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Salt Rheum The agonies of thoso who suffer from severo salt rheura aro indescribable. Tho cleanslng, heallng, purifylng Influences of Hood's Sarsaparllla are unequalled by any other mediciue. " I tako pleasure in recommending Hood's Sarsaparilla, for It lias dono wonders for me. I had salt rheum very severely, aftectlng me over nearly my cntlro body. ünly those who havo sullorod from this disease in its worst íorm can imagine tho extent of my affliction. I tried many medicines, but failed to receivo benefit until I took Hood's Sarsaparilla. Then tho diseaso began to subside, the Agonizing Itch and Pain disappeared, and now I am entirely free from tho disease. My blood seems to be thoroughly purifled, and my general liealth is greatly beneflted." Lyman Allen, Sexton N. E. Church, North Chicago, 111. "My son liad salt rheum on hls hands and the calves of hls lcgs, so bad that they wonM crack open and bleed. He took Hood's Sarsaparilla and is entirely cured." J. 1!. Stanton. Mt. Vernon, Oliio. From 108 to 135 " I was scrlously troubled with salt éieuni for three years, and receiving no benefit froni medical treatment I decided to try Hood's Sarsaparilla. I am now entirely cured of salt rheum; my weight has inercased from 108 lbs. to 133." Mns. Alice Smitii, Stamford, Conn. If you suffer from salt rheuni, or any blood disease, try Hood's Sarsaparilla. It has cured many others, and will cure you. Hood's Sarsaparilla BoldbyaUdruggigts. Jl;sixfor?S. Prepared only by O. I. HOOD L CO., Apothecarlos, Lowell, Mass. IOO Doses One Dollar NOTICE. Toledo, Aun Arbor and North Michigan Kuil w iy Coinpany. Notlee la hereby given, that there wlll be a meetiiiK of Ihe Stockholderg of the Ann Arbor & North Mirliimui Kailway Conipany, at the ('orapany's olüce Ín Toledo, Ohlo, ou Monday, Keb. 7th A. D. 1S88, at 11 a. m. The object of this meeting is to approve or rejeet the agreemeut for consol ldatlon, herelofore made by the Boards ot Director of the Toledo, Aun Arbor 4 North Michigan aud the Toledo, Ann Arbor A Cadillac Kailwtty Company, and for the transaction of xuch other business au may properly come before snld meeting. C. F. COOK, Datad, Toledo, O., Dec. 12, '87. Seoretary.


Ann Arbor Courier
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