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The Local Option Law

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The following is the law passecl hy th last legislature, and nader whlcb th elcction is called: [ No. 197 ] AN ACT to regúlate the manufacture and of malt, brewed ar ferinented 8irituou8 and vinous liquors in the several countles in this State. Section 1, Tlie people of the State of Michigan enact, Tliat the manufacture and sale of malt, brewed or feimeuted spirltuous and vinous llquors in the several countles in thls State, le and the sanie is hereby regulated as follows That upon application by petltlon, signet by not less tlian one-flfth of the voters of any county, as shown by tue last preceding vote on Governor, who are quali fled to vote for county offleers in any county in this State, the county clerk oí 8Uch county shall cali an election to be held at the places of holding elections for State and county oftlcerp, to tnk place within forty days aftur the receipt of such petition by said county elerk, to determine w bellier or not ïiitoxic;itinr liquors, as mentioned in section two of this act, shall b,e nianufactured or sold within the limits of such designated county : Provided, That no elcction held under thls act shall be held in any month in whicli an election for State, county, city, village or township oflieeis is held; and such question havlng been once tob mitted aud declded by the votes of tlie electors shall not be again snbinitted for a perlod of three years, lut shidl, it any time aftcr the expiration of the miuI three year?, upon like jictition, be again submitted. Notice that such a question s to be submitted shall be given by the mint y clerk for the same time aud iii the same manner as is provided by law for givlog notice of special elections lor 3ounty ofticers. The vote shall be by ballot, and the ballots shall be dtposited u ballot-boxes furnished for the purpose, and separate poll-IUts and tally-sheets shall be kept. The county clerk sliall irovide poll-lists, tally-sheets, and a sul üclent number of tickets for such clection, at each pollintr place, at the expense of the connty. All the electors voiing at any such elcctiou that tlie manufacture nul sale of intoxientiug iquors lor HM asa beverage shall be prohibited, sliall iave printed or written, or partly priuted, or partly witten on their hallots the words "Agaiust the manufacture and sale of intoxicating liquors," and all the lectors voting al any such election that such manufacture and sale sliall not be irohibited, shall have printed or written, ir partly printed or partly written, on ;heir ballots the words " For the manufacture and sale of intoxicating liquors." The inspectors of elections, as provided jy law, shall act, and shall have authorily to appoint assistants, if any shall be necessary. Tlie bsMeta sluill be cast aml counted, and the returns of the same shall be made trom each votiug precinct to the clerk of the county in which such ilection h held in the manner presrribed ly law for the eleetion ol county offloera. Tlie clerk of said county shall enter in a book to be provided by him f ir that purjofe a tabular statement of the D amber of voU8 cast for aud againgt such propo8ition in each voting preoloct in said county, as shown by said returns, to{fether witb the afigreiite number of votes cast for and aainst such sale in the elective county. S iid statement so record ed shall be a public record of the eounty, aud shall be p ri ma facie eyidence )f the truth of the mutters thertiu stated. Sec. 2. That f rom and after the lirst Monday in May ntxt afler such special election, it, is Uereby dtclarcd unlawful to maiiufacture, sell, fjive away, or furli.-li malt, brewed, fermented, vinous or utoxicating liqnors of any kind, or iu any quantity, or liquors, any part of whlch is malt, brewed, fermented, vinous or Inloxicating, or to keep for sale, or eep a place where such liquors are manufactured, or kept for sale, given away, or furnished, wl&hin the limits of any county in which a majority of the votes cast at tue electiou next precedlnj;, upon he question of prohibiting the sale of intoxicating liquors, as provided in section one of thia act, have been cast against he manufacture and sale of utoxicting iquors; except when done by a druggist who is or who etnploys a regisU'red .iharmacist strictly in compliaucc with ,be laws for the legulatioii of druirxists. And whoever. within such limirs. hini self, or by any agent, or ottterwiae, thus iii:iiiut'ii:iiircs, sells, fiirnislics or gives uw}' any such liquors, or kecp9 for sale, or keeps a place wheru snch liquors are luniuifai'tHred or kept for siile, piven away or furnished, apon conviction thereof in any court of competent jurisdiction, staall be fined In any sum not lr-s tlian fifty or more thnn five hundred dollars, or be iinprixoncd in the county in il not less thau ten diiys or more tlian sis montlis, or bulh, in tlie üiscretion of the court. Sec. 3. In any county in thls State in whicli the electora of such county, as liereinbefore provided, have votcd to prohibit the manufacture and sale of such liquors by a majority vote, then in such cmüo the provlsions of the general laws of this State for the taxtion and regulation of the business of the sale, manufacture or dealing In such liquors is suspended, or superseded, from and aftr the tirst dy of May next followiug, so far as relates to the territory of such county, and all sales inade by dniirgists in such county shall bo under all the restrictions imposed upon druggists by said general laws of tuis State. Approved June 18, 1887.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News