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A Jlsriow Encapo. Mri. L. S. Pickerell, of Mitidlebury, Iml , liad a very nmow escupo r rom t lie insano assylinn. For years slie was subject lo headache, palpitalion, spina! pain, leepleaaneM and nervutu prostratio For three. ye.i s slie Iim1 cunvultlons, otten as inany as fitty n a nlgtit. Alile pliysielans f.iilt-d to help her. At Uut nfter taking tliat wrmttertííl mnedy, Dr. Miles' Kestoratiye Xrvine tor six weeks slie wa entirely cured. It is a recen! diacovery by "lie of the :reitest of living phyplclxna, and is workinr wondiMs. Trial bottle frce at Eberbach aml Bon'a Drug Stoie. A well-known notiess visiteil a diiili.-t on Woodward-avu. to llave a (orae-wliat painful operatiou pertonned on herteeth. "Will yon have chloioform or etlier?" doütely asked theoperalor. "1 really don't know wlilch" slie said dubiously "Ah," lie remarked sinilingly : "ain.tlier case, J suppose. of'huw li.ippy conld I be with citber weie t'other (liar chaniiei away.' " 'Yes,"sln; replied swcetly ; "tb u's ju t t. üive me ether." Wa-htngtoii Oritic: " What's la a name has been a qaesllon (ufflclentlj unanswered for ceiituries tu slill remullí a subject for (HtOHKlOd, and what ií in it two name should havu a doubled interest. If you don't tliink so take two name s well known as my knovru In Americín history and look at tin ni They are Lincoln and Ilamlin. Notliiní peculiar abutit tbein as they s'and, but set tbem up dilleiently and we whl they are. For iiislance : HAM IJN LIN COLX Reail tip and down and thcD ncross. Tliere's soinetliing in that isn't ibere ? Now uratn: AB1ÍA- HAMLIX- COLN. Can you tind two otber ñames of two otlier men whose official liveá and whoge ñames combine as tlie.e do? Children Starving to Uontli On account of tbeir inability to diyrtt food, will linil a most. inarvellous food and remedy iu Scott's Emulsión ol Poie Cod Livir Oil wiib HypophONliltea Very ]:tlnta)le and easily digested. Dr. S. W. Cohén, of Whoo, Texas, tuya: "I have used your Emulsión in Infanlile WMCtlng with grood íesults. It not only restores wasted tissues, bol gives Itrength and Ulereases the appetite. I ain glail to use sucb a reüable article." COMPOUND EXTBACT The lmportance of purlfylng the blood cannot be overestimatcd, íor without pure blood you cannot enjoy good liealth. At this soason nearly every one needs a good medicine to purify, vitallze, and eurich the blood, and wo ask you to try Hood's PaphI9K tíarsaIarllla. Itstrengthens rCUUlIctl and builds up the gystem, creates an appetite, and toncs tho digestión, while it eradicates disease. The peculiar combination, proportlon, and preparation of the vegetable remedies used giTe to Hood's Sarsaparilla --_ l+eíilf lar curativo powers. No ' O IÏSGIT other medicine has such a record of wonderful cures. If you have made up your mind to buy Hood's Sarsaparllla do not be lnduced to take any other lnstead. It Ís a Peculiar Medicine, and ii worthy your confldence. Hood's Sarsaparllla is old by all druggists. Prepared by C. I. Hood Bt Co., Lowell, Mass. 100 Doses One Dollar


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