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The bill for a commission on the subject of the iquor trafile ni placed on the calendar of the Senate on tho 13th. A bill was introUuced to Ilioioatt tho pensions of those who have lost a limb or two hmbs or botli oyes. A resolution was offertn! to MMTtAln "hether Congress had power to cnaet laws to prohibit within Uta Stttesthe adulteratlon of rood In tho Houso bilU wcro Introdtiood MItherMag tho election of a delégate from the Indiaa Territory to the Congress; permitting farmers and producer of tobáceo to solí leaf tobáceo in any quantity to any person, without rostriotlon; to prohibit llctitlous und gambling transactions In anieles produced hy the American farming industry; proposing a constitutional amendment ltmitinïr the membership of the Houso to 250; lo prolillitt tho eoinaeo of threedollar gold pieces; for the establishment of a postal-teiegraph system. A blll was passed prohlbiting Hny person in Washington or Georgetown from roaking books or pools on the rcsult of uny races or of any game of basebalL ; Bilt-s werc Introduccd on the Hth In tho Senate to compénsate female nurse9 for services during the war, and to amend tho law relatlnff to the tax on manufactured tin. The blll to próvido for tho coinpulsory oducation of Indian ehlldren wasdiscussed, and the resolution for an inqulry lnto the causes of inefficiënt mail service was consirtered In the HotlM bilis were reporteil favorably from committees provlding for the establishment of a bureau of hcalth ín tho Interior Department; to protect mchantes and others in thelr wagei and to prevent the employmcnt of enlisted men in competition wlth civilians; for the relief of tmporters of animáis for brerdins purpnses, and to amend the constitution so a to change tho Inaugural day of the President from Maren 4 to April 30. A defleiency approprlation of fmxoOO for the support of United Stati-s jnisoners during the fiscal year tu Mkod for. A mix ni introduccd in th Senate on the Ijth to rciuihiin' States for Interest paid on moii' in rtiaing troops for the war of the rcbellion. The Houso bill for the appointment of e - on superintendents of rallway mail service was passed. After further debate the Blair Kducatlonal bill was passed by a vote of -'iO to iiH. ...In tho House a bill was passed constltuting Nebraska an entire judicial district, to be known as the district f Nebraska. Bills wero reported to prevent the lntroduction of contaglous and infectious diseases into the United States and to establish a bureau of public hcalth, and for the payment of $100 to soldiers who enlisted undor the act of July Si, 1861, and who were dlscharged by reason of surgeons' certiflcates of disablllty or by promotion before the expiration of two ycars, and who havo not received 1100 bounty. On the lOth bilis were introduced In the Senate to brevet army offleers on tho active and retired list, and to authorize the weuringof the badges of tho Grand Army of the Republlc. The resolution directlng an Inqulry as to the causes of incfllcient mail service was agreed to, and one hundred and eight private pension bilis were passed. The nominatlon of Charles S. Cary, of New York, to be Solicitor of the Treasury, was received. Adjourned to the auth... In the House a blll was introduced to Bmend the Inter-State Ccmmerce law by provldlng that it shall not apply to the handling of property free or at reduced rates for charitablc purposes, or to and from fairs, or the lssuance of mtleage, excursión or commutation tickets, or giving reduced rates to ministers of the gospel. Tho Urgent Defleiency blll was discussed. THEBKwas no sesslon of the Senate on the 17th....In the House the Urgent-Deflciency bill was passed and the Blalr Educational bill was reporte!. The bill to pay Donald McKay & Son 150,000 for losses In construct ing mnnitors during the war was passed. The bill to exemnt mineral lands from the operation of the AMen law was approvcd by the C'ommlttee on Mines, and the post-ofïlce sub-committee made an unfavorable report on tho bill to exclude from the mails papers containtng lottcry advertí ¦ementa. Adjoornad to tbe 30th. DOMESTIC. In Michigan on the 1-1 tb, Tuscola. Osceola and Charlevoix countlcs voted tor local opti'on, the majorities being 1,500, 1,000 and 800 respectively. A dekrick feil npon a street car in Brooklyn, N. Y.t on the 14th. killing four men and wounding nine others, four of them fatally. At Altoona, Pa., on the 14th Chester Evey, aged forty yeara, shot and killed hls danjrhter, seveuteen years old, and then killed himsolf. Whisky was the cause. It was reported on tho 14th that the Rock Island road would bulld twelve hundred miles of new road, extending the system to Denver and the Gulf of Mexico. Alonzo Uolly (colorcd), lmprisoned at Pinckneyville, 111. , on a charge of assaulting a white woman, was taken from jail on the 1-1 tli by six men and hanged to a tree. The 8tate convention of the Ancient Order of United Workmen met at St. Louis on tho 1-ith. The reporta showed that tho organizalion had twenty thouRnnrl mouabx in Missouri Two men were killed and three others were fatally injured on the 14th by the f all of a trestle on the railroad at Tornt Pleasant, W. V i. Two HUNDUED mannfacturers of woolen froods met in New York on the 14th and perfected on organization to be known as "The Woolen-üoods Association." Whii.e being examined for a one-thouBand-dollar lifo Insurance policy in a New York oftice on the 14ih Charles K. Thickstein feil to the floor and expired in five minutes. On the 14thtwopas explosions ocenrred at the colliery, at Port Bowkley, Pa, fatally burninp; five men. Eeports of the 14th from points along the Chesapeake Bay told of great euffering of sailors of email vessels, several of which hud been ernshod in the ice. The annual winter mardi gras at New Orleans commenced on the 1-lth. William L Neous & Ca, New York hardware dealers, failed on the 14th for $100,000. Washkoton advices of the 14th say that the House Committee on Banking and Currency had agïeed to report a bill providing for tho iesue of not less than $r20,000,000 nor more than $30,000,000 of fractional paper cnrrency in five, ten, twenty and fif ty cent notes. Mi:s. Stricklaxd H alton, of Niles, O., a I. üiulnent society lady, while rehoarsing for an entertainment on the 14th dropped dead. The deceaeed was twenty-six years old, and leaves a husband and two children. John A. Dusiiane & Co. , Wholesale paper dealers at lialtimore, Md., tal. el on the 15th for $-J0U.O00. One of the worst blizzarda ever experienced in Dakota prevailed on the 15th. The FiRheries Commissioners finished their laLors at Washington on the 15th and Bigned a treaty in which all concurred. lts contenta were not made public. While skat ng on the Desperes river, in South 8t Louis, on the 15th three boys brokc throuif li the ice and were drowned. Advices of the 15th Bay a gang of burglars was committing daily robberies in San Francisco, the pólice being unable to prevent it The house of the chtef of pólice was entered and f 1,000 worth of jcwelry taken. Seymour (Ind.) capitalista on the 15th organized a bank at Oakland City with a capital stock of $50,000. An enterprise to be known as the American Live-Stock Express Company, to ship (latllo by f ast expresa hetweeu Chicago and Hoboicon and Jersey tïïtv, was organlzed in New York on the 15th. A riEK on the 15th at Poll Btptdi, D. T., destroyed eleven buildings, Includinsseven stores and two bótela Ou ver P. Truïtt, of York, l'a., shot hii wife on the 1 5th in a lit of jealounyand theu shot hiniRelf. A firk wliioh hroke out on the l.'ithin the Ailrrrtitrr office at El mira, N. Y., spread to adjolnlng building, caiming a loss of $ ISO, 000. Thk Bmo ilfe ) Bank was on the I5tb put in posaession of the (965,000 in bonda stolen last August by Frank C. McNealey. Washini.tox advices of the löth say that the tariff bilí preparad liy the mujorlty of the Ways and Moann ('oramlttee reduces the revenue by about $(0,000.000- nearly one-half of it by the repeal of the tobáceo tnx. Kecretart op State Batard was on the 15th offlcially advised of the appolntraent by the Germán Governmeut of Count Arco Yalley as Minlstr to the United States. A fire on the 1 .th in the central market at Paris, Franco, causcd a loss of 2,000,000 francs. One of the best lusiness blocks in Providence, lï. I-, wo destroyed by flre on the lötb, causing a loss of over $500,000. The Collius Papar Mnmifacturing Co. 's factory at North Willirnham, ttaa , was destroyed bv tin: on the 15ih. ioss, $250,000. In Detroit on the 15th two men wlth scveral thousaud dollars in counterfeit teu dollar sllver certincates on their pereons were arrested. At Union City, X Y. , on the lfith Gcorge W. Darrow, a hotel proprietor, feil into a railroad ent and was injured so that he could not move, and frO7.e to death. Whilk Mra Wüliain Means, of Lima, O., ¦was lighting a cofil-oil stove on the löth the stove rxploded, setting flre to her clothes, and she was fatally burned. Fob the pnrpose of restricting production and maintaining prlces twenty-five per cent of the coke ovens in tho Connellsville (Pa.) reglón were shut down on the lüth, tendering fifteen hnndred men idle. Gus Rhodehomel was assaulted and robbed on the ltith near Topeka, Kan. It was his weddlng-day, and, although fatally injured, he would not break his engagement, and was married, The Wisconsin G. A. R. concluded lts sesslons at Slilwaukee on the lüth, A. O. Weissert, of that city, bolng electeJ Department Commonder. It was reported on the ICth that an error had been diacovered in the constitutlon of New Jersey which would libérate all prlsoners committed since 1875. The Illinois G. A. R, in sesslon on the lSth at Springfield, elected Colonel Sexton, of Chicago, IVpartment ('ommander. Foik men entured the bank at Cisco, Tex., on the HJth, took charge of the cashier and other officials, collected $Ü,000 in cash, then locked the oftlcers in the back yard and decamped. Mus. Bbidoet Lee was burned to death on the ltith at Bell aire, O. She was standing before the grate when her clothing took flre. By the explosión of a boller on the 17th on a plantatlon near Bastrop, La., four men were killed and four others were fatiilly scalded. Marttn Ij. Scott was hanged on the lTtli t Deer Lodge, M. T. , for the morder of his wife in a üt of drunken jsalousy last November. Wilt.iam B. Tascott, son of a prominent Chicago man, wa on the 17th charged with beiug the niurderer of Amos J. Snell. the ïmllionaire, anda reward ot $4.000 was offered for his capture. An explosión of natur! gas on the 17th in the house of James Franklin, at Mead vllle, Pa., fatally lnjiued Mrs. FranUfn and wrecked the house. An order was issued to the striking minera in the Schuylkill (Pa.) región on the 17th by Master Worlcmen Lewis to return to work. James Tatlor, a thirtecn-year-old boy of Covlngton, Ky. , was arrested on the 17th on the charle of murdering hls father during a family row. Mant business buildings nt Westerly, R I, were destroyed by flre on the 17th, cntailingj a loss of $150,000. At a private meeting of nail manufacturen in New York on the 17th an agreeuient was signed to reduce production about f orty per cent Dorino the scven days ended on the 17th there were 230 bus'ness failures in the Onited States, against 'S,i7 the previous eeven days. Thb steamer City of Pek in arrived in San Francisco on the 17th wlth oinall-pox on board. Thls was the tif th successive steamer to arrive thero with that disease. A F1RE on the 17th at Oséala, Fia., btunod a dozen business houses and resldences. .- Govebnor Beavee, of Pennsylvania, on the 17th signed the death warrants for the hanging of three murderers, the dates for executions being March 27, 2S and 29. Recben Scott, a married man, was lnstantly killed by a falling tree at Wabash, Ind, on the 17th, and John Burton was fatally injured. The Theater Comiqne, at Provldence, R. L, was burned on the 17th. Feter Vanxice, aged eighty j-ears, dropped dead of heart diseaso at hls house near New Haysville, Jnd. , on the 17th, and his wife, aged oighty years, was 80 shocked by his death that sbe feil dead from th game disease a few hours af terwards. The house of Hiram Weissman, at Newark, N. J. , was destroyed by iire on the 17th, and Mr. Weissman, his wife and child were fatally burned. Fanny Wye, aged thirteen yoars, was married on the 17th at North Stonington, Conn., to Charles Draka Terrible destitution was dlscovered on the 17th among the striking miners at Shenandoah, Pa., several families having been without food for two days. Most of (he contribulious intended for them were absorbed by the railroaders for whose benefit they struck. Daniel and John O'Day, of Jackson, Mich., who were convicted in Tennessee a year ago of counterfoiting, and sentenced to fifteen ïind ten years' imprisonment respectively, were released on the 17th, It having been discovered that they were innocent of the crime. PERSONAL AND POLITICAl,. Daniel E. Somes, formerly a member of Congres from Manu:, died In Washington on the MtlL He was one of the original organizers of the Republican party. MB.S. Sarah Cufflb, daughter of Adam Poe, the Indian fighter, died at Wooster, O., on the 14th,agcd ninety-soven years. The Congressional election on the 14th Ui the Eleven th Michigan district resulted in favor of Seyraonr (Rep.), who defeated Breen (Demoorat-Labor). Orno Republicana wlll meet in State convention at Dayton on April 18 to elect delegates to the National convention. William Wlllard, foundcr of the Indiana Deaf and Dumb Institute, died in Indlanapolis on the lüth, aged eighty yeara At St Paul on the 15th the liepnblican Btate Central Committee elected Hobert G. Evans, of Jlinneapolis, member of the National Committee of MinneBOta, vice Senator Da vis, resigned. The Delaware Btate Temperance anee In ttf annual conTentlon lu Dover on the 15th deolded to go Into politie, and delegatcs to the National Prohlbitlon convention In Indian;ipolis were leotei l). R Ixm-kk, editOC of thn Toledo (O.) Blad, wldely kuowa lis "Petroleum V. Nasby," dled lo that city et 8:30 on t)i morulng of the l.'ith. The linnidlale causa of hls li was consumptlon of the lungs. Mr. Ixcke was h.irn September '_'. L833, in Vastal, N. ï. His father, Nnthanlel Reed Locke, was 11 soldier ia the war of 1812, and ia vet living, at the advanoed age of ninety-four year, near Toledo. Mr. Look leavea a wifè and three sonn (' ü ('ahy, of Olean, N. Y., wan on the 15th appointed Solloltor of the Treasury by the President, vice Alexauder McCue, appointod sub-Treasurer at New York, ÏHK Most Rev. John Babtiste Lamy, for nearly forty years Archbishop of Santa Fe, N. M., dled in that city on the I.V.h, aped eeventy-four years. A State League of Kcpubliean clubs val organizod at Wheeling. W. Va., on the 16tb, with C. M. Shiim, of l'aiiinont, ae president. The seventv-seven Republlcau clubs of Yermont organized a State League in Montpellor on the löth with ex-Governor Proctor as president The Republicana of Iowa wiU meet In Stato conventionl at Des Molnfis March 21 to olect delejfiitïs to the National convenUon. The Rcpubli?an Stute conventiou of West Virginia, to elect delégate to the Natjonal conventiou, wiU be Ucld ut Fairmont May 15. Nebraska Prohibitionists met in fitate conventiou on the Kith at L'ncoln and elected delogatos to the National convention at Indianapolls. The Vcrmont Prohibitionista wlll hold thelr Stato convention June 12 at Montpelier. Wenham Uobebtson, of Abiugdon, V., dled on the 16ih, at the age of elghty-four years. He served one year as Governor ot Virginia in lH:tt!. A coxtbovebst havlng arUen over the birthplace of General Phil Sheridan, hli mother stated on the Kith that he was bom In Soinerset, O., March (, 1831. FOREIGN. Heavt snow-storois occurred on tbe 14th In the west of England, Scotland and Walea At a Cabinet council in London on the 14th tt wat decided to instruct the Irish executive to cense proseoutlng newspapera for publishing reporto of meetings of snppressed branches of the Irtsh Land League. Mr. Pyne, member of Parliament, wu sentenced at Dublin on the löth to three months' imprisonment under the Crimes act Srx persons committed suicide iu Berlín, Germany, on the 15th. Mr. Lawton, the United Rtat.s Minister at Vienna, on the ISth accepted from Harry Farber, a rich American, who is studying law at the Vienna Univcrsity, the offer of $1,000,000 to the Amerloan Government with which to endow a universlty at Chicago on the Vienna model An explosión in a mine on the lOth near Camphausen, Germany, killed forty minera. Vienxa advices of the Kith sy aeven persona were buried bj an avalanche whlch blocked the end of the St Gothard tuuueL A rtrono company w;is formed at Bcrlm on the KiLh under the thln of " The Southwest African Gold Ryntlicute " for the purpose of developing the mineral resources of the terntory under Gerniany's protcctlon. A Gband Teunk iiassenper train from Toronto collided with a tzelffht ncar Ilumf t n, Ont, on the lüth, wreckinff both englnea, htirling exprens and bairgage cars down a fifty-foot embaiiknient and Idllin? twomtn. Kive men were killed on the 17lh ij the falling; of a bridge in a quarry in Curuarvonshire, Wiües. A kuock of earttquake in the lower Pyrenees on tbe 17th caneed a terrible pumo among the inhabitunts, but dl 1 little dainage. A packaoe containing gunpowd: r vu thrown into the house of Pólice Inspector Kelly, at ökibbereen, Ireland, on the 17th, and an explosión followed which coir.pletely wrecked the house. Louis W. Fleurt, postmaster at Paso del Norte, Mex , was arrested on thel7thfor robblng thn mails of $65,000 in diamonda. LATER NEWS. A ite i.ciNK swept over Mount Vernon, II'., on the afternoon of the lí)th, resultinjí in tbe death of at least thlrty persons, the woiinding of about two hundred others, and tho nltnost total destruction of one-halt of the ity. Itepor.'s from the surroundtng couutry miy tbe Btonn swept every thing for milos. Kiiiin liremen woro probably fRtally injuredoutlie lKthby the f allinr of a wall at a Ure iu New Brunswick, N. J. Thk Antisaloon Kcpubliean National Oommtttaa issued a cali on the 18th for a National conference, to be held in New York City April 18 and 19. A IIKE in Piovidence, R L,onthel9th deetroyed the Daniels building, occupied by business firma, canatng a los of $250,000. Eeports reachod Winnlpeg, Maa.onthe 18th of terrible pufTeriug among the Indians in the far Xorth from the lack of food. Heavy fcnow-storms prevailed on tbe l'Jth throughout England, France and ISpain. Officials estimated on the 18th that the Government had been defrauded out of $2,000,000 by the Uliclt trafflc in opium. Mueixei! 4 Gookeake, wholesiile dealers in liiuors at (ünoinimti, failed on the 19th for $150,000. The Lebanon cotton-mills near Pawtucket, K L.wereburned on the 19th. Loss, $150,000. It was reported from Minneapolls on the 18th that the railroad freight war was resul ting In logses to the railroads of millions Of dollars weekly. Peestoext CoRnn, of the Readlng rallway, on the 18th sent to Pottsville, Pa, a personal contri bution of $20,000, to be distributod among the ininers for the relief of their familiea The Itogers Sc Sheldon ircin works at Bridge water, Mass., were destroyed by flro on the 18th, involving a loss of $100,000. L. F. Ljndslay, clerk in the land-offlee at Denver, committed suïcide on the 18th beoause he was $5, 000 short in his accounta A. 8. Bkakdt and his daughter were arrested at Grand Rapids, Mich., on the 18th for making nnd passing counterfeit silver dollars. Mif s Emma Black, weary from watchlng at the bedside of a slck friend, feil asleep before a fire on the 18th at Winchester, O., her clothlng caught and xhe was burned to death The New York Satnrday Night Club on the 18th gave a dinner to the snrviving war Governors of the Union. Kev. James Schofiei.i, father of General Bchofield, and for many years a Baptist minister, diedin Chicago on the 18th, aged eighty-sevcn years. Advices of the lflth say an earthquake In the province of Yunnan, China, caused the loss of two thousand lives. The exchauges at twenty-six leadlng clearing-honses In the United States during the week ended on the 18th aggregated $857,:í22,27:), ngainst $875,4ri,773 the previous ween. As compared with the correspondinjr week of 1887 tho decrease amountcd to 10.8 er cent


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