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Col. Thompson's New Book

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Au important book is about to b brought out by Hon. Kichard V. Thomp 8011, of this stato. It is a hlstory of tli industrial and commercial legislation of tlie goveruinent- or, to spcak more terscly, of tariff legislntiou- frotn tli earlieat days of the" government to tlie present time. The tlnielineu of the work and the eminent qualificitions of the antbor to produce at once a history o interest and of standard authority, wil makc iis publication an important even in current literatura. Whatever Colone Thompson does lie does wellj and in tlils work he basbroueht into action unequaled knowledge and experlence, and trained literary faculties of the highest kind. The book will conslst of fortysix chapters, and it Í9 :i complete and exhnustive compllation of all the fiets of our history upon the tariff, and an exaininatlon of the operations of tlie various tariff laws 8ince the first one of 1796. The volume will show how tlie fathers of the government, the men who made the Constitution and laid the foundations of the nation, adopted the principie of protection to American industry, "for protection's sake." They we re not af raid of the lojrie of their law, and did not try to split hairs and triangúlate the difference between tweedle-dee and tweedle-dum to suit the faneies or whims of theorists and schoolmen. They adopted protection beeause they believed in the right and duly of protection : they did not favor tariff laws for revenue, witli "incidental " protection. Col. Thompson deals fullv what the history of the tariff, quotlng all he Democratie Presidenta from Jefferson ;o Jackson, and showing that the freerade movement was introduced and (athered by tlie Southern slaveholding nullifying oli;archy. The book, how;ver, is not a partlsan one, and will be a mine of infoimation for the free-trader as well as for the believer in a protective ,ariff It Is a volume of abont 000 pages, ind it is to be laaucd by R. S. Peale & Do., of Chicago, who will sell it by sub)cription. They are good publishersand jushinx business men, and they hope to nave the work on the market by the niddle of next nionth. It cannot come too ;arly. The book is the product of the -pest years and judgment of Col. Dbompson't Ion? and bottomble life. It nhs, not written with a view to the presï u t special condition of affairs, but the reclpHfttion of tlie discussion because of 'h'kíiIhiw CievelaiuVs free-trade message nakes its appearance peculiarly tlmely ind valuable. The manuscript has been ;ead and highly indorsed by Hon. John Sherman and President Amniidown, of he Americiui Proteoiive Tariff League.-


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News