshal ran him out of town. The Ann Arborite was using the sidewalk for a boulevard.- Adrián Press. The Ypsilantiau calis for the closing of the gainblinu resorts in that cily. That's right. But if Ann Arbor papers speak ibout anything of the kind In our city, a howl is set up all over the state at the great immorality of the place. Xo man is too poor to take hls home paper.- Saline Observer. Oh ! yes, there's lots of tliem who rather give a swindler a note for $200 or $:!00 thuii to pay $1.00 or $1.50 for his local paper and learu better than to do such foolish things. The editor of the Stockbridge Sun is kicking bccause a mili whistle wakes liiin ap at 6 oclock a. m. For goodness sake, liow late do you folks sleep in the ïnoniing out that way ? Tlie Sun should be up bright and early you know. The game laws of the state forbid the killing of wild turkey, woodcock, partridge, wild duck and goose, snipe and quail after the lirst of January. Only $50 for each offense is the penalty. Niiurodsand hunters take warning. The Manchester merchants are on the right lead, and t is to be hoped that they will not weary In well doing. Pourteen of thein liave signed an agreeiuent to close tlieir stores at 7:30 p. m. except Saturdays, up to the lst of April. MarriedatAnn Arbor, on Thursday December 29, Edvvard A. Rundel!, of Edmore, Michigan, and Miss Gertrude T. Hollister, of Green Oak.- Brigbton Citizen. Just how they legally accomplished thut uniler the nw law is something of a query. Rev. Dr. Woodruff, formerly pastor of the Baptist cliurrh in this city, is giviii"some of bis time tbis winter, to lectúring! Tbat he bas most unusual qualifications for tbis field, no one wbo lias heard bis masterly pulpit oratory can doubt.- Ypnlanti Commercial. Rev. W. C. Allen, of East Tawas. formerly of the Webster Congregational churcb, was presented with an elegant silver tea service, and Mis. Allen with a line rattan rocker, last Christmas time. Ihey are evidently apprcciated and loved in tbeir nortbern home. A dellghtful event in Ypsilanti last week, was the celebration by Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Comstock of the 25th auniversary of their manten. A Urge number of relatives incliuling Maj. Wm. C. Stevens and wife, of Ann Arbor gathered with them, and many beautiful presents were giveu. Mrs. Dr. N. Webb, of Pittsfield, died Jan ;jd, of paralysis. She was 73 years of hge, and one of the most respected of Wasbtenaw's pioneers. She wae the mother of Mrs. Dr. Owen and of H. II and J. II. We bb, of Ypsilanti, Mrs. N. Hedner of Augusta, and Un. Case, of Canandaigua, N. Y. Martin Cremer Is the lucky Ypsilanti democrat who takes the postofHce in tbat city. Tbere are several disappointed ones, and among tliem the aenlai f i-hiik Knir-iriln.! .- . -¦ -"vm is no lelling who will come out on top, and it often happen?, tbat the fellow who does come out ahead is the worse for it in tbe end. The New Year caller is a ihing of the past. In all of the cities the decline of tbe custom is noted, and it is equally marked in tbe smaller towns. In Ypsilantl there was very little calling, and we doubt if one-half of the people were in any way remiiided of wbat once was a very prominent feature of New Year's day. - Ypsilantian. L. S. Miles gives the following recipe as a sure remedy ior high taxation wbich exists: "Take out of the poor-houses the 15,000 disabled soldiers and place them on the government, wbich is wholly responsiblefor their disabled condltion, and let the government care for their maimed 6Oldiers, instead of gbirking it on the towns, and not burden tbe towns and county government."- üexter Leader. The annual statement of the Southern Washtenaw Mutual Ins. Co. shows a total membership of 27S; net amount of risks $687,883; total available resources, (cash on hand) $48.60; cash income f!)27.2."; expenses $878.65; losses pald dnrtng the year $67.00. One assessment during the year; rate per cent. 13-100ths; whicb is a wonderful sbowing of one of tbe most fortúnate coinpanies doing business. The Enterprise publisbes a list of 68 people of that village who pay a tax of $50 and over. Those paying $100 and over, are: John Anteliff, "$105.33 ; Good Conklin, $109.13; Geo. Helmendinger, $170.28; Est. Thos. Logan, $116.20; Eit. 8. A. Millard, $171.30; Wm. P. Hehfuss, $112,39; Frank Spafard, $147.37; L. D. Watklns, $100.19; People's Bank, $118.14; J. D. Corey, $181.73; L. S. Ilulbiirt. $101.25; Conrad Lehn, $226.02; Made & öebmid, $135.57. The southeastern G. A. R. assoclatlon have not declded wüea the next encnmpinent will beheld, and as only one place, Devll's ],ake, has made a bid for It, how would H do for Manchester to put In a bid for it? We cnu take care of the people all rlght enough, mul the enonmprnent, wlilcli lusl lim'e diiys, wouid be far better thau u lux il li of July celebration. What do you say, Mai;chester Enterprise. Some way the above does not accord with several very ipltefal message sent froni Adrián to tbe various Detroit papers some weeks since that there was "a big strife between Ann Arbor and Jackson for the encampment with the probabillty tliat Jackson would win." Let's all turn in and help Manchester, what do you say, boys? "Eyes right!" "Front lace!" "AU in favor of going to Manchester with the encampment thU year, sayl:" iii-i-i-i-i-l-MI-I-I-I-I-I ! '"'Uarrled unanimously."


Ann Arbor Courier
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