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Therc are two great forcea at woik il Am...

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Therc are two great forcea at woik il America to-day, says an exchange, wliicl must in time come in collission and one oí" tlie othcr be overthrown. These are tlic luboiing men COmblnfng by the huudrcds of thousaud8 lo better Iheir condi tion on one slde, and the democratie part; witli its free trade policy striving to degrade labor in this country to the condi tion o wliicli it is in othcr countries, on the oiher side. Labor la the principie element in every inannfactured article and it is therefore against this elemen that the democratie cry is raieed when i denounces protection as oppressive taxa tion. It means simply that labor must be furnished in this country as cheaply as i ia abroad or we should 20 abroad to buj our labor. - Charlotte Republican. The trastees declare that the presenee o young womeQ at the college interferes wltl euucation of the young men, and hysterl cal shrleks against Dr. Haydu do not conati tute an answer to this proposltlon. The truth is, except the argument drawn from the necessltles of anev and poor communlty there never has been a valid reason asslgnei for brlngtng the sexes together In one edu catlonal lustltutlon, whlle there are a uum ber of rcaHDii agiUnst the system patent to all Intelligent people.- N. Y. Mali and Ex presa. The above is clipped from an extendec editorial taking slrong grounda agiiius the co-educaüon of the sexes, and claim ing that it never has been nor will be succesjful. The writer should come to Michigan and be nstructed on the subjec upon which he writes. He will find liert the sexes educated together, f ram the district school to the University, and he wil find the system an unqualiticd succpss It is not the result of the necessities of a new and poor conimuuity, but of a thorough and sensible system. The January erop report figures the various items in the cost of producing anc marketing the whe'it erop of 1887, as followa: Per acre for plowing $1.70 fitting for seed after plowing $1.44; fertilizers porchued 10 cents; barnyari manure spread on the liekis 51c. ; seei $1.24; drilliug 30c; harvesting $1.25 8tacking88c; thresliing$1.05; marketing 45.; interest at 7 per cent. $4.69; insurance .059; taxes 33c; repairs 63c. ; making a total cost per acre of f 14.09. The credit side of the ledger ia ligured as follows : Value of straw per acre $1.69; rental value of dwelliug per acre 37.; net cost of gram per acre $12.43; average yield of bushels per acre $14.94; cost of graln per bushei $0.832. At that rate of ligunng the raising of wheat is au exccedingly poor Investnient for the farmers of this couuty. But just how these figures are arriveil at we can not clearly see. Thecounty of'Van Uuren, the next above Washtenaw n the list has the cost per bushei of her wheat placed at $0.583. Why it costs about 30 cents more per bushei to produce wheat in this county titan it does in Van Buren ia .1 little singular. Wouicn can vote out in Wyoming Terrltory, but are not allowed to serve on the jury. That is a shame. The idea that thcir judgment ia not as sound on law points as on sullVage ! And then, too, they should be allowed to hear the testlinony if tliey want to, In an official way. Wyoming will have to stil] further ameiul der laws if she secures the coveted iinmlgration of the gentler sex. The sort who emlgrate are capable of jury service. Ever farmer that bas cows will do well to examine the merlts of the Champion Creamery which raises all of the cream, etween milklngs, and makes a most lOperlor grade of butter. It has a aur'aoe and bottom skimmer, so that every one u-ing it can mit his convenience. Every one should examine the Illustrated ismphU'ts betbre purchaslng others.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News