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Mond; was a cold day, a very cok lay. Uut cold as it was it (lid uot deter the people frorn coming out, so tliat a very lame vote was polled In this count} option. Tlic result was wbat wu predlcted from the t i r t by uuny of tbc staunch leaders o! the prohibition cause, oiily more declsive than one had anlicipate'd. The submission of tliia question at this time v;t i great inistake. Tliere was not a favorable eiren mstance to warrant the calling of the eïectior.. In the convention callee to consider the propriety of submit ing the question there was some mosl excellent advice given by a oonple of gentU'iinM), Jiev. Mr. Holmes of Chelsea, and Editor Smitlie, of' Ypmlanti. Tbey counselcd moderation and told why it would be belter to cali an electlon some time in the future than nt present, and tlio-e who were present will well remeinber how they were treated. soine even eoing so fitr as to questlon their siiicerily. The outcnine shows their wisdom. The restilt of this elpction will prnbably be heralded by onr prohibition friends as a vlctory lor the saloon; they would naturally so term it. Uu.t in this they are in error, as Hgual. It is not a vlctory for the siloon, but a victory for the people wlio having experienced the practiaal workings of probibiüun belicve tliat :i bigh lioeaaa law is the best temperBBee law. It is a victory for the people who bclicvc that h trafile which h:is nevur vet heen successfully piolubltcd should be res tricted and controlled. We belfere the people of Washtenaw county to-day arejust as sober, températe, moral, thrif'ty, honorable, maiily, in their every-d;iy lives and as ¦tralffbtforwftrd and prompt in all their business denliiifis, as are the people of Hllltdale, Lenawee, or any otner county that has dteided the question in favor of local option. We still further believe that there will be no n.ore drunkennOM or crime In Wasbtenaw county for the next three years than there will be in those counties. We do not believe that the credit of our oommunity in the east or eltewbere will drop one iota because the people have decided to tax, control and rwtrain the llquor traflie instead of attemptiug to suppress it, while a laige msjorlty of her people are opposed to BOCii Kiijipiession. People who learn their k'sson by dear oxperience are not tpt to forget it in a ilay, and Hie people of lliiscounty learned a deailesson f rom prohibition. They well remember liow Onder it diunkenness became almost universal, and the saloon and heli-hole flooriibed ;it nearly every cross-roads in tlie county, and they have no detlre to Uke a atep back ward. Cnder the tnx law temperance has grown, and inti min-raiice deereased. It bas bee'i u ji(l tbin{( for the people of' thi.s county, and tliat is the reasoo why the vote went as It did. Show us a prohibitionist that proposes to come back hito the republican party f you can ! Every man of tUem has nothing elw in view liut the destruction of the republican party, and whv coddle any loDger a vlpeí tliat leeks to klll you! Will sume of oi;r republican leaders pleBM an.-wor ! Iftbe democratie party wishes to con test the election of Mr. Seymour in the 11 th district, the republicana cuuld aflbrd to chip in to help the t.lilng iilonfr. It is to be noped thut inveítigations will soon be the order of the day. There are come tliiiiLis vi tv nciir tlie Cleveland throne Unit need ventllation, 8y all means let's have a coutest over the lllh dittiiet. This is a specimen item of the day: "Pat Lyon, of Buffitlo, a saloonkeeper and gambiet, tl shoving atl the money np that auvone wants to bet that Mr. Cleveland will be r caodidate this year. In 1884 he bet on Clcveland's election, ]iiortirn:iiig all his property to j;et the, money to do so. He made 8 h% stukc, havine not bedged on a single bet."


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News