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Uiuler the tïtle "A University Tliealre." George Kiddli, widely knovvn foy hia public readiiifrs, will urge in the next naraber of Thé American Migazine a somewliat ítarilinií sugestión: Umi the dramatic art shoulil he tanght at college. Tin' niiipst Protestant churcli edlfloe In America will lie descrtbed in the Fi-bniry American Maiiaine, as well :is whtit niay have boon Ihe earliest steam railway; while Henry V. Austin will dip slill furtlier lotQ (1ir antiqulties by a poem on "Alastodon Suurus." The Wide Awake lor January arrived a ltltle late but. none the less welcome. lts contents are of iimisual interest to the boys of the household this week, for It tells how to make a very {rood srig-saw, and it tells the girls how to fold notes without havlng to use any envelope. Taken all in all t is an excellent issue of an excellent publication. Dr. Buckley, editor of the Chjrllthui Advocate, will have another Important article in his series in the February Century. The Doctor this time writes of "A8trology, Divination, and Colncldences," and shows the connection of these matters with the general argumi-nt he is carrying on in relation to Mind Cure, Spiritualism, etc. Bishop Ilurst contributes an altractive and liuely illustrated article to Harper's Magazine for February on "Hydoradad and Unlconda," t wo ancien t citios of India. Ile had some interesting adventureB there, and saw a good many things and places that the ordinary traveler does not see. The truth about the famous mines of Golconda is thereln contained. The Bishop is said to be writing a book of' travel. Judge Win. D. Kelley, the protectionst leader In the House of Kepresentatives, iaa wrii',en a philn statement of "How jrotection protect8," which is likely to be he protectionist platform for the presientlal canipaign. It will appear in thu i'orum for Februaiy. In the same number Senator Cullom wlll have a paper dvocating the Rovernmental control of lie telugriph. Prof. Joliu Tyndall writes bout "The Sky ;" Dr. Austiu FHnt about 'The Mecliaiiisin of the Sinsjing Voice," nd Darius Lyman about "Iinptdiments o our Domestie Comuierce. ' It is otily witliin a few years comparaively, that Socialiam bas had a lirm hold n the Biitish capital, and for that reasou iiformntion in regard to lts exact condiion ia bard to get. J. II. Rosny'i article n "Socialism in Londoo," in the Februry number of Harper's Magazine, is tierefore an importantcontrlbution tothe iterature of the day. lts contenta will irobably surprise the pessiinistic observer whocoutidently expects to see that great ity presently Imnded over to the mob of dlsconteutedand uneinployed. The forces )f the aocialiats in London, however, are Ijr no means contemptible, and are likely 0 occupy fully the time of Uritish states ïen j list as soon as the Irish questlon is loaed. A delightful feature of the artile consists of the Bketches by Frederick iarnard. " Under tbc Linden Tree,"' a beauüful ong, of the modern classic style, by Meyer-Helmund; auitablc for bariton or ontralto, (30 ets.) ' O Tuou Cruel Sea," n arioso by Delibes, sunjf by profession1 vocalista, (two editlocs, alto and solano, 30 ets. each.) "Summer Longnga,"a song by Nevln, (30 cta.) "A Song of Kebt," by IJutchelder, exclleut or bass volee, (30 cis.); "The MoouSpinner," auotlier of Helinund's cholee lassle songs, (35 ets.); "All SouPs )ay," a song by Lassen, for soprano or enor, (35 ets.); "Tarok l'olka," for piano, by Muller, (30 ets ) ; and "Etude, )p. 14, No. 1," by Kavini, as played by osel' liofinnnn, the wonderful boy lianst, (30 ets.) Any of tliese pieces will be ent to any address on receipt of price by lie publiahers, Oliver Ditsou fc Co., JJ oston, Mass.


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