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The Negro Exodus

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A tiinpiiteh frm Imli:in:tpoiifi ny: "Colonel A. A. Jones, of the Stutc Auditor's office, who is connected wlth the latet proposed exodus of nejrroes froni thfl Smthern States to South Atneriui, talks freely of llie scheme. He s bu active triend of uil morenienti for the unproveiuent of the condition of h8 race, and was enjriijred '" tlie lirf:t 1XOI'"S of 1879. He accompanied Governor C'hambcrlain, tojjelhcr with several other youup colored men, to South Carolina fiom Massacíniíetts, and ontercd hcaitily ioto that movenient. This exodus,' he said, 'wlll be effectually pusheil, and by M iy 1 wo expecl to iret our tlrst party ou the road. There are no headquarters as yet; the mometnent Ís very young- less tlian a monthold; so ftr hs active work i concerued, headquarters will be eatablUlteú probably In New York. We shall liHve tlireo ajíents in Cincinnatl, oue at St. Louis, and one at Chicago. I am iigeut at this point. We have some of the best people In the country interested - men wlio aro wRHiijt to go down in tli-ir pockets for the relief of thelr oppressed brethren. We llave some colored people in this country pretty wel' tixed and tliey are committed to the work. There is no flxed nmount of capital. We hope to accompliah br the exodn, first and foremost, protection. This is not a questinn of politics at the hotlom, althourh it wlll, of course, have some political hearing. Why, do yon know that in the last lifteen years 18.000 bl iek people have been killed in the South for thcir polltlcal oplnions, and notliins bas bijen done to reniedy the matter? It is life or death witb usprimarily. Wean tlred ofhavlng representaties in ConsreFs upon a TOtlng population that has no representation. There is no other remedy. so we purpose to pull out The colored man has developed aud made the South what it is, and the white laborer could not and cannot d the wok that our people do. The 8 u'.herners will flnd the diflerence when they have to u-e whlt labor. We ba e selecteil South America for a location because of its cllmate and ad.tptibility of the soil to prrduce such articles a lhcolored peop'e are nccustcmed io raialn. We tntve iiivt-stigated the country and rtceived favorable rcports. Our people do uot waut to come Nortli aml West becau'e of the climatic eondltions, and beciiuse the prejudice against a face follows theui even tiiere. In So.ith Amrrica as well as in otl'er parts of the woi id the color of the skin does not b ir a man out of the race for the best. We shall start our emigrante I'ioni Kutern points. I can nut sjienk imy more deflnitely mnv tlian to say that a Bostón line running to wlll earry passenjjiTS at $14 a head. That certaiiily is cbeap enough. We liave agents at work in the South now, and we shall git as inany emijsrants as possible out of Mluisolppl and Alabama, and while not negleOtlnj; Missouri and Kentucky, and if there is not a biir emigration before next sumnur then I miss iny jjuess.'"


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News