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IFvT Michigan " ¦ xÈ '% Central 5tr.r ( lITIlfl Jflty 'O"I Jp Tune tibie takiag effiect No, 2inh, ls7 . Vntrnl Nlnntlnrd Time. CBICAOO TO DETBOIT. IvS?!hüíJí! U.K. A.. P.M. P. M. P.M. p. M Chicago.. I.v. , (i Si) (' 810 440 8 15 i) ín KalMmazoo...12 17 I 5 6 S8 W50 123f 2 27 (S 4,', Hstlle CreekJ 1 12' 2 27 7 33 1 125 3 IX, 73) Jaokson 816 4 21) 8 4U 8 ÍS 4 5(1 t'll OrassLake.... 3 as 51í!9t ('helsea 35 585 Dexler 4 11' 5 SO Dolhl Mills... 42-2 . 'id 1; Aun Arbor.... ü 15 4 35 B 08 10 s; Ypsllanti 4 5() 5 1") 958 452 6 24 10 VVayne.Junc. 618 605 &16 (147 11 19 Detrot'....Ar. 6 Oí) K4rlO45 ! 600 78011,u St.Thomas 111(1 2 05 (150 8fO... Falla View 117 r,M;....' N. Fxlls 221 459 122 85... Buffilo I I 4 35! 7 ir 340 (J5 HETROIT TO CHICAGO. i li é si ié áUi 1 h wc -f MJ ¦' TATIOn. fl I ff! St ¦ a _ j?_ w L a A.M. r M. A.M. A. M A.. .. Hi'flali. 1130 55 (i 05 900 100...' N. Fallp I14S 43 215... St.Thomas 45l000... 110 560.... A.M A. M. V %. P M. P.M. P.M .. Detroit.. ..I.v. 7 00 9 10 1 30 4 00 8 00 10 15 . ' WayneJunc. 7 41 95.) 2 03 4 45 8 371065.." Ypsilauti 8 03 10 12 220 512 858 1118..' AnnArhnr... 8 ÍK 10 30 2 82 530 ÍMU86...! li.'llii Mills .. 828.... 542 " Dexti-r SS7 550 932 " Chalan 852 605 952 GiaaaLake... 16 627 1015 " Jaekaon 'MS 1 1 X, 883 7 10 10 52 183 . Battle Creek.. 11 20 112 4 40 S52 12 12 223 Kalamazoo. ..12 17 1 501 5 15 (45 1 Í0I S (T ui Chican.. .Ar. 540 (IJOl'JSO 7 Oo 745 1020 O. W. HU(,GLB8, H. W. HAYBS. (J. P. & T. Airent At;t.. Ann Albor. Chicago. To pelo, A mu Arbor & Xortli Michigan Kiülwaj. TIME SCHEDILE. ToUike effect :it 1l' o'clock, noon, on Sundy, October 9tli, 1837. Train? ron by Standard Time. QOINQ NOKTH. - - i a sí?,?? n STATIONS. L058 ó L V gg I. H. P. H. P. .A. m. Tolel" Lv 5 15 3 15 6 25 5 50 ManhalUo Janctlon 5 20 3 20 6 40 6 10 Alexii " 27 3 2S 6 55 6 35 UMltii 5 45 3 43 7 23 7 30 Monrnc JnatUon Otó 405 7 M MÍO üucilce 0 10 4 12 8 05 8 30 Azaliu 25 4 ÍS 8 20 9 00 Milán 86 4 35 8 3.5 9 30 Urania li 50 4 4r: 8 55 10 1)0 PllÖüeld 7 00 4 i H 05 10 20 Aun Arbor 7 ÍS o 10 fe H 11 M !í!au ' T88580 9 50 155 Whitmmr I.:ik 7 -ll .1 45 8o.l2 2 13 tluwcll 81 6 28 (1 30 5 00 Durai.d 30 7 20 9 3Op.m. t'orunna 9 .'5 7 4( 10 35 Uwoaco 10 01 7 55 1100 l)u'(.asu Jlinct'iill K' 06 8 10(11 Oj .. Illia a 11 1(J 9 15 2 4 Sr. Louis 11 35 ! 9 33 3 86 Urna 11 42 9 41 3 55 Mi. P.uasunl Ar 12 30 10 30 ti 0o p. M. P. K.P. M (i O IJO SOUTH. STATIONS. Mj5 i. S=ij = L I A. M. V. M. P . Ut-Pleasanl I.v 8 40 o ;iu 1 30 Alma 10 15 7 20 2 20...' 81. l.ouis II 85 7 LT 2 2ti .. Ithsca 12 -, 7 M 2 46 . Uwoaao Janrtion ..4 00 8 51 402 üwoaao 4 OS 9'0 408.!!. ('orunna 4 25 906 4 15 .. Duranil 5 16 9 30 4 36 m Howell 7 40 10 20 5 33 5(11 Whitniüre Lak-.' Kxn. 11 00 li i( u 5u I-L'land K 3D 11 14 liso 7 ; AunArbor I 7 ÍS II ni (i II w 'i't-IK'la i 7 26 11 41 71)011 SU L'iania ; 7 33 11 50 7 10 U H Milán 7(5 12 01 7 20 12 21 Az:iMa 7 66 12 14 7 30 12 4C "uMk-e 8 03 12 24 7 40 110 Juncti.ii 8 10 vi 81 7 51 I :J0 amaría . 2", 12 m 8 10 2 10 Alexia 8 45 1 oo s 30 245 Ji .11 "tiun 8 51) 105:8 37 9 0 Toledo Ar 9 00 1 10 8 44 S 15 a . - . P. M.p. . p. M. .South Lyon Braneli. NOHTII BOUND. STATIONS, sol TH BOUNP. Train (! Train I P. ¦ r. m. 9 60 Lv. I.elands Ar. B 30 10 00 Ar. Wordens Ar. 8 20 10 20 Ar South Lyon Lv. 6 00 Utinnectlonf : At Toledo, wlth rallroads dlrenrrng :it Manhattan Junrtion, with Wbbcling A Lake Erie K. K.; at Alexis Juncliun, wi'h Si. C K. K., L. S. & M. S. Ry. and F. A P. M K. R.; at Muiiroe Janction, wltB L. S. & M. S. Ky.; al üunJee, with L. S. .t M. S. Ky., M.tO. Ky.; ni MOl 11 Junctixn. with Wabasb, St. Loóla Pai'ific Ky ; kt Plttefleld, wllb L.s. at M. S. Ry, at Aun Arlor with Michigan Central K. K., and at South Ljon with Detroit, Laneiiig & Northern K. K., iind Mich. A. L. I)iv. of Orand l'ronk Ry. At Hmblir wilb M. A. Liue División (rand Tiuuk R'y. At Howell with Detroit, L'inoing A Northern H'jr. t Durand with (_'h cgo & Gnuid 'IVunk K'y ana Detroit, Grand Haven & Milwmikee K'y. At Uwos90 Jnnction with Detroit, lrand Haven fe Mltwaukee K'y and Michiirun Central R. K. Ai St. Loal with Detroit, Lursi 1; A Northern K. K. and Sngl na Valley & St, Louis h'y. At Alma vtth Detro't, Lansiti!.' A Northern U'y. At Mt. 1'lrasunt ilh Flint & I'ere Marquette Ry. H. W. ASHLBY, General Mansar. W. H. BENNETT, A. J. PA1S1EY. Oen'l. Harn. Jfc Ticket Aeent. Local Ateot. Esta1e of Davidnívriíojes. OTATE OFMICUIGAN. County oí Washtenaw, Os9. At a session of the Probate Conrt for the Connty ol Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Office, in the city of Ann Arbor, on Saturday, Ihe twentyelsíhth day oí Jauuary. in the year one IhouMnd eight hundred and eighty-eight. Present, Wiliiatn D. Harriman, Jtidire of hrobate. 1 11 the matter of the estáte of David W. Noyes, deceased. Onreadinand flllng the petltlon, duly verllled, of Michael J. Noyes prayine that a certaio Instrument now on file in this court purporting tobetbe last wlll and testament and codicil theteto of sald deceased, mny be admitted (o probate, and that he and Caone T. llodg, man may be appointcd exec ;tore thereof. Therenpon lt is ordered, that Monday. the twentyseventh day of February next, at ten o'clockinlbe assi?ned for the hearing of sald petltion, and that the devlsees, légateos, and belrs at law of said deceased and all other persons interested in said estáte, are required to appear at a session of said court, then te be holden at the Probate Office, in the city of Ann Arbor, in aio county and show cause, lf any there be, why the prayer of tho petit toner shonld uot be Kranted. ado lt is further ordered, that said pctitloner (?lve notlce to the pursons interested in eaid estáte, of the pendeucy of said petition. and the bearlne thereol', by cmalng a copy of thli order to be published in the Ann Arbor 6'ounVr, a newspaper printed and cirrulatins in said couuty. three aucceesive weeks previoni to said day of hearing. WILLJAM D. HARRIMAN. (A true copy.) Jnde of Probate. W.M. U. UuTY. Probate Reglater. 1286-1289. Chaucery Sale. In rursnance and by vlrtue of a decree of lae Circuit Coun fi r the County of Washtenaw, state of Mlchigin, in Chancery, made and entered on the flrth day of December, A. D. 1887, In J certain caus ¦ therein pending, wberein Henry K. Watson is complainant and Snsan K. Kldder. Amos Y. Kldder, Ida C. Kidder and Cyrine Kidder aredefendants. Notice is hereby piven, that on Saturday the third day of March, A. D. 1888 at ten o'clock in the forenoon oí said day, I shall sel! at pnblic auction. or vendne, to the hhhest bidder, at the east maln entrance to the Court House, in the city of Adii Arbor, in said eounty. that being the buildlr!.' In which ihe Citcuit Conttof said cuunty is held, all those certain plcces. or pártela of land siiuated In the townsnip of Saline, H ashtenawCouuty, MI'i.iL'in. and described as followi, towit: The east half or the northeasi quartcr ol section twenty eiüht (28) and the wea; half of the northw ft qnarter oí s-ftion twentvseven 127) exceptinu' a picce of land deeded by Wtlliam Mdder aud wile to Henry Peterson, deceased, as fjllos, towit: Bei;inninKatapointtenty-twuro e wvsl of 'he center of the Tecumsth and Saline road where aid road interneet t e north line of the northwest quarleiof eaid eeclion twenty-even(i; tbeuce eust aloif; sid nortb liue to the center of iheTecumach aml Saline road, twenty-two rod; thenre Mintli aloni; the center of said road Aïieeii (I5)rod"; thence'uorth to the place of beiinning, containii e one huudred and tlfty-nino and ouhalf aerea more or less, all in townehip foorsonth ol raii"f tive east. Cciuniy of Washtenaw and State of Michigan, exceptii g fri 111 said above daaoribad parcel of land. the follbwlrg piece or pan-el of latid, vi.. : (' uimeiiciiic at the uorthwi-at cort.orof the east half 01 the northeait quarter of section twenty-e ¦.-ht (28) towoship four eouth of raDjieflveeast, running south on line belwetn east and wi-st huif of said marter section, 20 chains and TS links ; thence sor.ih 43 drsreea ana 30 min¦tea i-it.."i chains and '.H5 links to the center ot ihe Teinmseh road. thence north 47 degreea and 30 minutes ea-t, alore the center of said rod, . chain and 40 link-.; tbence north 17 degrees weet, .1 chains, mul 71 links to section line In the center of the htfihwiy, thence west on said eection llmIn the center of the bitfhway 2fi chams and U link lo the place Of begiontns. coutaluirg 4. and 40 one-hundredihs acres of land. PATK1UK M. -KERNAN. Circuit Court Comnilssloner, Washtenaw Couuty, Michigan. JOJIN F. LAWRKNCB, Soliftor for Complainant, Ann Arbok, January 16tb, lfS8.


Ann Arbor Courier
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