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Tbí orowd was a good looking oue. The ITniversity boys filled one Uble and a half of another. Congressman McKinley is an eloquent man and logical reasoner. Everybody believeil in Alger, btit tbe Blaine senilment was wonderful. Col. John Atkinsnn can speak wlth any of the big guns tb at were lliere. Senator Palmer can glve any mail in Michigan points on prcsidinx at a bautiuet. Congressmun McComas of Maryland is a typical southerner in Hpearnnce and grace. Kx-Sen;itor Ferry, wlio was present at the speaker's tiible, hal many frlendl in i hut vaut audience. It was a sight never to be forgotten, and eannot help but have an inspiring effect upon the campaign. The Washteoaw delegation and the students lilled three long tables, and were given a fairly good location. The speakers referred to Washington very kindly, but roasted the magwurapa and free traders without compunctiou. Oen. Ben. Marrison maJe muny waim triends, und if our Alger cnn"t poMlbly get there wo can all accept of Hariison with right good A number of the ladies were suiuked out of the galleries, aud Senator Palmer ia setting tho example by llghtlng his Clgar afler the menu was iiuished, did not do a wise or coinnicndublc deed. Every speaker save Finnerty and McKiuley addréssed tbree-fourths of their speech to the people ou their left, niakIng it require sliarp ears over at the otlier end of the halieto liear wlmt was aaid Wby did they do it? There were sonie demócrata present, unong wliom we noticed thealwayspleasant tace of Prof. M. E. Cooley. Of course it did them good, and the only re gret is that more could not have hearc the exuellent speeches. TlieKlionis ut t!io I);trolt League Conventiou und Club banquet were lor Alwer 01 Mieriinin next. Tbal'l the way Michigan yeils. Vou iK'ai' her !- Laukiiig liepublluau Une would judge from the above that the editor of the Hepublican was not there. Shermau's name aroused no entluisiasin whatever. ¦ The Hoi). John P. Flnerty, of Chicago is a natural born orator. He wakes up hi3 hearers and enthuses them in a v.i but few men can. He is a large, power fully built man, very gracetul In his gestuies, and wlth just enough of the brouge to lend a sil very accent to his smooth-flowing words. He is a warm champion of the Irish people, and a powerful pleader for the redressing ol Ireland's wrongs. Would that there were many more sucli. The followlng geotlemen were present at the banquet at the Washtenaw t&blej Evart H. Scott, .1. E. Sumaer, J. T. Jacobs, K. H. Abel, J. B. Wortley, E. B. C'usliinnn, B. D. Ixomas, K. E. I'.eul, Oeo. H. Pona, Waller J. Wliltlark. A. L. Noble. A. Campbell, jolin W. Blakeslee, Junius E.Beal. W. M. OsbaDd, B F. Pyle, M. D., Frank K. Owen, Arthur H. Smit ii, J. Evart Smttli, B. K. L'rltteiuloii, A. A. Wood, W. K. Boyüen, J.Sulllvan, luis. Koe, li. Bpeooer, '. Judsnn, A. W. Wilkiiison. E. . Hoag, F. I!. (ilazier, 'J'. s. Sears, S. (. lves, FraiiUliu Dwelle, M. I.. llaymoiiil, W. F. Breiikey, w.C. BMveaa, Jobn ciaiiin," Ilarils, H. Ksrapf, Lou Uurt, V. L. IInltiieR. Kü. Tliomp8on. Jl. s. Holmes, (;. II. Kemp!, A F, Ircciiijiil, J. L.OIUiurt, (', spencer, II. D. Pla't, Win. Campbell, McC. LeBeau, II, Woodwarü, H. 8. Boutell, E. B. Morehouse, J. C. Bemls, N.Kedner, Win. Danslngburg, M . F, Case, E. L. Negus, Qeo. 8. Wiieeler, Howanl M. llolineH. At the students' ttMé ihe faUtUBlng were gathered : C. A. Ilead, J X. MoBrld, Francia L. Stevensoii, J.B. Mechaiii, t. 11., A. I.Ailums, E. R. Kellh. runs. Allmg, Jr., Pred 11. Abbott, Sol Klsensladl' Q. R. Milehell. c. P. Taylor, E. D. Trowbridge, ,1. H. Kempf, F. N. Kreer, A. H. Clark, y. V. Hebard, .1 F. lireiikey, il. McCrea, T. N. Jnyne, J. II., K. K. Van y-k!e, A. F. Cooper, Robt. II. Wolcitl, John T. N. Hoyt, I,. II. Lory, l'ercy B. Herr, Mr. Katon, K. S. Mlller, WI11 R. Antlsdel, Jas. E. Colvin, H. B, Dewey, (rank M. 8awioni, A. W. Hcldmore, ü. K.Cochrane, f'. E. Bubcock. L. Roscoe Ooud, Kdxiir M.Tliorpe, Etobe8t s. Baboook, II. Sbeldou. s. R. Nïsbet, Jame.' Clmliners, C. C. liawKon, ünas. F. Kernj', Cbu Mciiregor, H.C. Bel tier, G. R. Braudou, Edgar K. Braudon. The cause of temperunce in tliis county haviiifr been set back abt)iit twentj' years by the polltical aspirations of some of the su-cnlled temperance leaders the rebuke they received trom the people Stpnday oujflit to put the idea uto their huads that they had better work tor trne temperance rather than for politics. They cannot have prohibition. Now if they regard temperance, let thein turn in and lielp enforce the laws we have. A high cense by decreaeing the iminber of saloons will lessen drinking. The next rerular step fonvard 8 to make the tax SI ,000. The prohibition political utterances of Senator Palmer have lost to the republlcan party more votes in Washtenaw couuty nlone than have bcin rained to the party by all of the work of the repub ican leaders in this state in a year. Occulyiiitr the posilion that Senator Palmer does, hi. wordt are looked upon as belng ndicative of what the ]arty may bu cxected to do. He U looked upon n a eader, and bis opinión aiegivcu inncli iromlnenoe In eonwqaenoe. Now t luit tliese votes are lot how does he propose to replaee them ? They must be rclaced or Michiiia'i -vv i H go democratie ïext f all. It is wc 11 enougb to look facts n the face. Tliere is one thing now, and only one thing that will hold nianyofour Germán eltizena in the repiibüc m ranks ind that is the tariff question. These' eople are industrious and thrifty, and are opposed to uy lefdslatton that will M iiijmioiis to our inlii8tri(8, or thnt vill cause the price of thcir wool and other farm products to decline bey om] he point of profitable production by hem. The republican party might as veil look thls thin sjuare in the facePhey have got to do totnetbltlg to lili up be -p left by the Germán fletertén ok else suffer dei ent. The republican party should proflt by experience. It has conceded to the proïibitionists everythini; for the pa.-t few ears, in the hope ol winnlnr them back o the fold. It has Lone so far that It has lrivcn uearly every üennnn republican out of the paity and what Iris t gained ? Will some of the leaders teil u After ba piohibitory amendment had been submitled, and the tax law revised and tax aised, the party shoiilJ have Iet well enough alone. The prohibition party lave only one end in vit-w as far as the epublicnn pnrty Is coneenifd, and that s to destroy it. They hope to rise on its uins, and whether they succeed or nol, epends very larely on huw mucli longer hey can succeed in " bamboozlin " the epublicnn leaders.


Ann Arbor Courier
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