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Onr Liltlc Men and Wtaea, 1NS. The nim of this magnzlne Is ti Interest clillclren jiiHt at the time they begin to remi for themselves and leiul lliein aloug for a year or two ith piet urcs aud storles and pleasaut i tasks so pleasant as to matte them forget the lask part altogether. The fnllowiug outllce lncludes the larger topics of the year : Pocahonta lenen es a llttle early American hlstory through the year. A l'rench story, Susauha's Auctlou, full of amusement. A story a month entitled Laura 'R Holidays suggesis toi.tlier littleeirls what they can do on holldays. A story a month on Tlny Folks In Armor; which meaus beetles A flower pem In every number. Butfy'sisix) Letters lo hls Mistress. Duffy Is acoon-cat. Slx Mexlcan stories on Llttle People of the P uz; also aboutsome M ex i can animáis. Besldes there are many, too inai.y to teil of, storles short and brigbtand uncxpecied. Withallthis entertainment of i lcture and humor there isa serious purpose all ilnonh implled in the Dame. Our LI tle Men and Wumtn. It ïstoteachand lead tlie chlldren to take readlng for proflt ; but pleasurecomes n rsi as it oiifiht. A dollar a year. Five cents fora sample copy. D. LOTHROPCUMPANY.Pulillishers, B ston. Baby land, 188S. 'n general It will be ahout the same as in '87. Nothing in Bahyland ever pleased more peoplethan Fineer-play rhymen and pictures. I They have even been smtght by Kinderitartners here n Boston and elsewhere; and the author has personally taught them Slx of the '88 Babylands will continu uew Flugerplays. The other six will have a serles of baby storles In rhynie about Crickets, how they maaage thelr bables, with inany pictures. Me and Toddlektn Is a baby-cat story nll tin .ni-ii the year by Margaret Johnson, wlth pictures also by Ifnrgaret Johnson. There will also be a lot of jingle bits and story bits and picture bits, so many as to make you wonder where the next year'a cntirtalnment is to come from. Firty ceutsayear; a copy Bent for 5 cents. V. LOTIIROP COMPANY, Publlsliers, Boston ïiotlce to Cretlltors, STATE OF MICHIGAN, Couuty or Washlenaw, ss. Notice is hereby glvcn, that by au order of the Prohnte Court for the Count} f Waubtenaw made on the tweniy-M-veiithdayul 'December, A. L). 1887. Bix months from that date werc allowed forcruditors to preunl their chtims aüinst the estáte of Charles Almendinuer, Inteofeaidcounty, deceaaed, and thut all creditore of sald deceased are requtred to present their claims to said Probate Conrt, at the Probateütllcc, in the city of Ann Arbor, for examlnation ant allowance, on or bel'ore theíTlh day of June next, and that such claims will be hcard hefore eald court, oa Tnesday, the S7ih day ol Maren, a:id ou Wednesday, the 27th day ol June next, Hl ten o'clock lu the forenoon ol each ui said il:iy-. Dated, Ann Arlior, December 27th, A. D. 1887. WI1.LIAM U. HAUKIMAN, 1384-' JudL-e ol Prohate. Notice to Creditors. STATKOF MICHIGAN, County ol Wublenmw ¦I. Nottce is hereby alvon, 'hit hv on order or thu Prolwte Court lur tlu' Ooantj of Warhtenaw, madu on the sixth day of February A. D. 1888, -i mouths Irom tluit diitc were allowcil for creditors to present their claims aijainst the estáte or Fin mud Manu, Inte of said cimitj, deceased, and that all creditors of caiil decased ure rcitiircd topresoBt thilr claims to said Probate Court, at the Probat Oftlce in the city ot Ann Aibor. for cxamiimtion and allowauce, on or before the ti:h day ol August iiext, mul that Bocb cl'iims will be hoard biore iiiil i'iuirt, on Mouday tlie scventh day or May miei uu Miiikihv the slxth day ol August next, at I" o'clock in the forenoon of each ol said days. Dated, Aun Arhor, February 6th, A. D. 18SS. WII.I.1AM 1). I1AKK1MAN, 1383-92 Judge of l'robate


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News