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Ill UK' pilllMV "' UJ lY!n-ii woBani ulied Mrounil the Horn tOVlMt 8n Fransco BDd l'ompey captured Je ff üavia. he doctor TM a myth. He was culled uto belnji siitce thOM gay old ilnw ' BH he left ly Cicero, Demna Irene, Cleopatra and the MTen-iindilnety others who contribmted to ieud he liïe-blood o( humaniiy conrsing witti enewed vtypï tbrougli men's veins, but iot, nol H8 tlie ola liuvdred ! He lias rnnvn ui.iil in liis sublime, rllulgent. jloriousness lic resembles tlie : sun-flower u coraparUon with tlie dandvlion. Froiii l'is mylhical boing he soon ;teppcd (Hl bonrd theearth at ubout the ¦ni ol 4,000 yeaw 1$. C. in a more distino ive n-cogniz ible farm nD(l opened lus uiniiiM'eroug ,-ayaciiy wliieh dcclaied "all ,he world a Stage and all tlie men and vonten uierely playew," witli the doctor If scène shiitêr and t ige caipeiner. l'.y tl iet altention to business lie ra[idly irrlved il sueli prolioieiiry In liis are that lebecame manager, and it was at thi tage of IiU advaiiceinent t hut lie made lis grand maicli ouward wlth tlie seven league boots. One eventful cvenintr aler liavint' presented H portion of Hopifl [Uad eutltleil, "Life In a Brlckyard to iiot overcrowded liouses tor the past montli, he summoiied bis playera about tiim and, elcv.ued on the ruty enil of a eorn-sUeller faveil froui the siej?e pi U; [ruit to be ieil as h pbuiiugrapli In the preaenUtlon oï '-Dinte's Inferno," overwbeimed tbein with íuóh a unnlntr, Insoniprehenible hwanjiue that tlie pooinctois o-tall elue to llieir simple cateiory of anny aud navy héroes feucli as Julius Cae-ar, Alexander tlie Great. Hoilorablum üeorus Washtngtoiiittl, Generalis Unconditlobaium Surreiideius Qrantum etc, and to lili vacuncies had subelituted fpinal cbroeluátídjjltu, popover soiiieiiiorcintlieiivtrforus, weathersline, BtC Pausing a moment to catch lus broHlli he waii parulyzed by llie sil"iue and awesiruik appearance of bis troupe and imiiieiüalely i'onclilded bis .-peecli Hllll relinil to Eypl or sonie otlier place wheie they nevtr shovel snow i rom wbeie, wlth flld and visaged unen, lie vii wí the ureal dertiuctlon brouglit upon his onee (frand troupe as they wandi-ioer the eartli, trylnjr to recover trom thei: torpor and subdue flcknwi and death until they linally ent throunh the siile-door to ireêt eternal rest. Let us biiefly follow his projtresa aller the retiieiiieiit of his ruauaei-. In the rood oíd times befoie thoe teirible mUViineeis of civili.aiion, llie railroa.l and tlie roa'l c:irt had gaineü 1 Ovsessiou of llie toweis of nien's i-oiitideiiee, the doctor could be seen with his ''grip" at the end of a short stick acroM h3 slioulüer, a la mnde the tramp of our day, making his daily round auluUji the patieuU and reUling naiiow escijies after nightf.ill fiom monstrotw beaw and savae wolverlnei, whicb generally tunad out to be Farmer Binlth'8 foni-jear-old lieifer or Farmer Brown' mpoited bullfoundUnid hound Tliis h.'.s been conectly terined the reign of tenor tor the doctor. Tlun followed the era of Uie ln.i.-i! and gaddle-bag, brU'.ges vashed out, lords swollen, aiul iiivoliintary balha and vc.yagi a ün poftiona of shipwiffked lentes and ralts ol lubuish, with nu electric lijfW to guide the w;iyward maiiner. This was lus period of ill-feeüng. Tiien, uriidualiv, followed the last and modern perted with all ita dvantijte umi eomt'orU. He is no lonyer ohlied to li ai n trom experiencf. Oh, no ! Modern ingeiuiitv has lirewu his path with roses and the allllljfhty silver dollar. With a süght knowledge ot his aneiint manager' longue he enters t he back dooi ol' Ihe model n medical college, passes thioujjhali the different grades of lushing, stealing class canes, smashing plug luits and luingiiig all objections on barb wire felices with all the starch out until, anived at the front end of the building, the janitor collars hiin, makes hiin shell out tuenly-live dollars hard (ash and kicka him out the door tightly grasping in o ie hand a pieceof printed parchinent and In tbeother the r!m of his oncé magnilieent silk tile. Once OUUille he gazet) around In a dazed s-ort of manuur, sia "siceni" (whichis L.itiu for good-bye) and heads, wlth a briyht gleam of hope, tor sonie country town with olie llioutilid inh tbitanls and ten doctors, where he hires an office In the densest settled territorj', inocules a ni;;ht-bell that would be a credit to some clinrch or lirc-ahum tower, and hircs'an assistant, whose duty it is to ring that bell several tunes eacli alght enough to wake up the neiglibors in the next block nud thus have it annouuced that l.e is attending n enortnous aiuount ol' night calU. Tlie confidence of the public gaiued he soon acquires a munilicent practica to the chagriu of his older eo leagues who have graduated fnun the ohkr school. And yet it is said that medical scienco bas made no progress during the last century, but with such advancement as we have seen in the past it uiust surely be coming down to a line point, so line, in fact, that we sliall soon h.ive to use a powerful iuicroscopc to sce It at a!l in its


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News