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The Late Prof. Bengel

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Prof. J. Hengel, whose death occurr recently at Hannibal, JIo., will be remembered by a great many residents of Ann Arbor, wbere be formcrly resided íor a number of years. He left tbis city in 1801 to remore to Ypsilanti, where he bad accepted the cbair of modern lanfruages In the State Normal School, wblch position lic occupied nearly 10 years. Subsequently he went to Europe for the beiielit of bis healtb, and tbat he niight personally oversee the educatlon of bis chlldren, remaining tbero six years. After bis return to this country be resided at Detroit several year9; later he accepted a position in the Illinois Normal, at Carbondale, where he remained several years. llis last years were spent in successfully teaching at Hannibal, Mo. llis death occtirred very unexpectedly; bis daughters receiving the news of his ï 11- Hess but a short time prcvions. The deceased was highly esteemed as a teacher, and many of bis oíd pupila and friends in this city will heartily sympathize with his daughters in their beroavement. ffni, Frank lias been making some extensive changes in his Germania hotel, altering over the internat arrangements, and adding to it In order to accomodate his rapidly increasing custorn. Mr. Frank is a genial landlord and is prospering In the Germania. The city band cleared f 110 by their masquerade last Friday evening. The first prize, a gold headed cane, was won by W alter S. Gabrielski; 2d, silver card receiver, Herman Kim; Sd, silver napkin ring, Lrry Clinton. Lidies, prizes: lst, silver caster. Miss Louise Walz; 2d, a silver pickle caster, Miss Louise Sellkey. There should be a policeman statloued at the postofflee to route out the swarm of young scupegraces who raake it a loungIng place to the inconvenience of every persnn who bas occasion to go into the office, and especially for ladies. The city, or some one, should act at once on this. It is a disgrace to the city. No boy should be allowed to eell papen in the post offlee building, either. A Memorial Service, commemorative of some of the most eminent and honored persons who have died during the past year, will be held in the Unitarian church next Sunday morning, under the auspices of' the Unity Club. The persons commemorated will be Henry Ward Beecher, William G. Eliot, D. D. late Chancellor of Washington Univer#ity, Hon. John B. Finch, Mrs. Dinnh Muloch Craik, Jenny Lind and Dorothea Dix. Short papers will be read, or addresses given on the lives and characters of these persons, and the services they have rendered to tüe world, by members of Unity Club, viz. Philip Whitman, Benjamin P. Bourland, Clement Stickney, Miss Mary E. Thompson, Miss Ida A. Morrish, and Mrs. Sunderland. In the evening Mrs. Sunderland will give the seventh of her course of lectures on the Books of the Bible. On Wednesday evening last there lefl thls city a merry load bound for a sleighride. After some niue miles drive they alighted at tlie residence of a relative of one of the party, Mr. W. Murray's, near Superior. They had started out for a pleasant ''surprise party," and notwithstunding the hour was late, It was no draw-back to them. Dancing and games of various kinds were partlcipated in, and the "we sina' hours" of the morning had arrived ere the participants were ready to .start homeward. Now, it 80 happened, tliat a number of llie party were high Rchool pupils, and we are Informed that the loss of sleep told on them that day, for one of them gat peaccfully Bleep'ng durlng a good sliare of the forenoon; another, was unfoi túnate enough to be called upou to recite whlle enjoying pleasant dreams; while a third, after a pleasant time Fpent in "the lanc of nod'' awoke just at the moment, when it seemed she had said: "Don't talk any more about machlnery, it has made my head ache akeady." Kut tlie Professor kept on with bis lecture just the tauie. One of the pleasing writers for the Youth's Oonipanlon and other papers ol its kind, is a person signlng the name ol A. L. Noble. Happening to mention the fact to our genial townsman, A. L. Noble, tbc other day, he dentad Deins the composer, but told us what seeined a little singular. The author is Miss Annette L. Noble. Her father's name is William Noble, and so was his father's. Miss Noble and her father are residents of Albion, N. T.i where A. Is. fattier and family formerly lived When Mr. Noble or his wife visit their old home they have to be very particular about having their letters addressed to the box, for their mail bas been frequently mixed. Upon one visit Mrs. Noble's trunk was sent to Miss Noble. At another time Mr. Noble's father had a railroad pasi come to li i in deslring his immediate presence in Albany. He took it and went, but what was hls surprise and consternation on arriving at his destination to lind that it was the other Win. Noble who was wanted. But he got the ride all right. And what is still quite singular the two families can not trace out the remotest vestige even of relationship. But Miss. A. I. ia a line writer, and our A L. is a good business man - and by the way, wiites a pretty fair hand. A. L. Noble has dug deep and struck bottom rock in prices. See his "ad." persona on profcssion of faith joined the Presbytcrian churcli laat Suiiday, one of them b prominent business man. Tlie counties of Cass and Eaton will vote on loca! option on the 24tli inst., and Ingham and Allegan on the 3Ut. Lenawee on the 20tb of Feb. Thcre is to be a meeting of the Cocker League nest Monday eveniog, at the M. E. church, for which au excellent program has been arranged. The Cocker League evenings are always attraetive and entertaining. A writcr in one of our city papers last week sneeringly asks "what is $10,000?" [t is twice $j,000, which amount seeuis to bc more than the old fogy element of Aun Arbor can stand for the advancement of the city's Intcrests. Regular meeting, Unity Club, Monday evening, Jan. 28. The first of a series of papers on greut religious paintings will be read by Mrs. E. R. Sunderland, on 'Da Vincis Last Slipper'. A paper will also be given by Mr. F. N. Scott. The editor of the Cocriek acknowledges the receiptol a very neat invitation to the Governor's Levöe and Military Soiree, to be giveu at the Larnard street rink, by the Detroit Liglit Guard, on Thursday evening, Jan. 28th. Tickets $ö; extra 1 ad les, $1 each. O Feb. 6th occurs the second musicale on the program of Unity Club. It will be in charge of Mr. H. (}. Cole, who will read a paper on the French school of composition, to be illustrated by Mr. Joseph Kitchen, Detroit, organist, Miss Jessle Corbitt, Toronto, soprano, assisted by local talent. An electric railroad from Detroit to Mt. Clemens is being talked up by capitalists of that section. A road of that kind from Detroit to Ann Arbor, taking in Ypsilanti on the way, would be a paying investment. Ypsilanti's mineral springs are as good as tliose of Mt. Clemens, and Uien there in the State Normal School and the State University as an extra inducement - to say nothing of our natural gas wells. Judge Cheever gives the third lecture in the Ladies' Course of Lectures at the Congregational church in the Sunday sohool room, Friday evening of this week at 7:30 o'clock, Subject: "Mines of Northern Michigan." There will be special music by a student's quartette, also a reeitation by Mrs. Fisher of an interesting poem of fifty years ago entitle "Columbia." Admission 25 ets.; under Ij years, 10 ets. i'roceeds are for the Missionary Societies of the church. On Friday last, the 13 inst., David W. Noyes, of this city, died of old age, haring reached a trifle over 8G years. Mr. Noyes was one of the highly respected aged citizens of the place. He was an unswerving member of the Methodist church, where he had worshipped for fifty years. The last time he attended church was Thanksgiving time, and he was so feeble then that he had to partially climb up the steps with his hands. His word was as good as a bond, being possessed of the strictest integrity. One son M. J. Noyes, has been one of the foremost citizens of Chelsea for a long time.