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CREAM aking 3 PERFECT MJPg lts superior excellence proven In mllliomof homes lor more tban aqnarter of a ccutury. It iKusedbrtbeUDltedS ninent. Kndoraed i 'y tlie beeda oí the Cireal Untvenütiei ns tbe st'rongest, Purest, and most Healtliful. Dr. l'ri.T's tbeonly Bixking Powderlhat dors not eontnin Ammonla, l.ime or Aluin. Sold ouly in cftns. PBICE BAKING POWDER CO., NEW Y011K. (Hl. M. o. sr. I.OÜIS. THE CREAT Germán Remedyl Ia TRUTHS FOR THE SICK-n 7Hr"7ïmT"nraïïnT í I.IIO0 will lus j:ii'I III BllloaBSpellsdepend toracasowhereSfL-ll onSULPHUBBlTTEBS PHUB BITTERS v'l!l it will rin-e you. lot aasist or cure. liJJ I Do ywi Buïïbr v.Uli Ithattlredandallgonc Cleansethe ti:itedT fci'üiiL'; if Oj u1 i.ioo'l when you -c('l sri.rnrit BlTTSBB; ta lmpnrlties lunst II It wlll cure yott. ngthrongh the -k'" III not procure sufficlent _li_ __ I II I l,'iTcisi',niiilallwlio (i, [.riii liiiniiíKsl I Illarconniineillnitoors. wlU ,.,„.,, ( i.m III I IshonM USC M -Ll'lH-K . ,,.,-„„. J,,„,.t „. ,H8 I I IJ BITTBB8. '1 hey wil ,'.„m.:lf;cd; UwilU'urc-IU aiiDttlicubcwcakau'l ,,,,, PJ I"T77TT SULPHUB BITTEBSWI SULPHCR T.itth.-s: liraltll? . III it ni'vor t-iiiv. solph ub Bitters lij nlW bc without i II' na yourbloodBS - bottle. Trrit; you imre.ri.-h n.i. "'"'ng.U BwlllDOtregretk :n.l ymirlioli hard, fjl Hl in ilvlicali' 'l'iy Si l.pill l: HIT II lllhcalth, wiio are all niBS to-nlght, amll lllrunilowii.stioiil'lii-i' i'ii will sleep wcllll III i i.i ui i. I. ::-'- ¦'¦ ' ' '' 111 Po vou want the best Medical Work publixhed Bend 8 ï-cent ¦tampa to A. P. uiiuwav & Co, Boston, Mass., and lective a cony.frce. HHlmawS AU Drugeiita, c., 60c, nd l,00. Preparrd only bj Dr. SotU Arnold, Med. Corp., Woomockct, R. I. ARBUCKLES' name on a paokage of COFFEE is a guarautee of excellenceARIOSA COFFEE is kept in all flrst-class stores from the Atlantic to the Pacific. COFFEE is never good when exposed to the air. Always buy this brand in hermetically sealed ONE POUND PACKAGES. Tutt's Pis FOR TORPID LIVER. A torpid livor deranges the wholesys lom, anti produces Sick Keadaclie, Dyspepsia, Costiveness, Rheumatism, Sallow Skin and Piles. There is no bettcr remedy forthewc roinmon Iisoass tlian TiiOh I.lvir 1'illM, au o, triul i ilï prove, lárice, c. Sold Everywhere. Thisis theTop of the Gkxuinu PearlTop Lamp Chimney. Allothers, similai-are imitation. JXThis exact Label Sü Bkv 's on enc eai CÑi Gffií Top Chimney. Tp?' K'fifH Sy A dealer may say vJfÊfiÊguËS&Zf ard think he has CnsS wGr ot'iers as f00-' 552 but he iias N"'Insistupontli2 Exact Lobeland Top. fon Sale Evef.ywhére. Maoi e CEO. A. MACBETH & CO., Pitis&urgh, Pa, THIS PAPER ssr it Ö v. iniO ¦ Hlfcll ltowKLr. & Cos Kewspaper Advcrtising Bureau (10 Spruca Stroct),wliercnclviv. Bipifl fflff# tisingcontnictsniay MhlM VIIKK le mode for it in lila II I UIIIVb I PAINfÜ TT RynInT(OIT IMN OXÏ-COATBüOGTrviTl ¦ I-i:t Iriday, run it to Church Sunday. EiRht },= 'ï C FaUonable SI : 1-Uck, Maroon, Vcrnulion 3? llluo, Vellos. Olive I.akc. Hrtwstcr and Waoii f LÉS Crosns. N i r:.i I ing iK-ccss-iry. Drlr. baH -1lth "kliiuu." U.ic Coat and job is done n'tR 5 YOUR BUGCY ffl ¦. Tip top for Ch.iirs, Lnwn Soats, Sash. Fknrer =a Z ivts, Baby C.irri.ics, I . I urnlture, y UU Fronl 1 toon . Btoro-fronts, S i tts, M5 M,,,, I s, Iror i ewrythlnf. Just = " t:.c thïi ,- Eoc tht i ¦¦:. i to i e abom the hou ¦ L FOR ONE DOLLARS 2C01TSH0NEST J 3 Are you rolng to Palnt thU y.-,irT lf so. don I I „ lfuy .i ¦ .; water or benzine when q fi S forth nearlyso) yon can proture , -3 KUT X Ki'S PLUK I'UVf that ís wi-rnl-it to Í 3 - beun HOSK8T, i.m INB L1X81 KO-OIL PAI.NT S g .ni -i fVee from n I r ai tb ixfne Ur-mind thi í5 _ IjrniKl nrtrl i;,Lo M i.llirr. M r N mts handlfng ' J t are onr Knnta and authori .1 wrltüig, -g-z g to wurranLlt lo War 3 EHH Wlth I COAT or 2 " mg 3 niKI xlili '2 COATS. Uur Slinks are the a L g " I.atcst Stvk', uted in the tast now bccoininjf _"" ¦ UJ n p. pul r ,-. : e v. t. and up with the timet Z ? Lj iry :.i., brand of IIONKSI PAIJTT and you wlll í 5J '' ucver regret U. 'i lus to t!ic wtM i mffirfti r,u g HOUSE PAINT :1 g ceirs floor paikts d Palnt tliat nene drtod bevond the vtirky i'ouil, 21Zl I " Next tima c ui for ''UI A ( ()'n PLOOB PAUI1 _H. X pwilai and suitable .) , i irraatad tu Ir) U m hnrd M i nul ur i.lyht. Na tTOobie No - ;3-uL5W0HTDHYSTlCkifg


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