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Dr. Eddy And Dr. Dana

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The Detroit Rvenlng News of l:ist Frlday eontains the f.dlowing in reference to these two gentlemen, that may Interest our readers : Wlicn liev. Dr. Danu, Minneota'a most noted minister, ceased preaching at the Jefferson avenue Presbyterian rliurcli last Sunday thé confrrefftflon took imnie (Ha te step to secure liim f"r tlu'lr pastor. A cominillo' was Rppolnted wilh Hon. Jumes McMillan cliuirman, and intervlewed Dr. Darra. The resutt of that interview is not known, hy Dr. Dana returncil to St. Paul on Tucsday and it cannot he tlcfltiitely stated whtlir the (lector will accept the fiattering otfeis made liim or not. To-day The News reCfived u dispulcli fnmi St. Paul ftatiii;: that Dr. Dana Lad receivtd a cali from a clniich in Detroit. It ulso stirted that the doctor was a ineniber of the date board of cliarities of Minnesota, and that he was known all over the country for bil ' lfnrts Ín the refonuatloii of crimináis and piison nianaüement. While In the city Dr. Danu was the guest of the Hev. Dr. Eddy, forinerly pastor of the Kort streel ConjtrejiHtional church. Dr. E'ldy was found at his resldenc", 59 Ledynrd Street. He sald : " Wliat is said of Dr. Dana in the dipatch Is true. Dr. Dana his thouglit of changiiifr his (ield of l.ibor in Miimurota. His outside work there Is a tremendous weight upon uim; lic hs rown restlcss and uui-asy and ne wants to jïet away from it. Wtiile Dr. Dana was t my residence a committee from the Ann Arb r Presbyterian church watted on liim and did all in their power to exact a promise from him to except a cali to Aun Arbor. Of the two places Dr. I);ina would prefcr Ann Arbor for it9edncational alvnntHres as lie bas three childrcn. 1 recerved a very nlce letter from the doctor rlits morning." Dr. Eddy eoi tinucd, "and in it he Mates that he is unceitain whether be will leave Minnesota or n'rt. Ifou can gay s com'nifr from me, that Dr. Dana made a mtíst happy impresslon on the peopre in Detroit. He is an InU-resting preachcr, an able pulpit orator and entirely free from manuscript. In for mer years he prosided over the BroadWKy "edifice at Norwich, Conn., and he was a personal friend of the late Gov. Buckingham. He also has s-pecial intiniHcy with Bishop freland of the Uomm Catholic chureh of Minnesota. Dr. Dana hs received calis trom Boston, Brooklyn, New York city, hut he is undecided U to wliat he will do." Dr. Eddy isenjoyingthe best of In-alt h. Next Sunday he preaches his last sermón at the Ann Arbor Prefbytenan church, which pulpit he has filled several weeks, and on Tuesday he will leave for Lake Ht'leu, Volusia Co., Florida. He hopea to be in attendance at the Suuthern Chautauqua assembly and will remain south several years. The chuich at Ann Arbor has presented Dr. Eddy a beaiitiful l:iii(leciipe etching.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News