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A. DeFOREST. Fire Insurance Píate Glass...

A. DeFOREST. Fire Insurance Píate Glass... image
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A. DeFOREST. Fire Insurance Píate Glass Insurance, Steam Boiler INSURANCE ! Lowest Rate.s, Honorable Adjustments and Losses Promptly Faid. REAL ESTÁTE RENTS 8FKCIAL ATTENTION OIVEN TO COIiXiKCTIOH OF UKNTS ASI) MANAOKMKNT OK USA!. ÜSTATE INTKRKSTS FOK NiiN-KK.SI UKNTS. ENTIRK SAT1XÍACTION TO OWMERS GUARANTK1LD' A. DeFORKST. $5,000 REWARD -s Will be freely given foi a a better reniedy for HefldM 9hW ache, Nervousneas, Sleep JÊÊ BJEJUfc, lessness&c.than Dr. Miles1 B ¦¦¦k. Kentorative trvlne, a '-YVW Brain and Nerve food. BmScr Contaius no Opium or Mor phine. Sold by Druggists. Sample Bottles Free WOR Jams, Confections and Preserves Síanufactureó" by the Anu Arbor Preserving Co., go to -BBOWIT Se CADT, J&1 Solé Agents for Aun Arbor, or to (he factory Plttstteld road, South. CET THE BEST FIRE INSURANCE I $29,000,000. Securlty held for the protection of the pollcy holders. CHRISTIAN MACK Retrjsents the followlng flrst-claes companles, of wlmh one. tbe .Etna, has alone paid $5U,000,000 ttrc loeeeB i n sixty-ttve years : Etna, of Hartford $ 9,192,644 Franklin ot riiiladelphiü 3,118,713 ! Germania, N. Y 2,700,729 I Germán American, N. Y 4,06íi,9(i8 London Assurance, Lonilon.. . 1,416,788 Michigan P. & M., Detroit. . . 287,608 N. Y. Underwriters, N. Y 2,590,079 National, Hartford 1,774,505 Phoenix, Brooklyn 3,759,030 Losses liberally adjusted and promptly paid. Policies issued at the lowest rates ol premium. llHltf ANK ARBOR SMALL FRUIT NÜRSERY. All kinds of Berry Plaats. Fruit aud Ornamenlul trees f rom ELLWANGER & BARRY, Rochester, N. Y, Orders sliould be seut at once. WIWES & STETJPS. Sweet and Sour home-made Wlne for Invallds, Bonesett Schrub, Ruspberry Syrups, Dried Pears, Raspberry wlne. n.MIOI Til ROCK EGU8. E. BAUR, WEST HURÓN STREET. I Glasgow via Londonderry, Liverpool via Queenstown. Are Ntrlctly FIrst-Claii, and Bmnns I the largest, fastest and tlnel in thp trorM ' 6aloon. MOOOd c]us niui Rteoratíc Puanenirer Accommoflutloii CnexoelItMl. Kvcry reiranl for the comfort mid OOnvenleiMM Oí pu BuriKtTt studlously conaldered uud practlcc' Steamers uvery Saturday for Olnsgow. llty oí H( in sailu fot Llverpiioi October 12. la Ihe Inrgest and Ilnei-t passenger steainur aflaat. Kates of passage for all elassee a low as by aay ottaer flrst-clas" Une. Saloon eirarsíon tickets at redoced rates. Drafts lor any amount at lowest current ratus. Kor book of tonrs, tickets, or fnriher inf rmation, aiiply to MI.MtKHSOV ItKOTlIKKN, ll. caico, or C. "W. MELLOE, ANN ARBOR, ¦ MICH. D El'ÜIiT OF THE COND1TION - OF TUE- MICHIGAN FURNITURE Cfl., OF ANN' ARBOK, MICHIGAN', OlsT J.iNr"O--A.E,"X" 1, 1888. '1.1,1 as Kequlred by Luw. KESOUKCES. Merchandl8e, Luraber, flnlshed and unllnislii'il work on hand as per lnventory $23 118 9o Real Estáte. 12 000 Ou Machlnery and Tool. _ 3,500 00 Kook Accounts 1 1,1111 :il l'ash on hand 4,21_' 86 Í5ti.!IQ-J 00 I.IABILITIKS. Papltal stock $10,000 00 Surplus Futid 11,53!) 88 Dividend, No. 9 S,HM 00 [lilis payable a,i( 27 ?50.902 B0 We do hereby swonr tlmt the above Ís a correct statement of the condltlou of thls oom ?any. Wm. D. Habbim vn, L. Okinkk. ('HAS. K. lIl.SCOl K, Director. Silbsciibed añil sworn to before me thls Tin lay of January, IH88. A. v. Hamiltos, Notary Public. At the last regular meotlnc of the Directora )f thisuompany mi annual dividend of eicht er cent, was declared, payable to slockholdrsof record, 011 and after Moiiday,Januury 9. , at the oftlce of lúe Aun Albor Saviugs lauk. CHARI.KS E. HISCOCK, Secretary.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News