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The time to help the pymnasium is just now. "Guilty or nut guilty?" We shouW sny guilty. The Rugby teaui has had its photo laken collectively. A "Ladies' program' at the Alpba Nu Saturday evening. A. L. Noble furuishes the senior medies with silk plugs. Let's all turn in and help the "gym." by giving our "tin." The Phi Kappa Psi aro tlie latest $100 subscribers to the gym. fund. E. L. McAllister, of Detroit, wlll return to college and gradúate with '89. The Sigma Clii's of the law department have moved into a new house, 91 E. Huron st The lit. class of '91 alone will adopt the English cap and gown. Won't they look funny? The new professor, Dr. Gibbe?, is expected to arrive f rom England almostany day how. The glee club report a good house and a line time at Adrián. Succeesful flnancially, also. L. B. Lee, lit, '8-, leaves college this week to accept the prlncipalshlp of the Flint high school. The Homoeopathic hospital is fllled to overfiowing with patiënt?, and the cllnIques are numerous. Prof. M. E. Cooley was chosen first director of the State engineering society at Lansing last week. Prof. Griffln now delivers ten lectures upon "Mining Laws," haring completed "Federal Jurisprudence." The 22d of February law committee have been having hard luck in securitig a speaker lor that occasion. The law studente think Judge Brown resembles somewhat Daniel Webster, and they love him for that. The boat club at Harvard University s an unqualitied success if reports are trne, viz: lt is $800 in debt. Hou. S. B. Chittenden, of Brooklyn, tí. Y., presenta Yale college with a new library building costing $135,000. If a few of the postofflee rushers could accidentally break their necks, perhaps it night be a sad but salutary warning. The senior laws are listeniDg to two ectures each evening this week by Prof. Hammond of the St. Louis law school. The class of '90 lias agreed to give$100 o the gym., and '91 doesn't propose to je counted out and agrees to do the same. Y. Okano and T. Furuga are two new students who arrived from Japan, Monlav, making 2:i Japanese now in the city pursulng studies. Volai'ilk has obtained academie recoglition in Oermany. The University of Munich has arranged lor a course of lectures in the universal lunguage. The Chronlcle favors the formation of a State inter-college base ball league, and thinks that bnse ball ought to be encouraged as a worthy college game. Dr. H. C. Adams will deliver an address entitled " Our National Surplus" before he Political Science Association in room 24, on Frlday, January 27tii, at 8 p. m. According to the Argonaut, the use of he general library is rapidly increasing, 101 books being cal led for in one day reentlv. Thi nvcr;iLrp In (wt v,fti !ïHn and 400 daily. Angón on Contmcts, edited by Prof. J. J. Knowlton, are sold fa9ter tlian the )ooksellers can receive them, and orders are beintr raken alieai!, whicb speaks well for Mr. Knowlton. There wlll be a branch of the Michigan tepublican Club organizcd at tlie University, a cali having been issued for the same. The initiation fee of $5 will be waivcrt in their case. Five special conrees are offered in oraory, and this, in connection with the IIrury advantages of the University, ought o inaka it attnictive to tho9e seeking advancement in that line. Prof. C. E. Qreene read a paper before he Michigan Engineering Society upon he subject: "Higbway Bridge and frauda in tbe Construction of Them." A subject on which rauch can be said. The photoKraphs f ttie Unlvereity Rugby eana aro tobe placedon sale. Wtiitt a rush here'll be. - Kvwnlug News. Now, it will make us sort o' huffy if you think to slight our Dully, so you had letter buy. The 89 sleighride to Whitmore Lake riday nirht resulted In a tip over liy a careless driver, and when thev got there t was go warm and calta that they couldu't sail on the lake with auy pleasure. The UnWersity is ready now to measire earthquake shocks. Bring on your shocks. But won't they have to move ¦ uick, thongh, to "catch on'1 to wluit's roing on in time to take the measureueiit? Alpha Nu wlll have a "Ladies'Profram" next Saturday evenlng. Tliere will be a piano solo by Miss Franc Drosby; a recitation by Miss Blanche iJarney; an essay by MUsCurrie Britten; a vocal solo by'Miss Nellie Johnson; a select reading by Miss Edith Atkins; a joem by Miss E. II. Clark; an instrunental duet by Mlsses Frank and Hattie Jrosby ; and the Alpha Nu Sibyl by Miss flora Potter. An invitatiou is extend to .hose win) wist) to attend. President Angcll's Aunual Report for 1887 Is now being diatributed in pamphet forin, and we wish every teacher of he Stato conld procure one. Dr. Angelí shows by carefully complled statistic, :hat tlie sons and daughters of the rich do not form a large percentage of the students in the Universitv, that the rates for tuition of non-resident pupils are much more tkan those chnrged by neighftoring Staten, and compare favorably with those of Eastern institutions. The ladies In the Uulversity numbered 265 last year, und still uiaintaiued their record lor good scholarship and good liealth. We most heartily endorse the rlosing sentence of the report which reads: "We have the ful lest conüdence that we shall be properly sustained in all wellconsidereu efforts to make the luture career of the University worthy ot' her splendid history, and worthy of the fame iii.i Mii'iliiri'in'i' r iliis trosi)iTous


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