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p?PRÍEE's CREAM PpWDE Its superior excellence proven Ín millinnsof lomes for more thau a quarter of a century. It used ly the United States govemment. Endorsed iy the hends of theureat Unlversltlea as tlie Strongent, Pnrext.and most HeulUmil. Dr. Prlce's tlieonlj Hakmg Powder that doea íot omituln Aininoiiiii, Lime or Alum. SoM ouly Ín cans. PRICE BAKINO POWDliK CO., NEW YOKK. 11IHAGO. ST. I.OUIR. AT FREQUENT DATES EACH MDNTH ÉpnffnjST louis. dpNS HhbhhE #itli with II íVÍl"' 'CHOICEOF lfcáttifciÉMIÉMI r Ik routes; via pAiirnRÑIADENVER, uALIHini"cauNciL bluffs, OMAHA, STJOSEPH.ATCHISON or KAN SAS CITY. For date!, rates, tickets or f urther Information apply to Ticket Agents of connectlng Unes, ¦ or address Pau l M orto n , Gen. Pass. &Tkt. Agt,, Chicago, III. C. H. MILLEN, INSURANCE AGENT! No. 4 South Main St., Aun Arbor. The oldest ageney In the city. EstablUhed over a quarter of a century ugo. Represent! ng the following tirst-cla8 corapauies, wltb over #00,000,000 Capital and AMeU. HOME INS. CO., of New York. CONTINKNTAL INS. CO., of New York. NIÁGARA INS. CO., of New York. GIRARD IN8. CO., of Phlladelphla. ORIËNT INS. CO., of Hartford. COMMERCIAL UNION, of London. LIVERPOOL, LONDON and GLOBE. WASHINGTON FIRE aud MAR1NK, of Hostou. Rates Low as tlie Lowest, Losses Liberally Adjustcd aud proniptly l'aid. C. H. MILLEN. SKIN SCALP BLOOD Havingbeen aFufl'T'T tur twn ynare and a half from a diseant! caum-d hy :l brnt?6 011 th 1íí. and when all other methodi and rem dL-s failed, I deern it my duty to recomrm-nd tbtm. I vi-ited Hot SprlDgg tono avatl, and tried teren] doctors without Bticcens. and at laat our principal drügfrlst, Mr. John P. Flulcy (to whom I --lifill ever feel trateto give tliem a trial with the rceult that I am perft'cdy cured. Tbere it now no gore about me. I t h i ufe I can show th-; targest wurface whera my sofferinjiM cpratip trom of any one in the State. skin curen manufacturad. I refer to druíririst.Iohn I'. Flnlay and 1. l). O. Montfromrry.hnth of this place, and to Dr. Smith, of Late Lee, Mies. ALKXANfKK 1ÏKACII, QreenrlUe, Mine. reqnest, with resulta ÈM Htated. A. B. FINLAY & Co., Dmygists. SAVED-MY MÖTHER'S LIFE. Ever plnce I can riíniembor, ray mother haw mill.-rcil fruin ainilk Ick. Nothing wiuld li het any i.'uikí Imd the best medical talent, hut they all dld hernoRood. Shc auffcred wlth her let,' lor thirty yeara and nevtjr knew a well day. She would luw to lt up half the niirht, holdlu); up her leg atul nioTiiiiíí. She had no pt:nce. Bb6 UHcil uil the 'ext known nnu-dius in the coumry without elt'uct. IuBkedher to try your C'utk dka Kuikdies. Got her abottleof CuticUba RhSOLtent, and xbe tuok it, and hax takun In all iibuiit six or seven bcltlee, aud now she is a well womitn to-day. Her g la entlroly heak'd. and her healih was never better. She can go out every dav, eomethlng ehe haa not done In ten years, so you nee I cannot iielp atatlnii toyou about your wonderful CuticHr Remedies. You have saved my moth-r'H life. I cunnot flnd words to exprese my KDWARD LUEDEK, 1505 Broudway, N. Y. Cuticuba, the jrreat skin cure, and Cuth i iía Soap, prepared from H, fxternally, and Cuticura Kesolvknt. the new blood pnrifler, Internally. ar! a noeitlve cure for every form of aklu and blood dlseases from pimples to scrofula. Sold everywhere. Price: Cutici'ba, 50 cent; Soap, 25 cent; Rksoi.vbnt, l.00. Prepared by the Potter Dbuo &, Cbehicai. Co., Bcismh. 0T"Send for "How to Cure Skin DNeases," 64 pages, 50 illustrations, and 100 testimonial. D IPLKS, blackheadi", chaped and oily skin I I IVI preventud by Outicuka Mkdicatkd Soai'. Sneezing Catarrh. The distressme sneeze, aneeze, sueezu, the acrid watery discharges from the eyes and nose, the painful Inflammatlon extending to the throat, the awellinsr of the mucous lining, cauBlng chokinj? sensatlons, cough, rlnijinf; nolue In the head and ¦ plltting headaches- how famllinr these symptoms are to thousands who suffer perlodical from head colda or Influenza, and who live In ignorance of ttantaneous relief. But thts treatment in canes of simple ('atarrh gives but a faint Idea of what thls remedj wlli do in the chronlc forms, wherc the breathin(r Is obtructed by chokinj; pulrid mucous accumulainiii, the hearing effected, Bniell and i'iini!, throat ulcer&ted and hacklni; cou'h uradually [Mtsnlng ilself npon the debllitated nyntein. Then it ik that the marvellous curatlve power of Sankokd'm Kadical Cuke maniri-iü Hi-ilf In Instantaneous and gratelul relief. (Jure hi-trina Irom thetlrst application. It is rapld, radical, permaneut,, and Bafe. Sandfokd'h Kadicai. Cr ki consista of one bottleof the Kamcai.Cukk, one box of Catakuiial öolvknt, andone Impkovk Inmai.kk; pricu $1. PoTTin Duuu and Ciikmioal Co., Boston. FAINS and WeTkNESSKS or i i;n i.i:s Instantly cdtored by the Ontloura Vuil l'niii rit'r, i iw, mii-i Igreable, instantineous and tnfalliblo paln-killini; piaster, especlally adapted to relieve Tenulfl Ptloa und Weaknesses. Warrunted va-tly loperloi to . all other plastera, and the most perfect Antidote to 1 Pain,Inllammation and Weakness yetcompounded. At all druguiBte. S5 conti ; 5 for $1.00; (.r, oottage free, of Pottk Ukuii and Chkbical Co., BotOD, Musa.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News