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Hood's Sarsaparilla Is a peculiar medicine, and Is carefully preparcd by competent pharmacists. The combination and proportion of Sarsaparllla, Dandelion, Mandrake, Yellow Doek, and other remedial agents la exclusively peculiar to Hood's Sarsaparilla, giving it strength and curatlve power superior to other preparations. A trial will convince you ol its great medicinal valué. Hood's Sarsaparilla Puriflcs the Blood creates and skarpens the appetite, stimulatrs the digestión, and gives strength to every organ ol the body. It cures the most severe cases of Scrof ula, Salt Ulieuin, Boils, Pimples, and all other affections caused by impura blood, Dyspepsia, Biliousness, Ueadache, Kldney and Liver Complaints, Catarrh, Itheuniatism, and that extreme tircd feeling. " Hood'8 Sarsaparilla has helped me more tor catarrh and Impuro blood than anythlng else I ever used." A. ISall, Syracuse, N. Y. Creates an Appetite " I used Hood's Sarsaparilla to cleanse my blood and tone up my system. It gave me a good appetite and secmed to build me over." E. M. Hale, Lima, Ohio. " I took Hood's Sarsaparilla for cancerous humor, and It bogan to act unlike anythlng else. It cured the humor, and seemcd to tone up the whole body and glve mo new llfe." J. F. NrxoN, Cambrldgcport, Mass. Send for book giving statements of cures. Hood's Sarsaparilla SoldbyalldrnggUU. Jl;ixforji. Prcparedonly by C. I. UOOD 4 CO. , Apoüiccarios, I.owell, Mus. OO Doses One Dollar NOTICE. Toledo, Aun Arbor and Korth Michigan Rallway Companr. Notlce Is hereby glven, that Hiere wlll be a meeting of the Stockholders of the Ann Ar. bor Ñortb Michigan Railway Company, at the Oornpany's office in Toledo, Ohlo, ou Monday, Feb. Ï7th, A. d. 1888, at II a. ra. The object of thls meeting is to approve or reject tbeaijreemont for consolldatlon, heretoiore made by tho Boards ot Directora of the Toledo, Anu Arbor A North Michigan and ttie Toledo, Ann Arbor Cadillao Rallwny Cotnpauy, and for tlie transactlun of such other business as may properly come before sald meeting. C. F. COOK, Dated, Toledo, O., Dec. 12, '87. Secrelary. NOTICE OF INCOBPORATIOS. Thelncorporatoirsof the Ann Arbor Mutual Flre Insurance Company horeby give notlce that It la thelr lntentlon to form a Company for i lic transRCtloD of the business of Mutual Insurance of the property of lts members agnlnst loss by Ure or daraage by lightulng. to embrace dweiling housen, barns accompanyliiK outbulldlngs and tholr contenta. Uve stock, wagons, carrlages, haruess, hou gehold goods, wearing apparel, provisión, musical Instruments and librarles that constltute detached rlsks in villagra and cilloa- or on farinH. All penion havlng detached dwelllngs whlch thoy wlHh to lnsure and are deslrous of HsMlstlntt in the formatlon of the above Comny wlll piense cali at the office of Jno. J. hlson, NO. 10 Kast Hnron Street, where the artlcles of lncorporatlon eau be examlucd.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News