In Memory Of Mrs. N. Keith
TMed, on Wednesday, Feb. 29th, 1881, o pneumonía, Mim. Nathan Keith, oí Dexter agad H8 years, (i mos. Funeral services were huid at the family residence in Dexter, on Frlday Murcli 2d, at 2 o'clock p. in., the Rev Dr. E. L. Rexford, of Detroit, preachinj, the sermón. The deceased leaves a husband aiu seveb children, Mrs. E. E. Beal, of Ann Arbor; Nathan P. Keith, of Detroit; Edward A. Keith, of Big Rápida; Mrs. G K. Gray, of Alpena; J. A. Keith, o Caro; and Jay and Hattie Keith of Dexter, all of whom were present at the funeral services. Two sisters, Mrs. K M. Barker, of Flint, and Miss Abbie A Pond, of Ann Arbor, and her brother Geo H. Pond, of Ann Arbor, were also present, together with otlier relatives. The following brief sketch of her life was given by Dr. Rexford at the services "Phidelia Matilda Pond was born August 30th, 1821, at Seuroon, Essex Co. New York. She was the oldest of elgh children of Nathan and Kutilla Pond only tbree ot whom survive her. Ii 1832 she carne witli her párente to Michigan, whloh was then little more than a wikleruess, the family settling near Ann Arbor at flrst, but later moving to Lïvingston Co., where they resided many years. 'In 1845 she was married to Nathan Keith, at Peru, Huron Co., Ohio, wlierp they lived until 1850 when they remove to Dexter, and have resided here eve since. A family of nine children have been boru to tliis unlon, elght of whom Inving grown to man or womanliood The tirst break in the ranks of this family gince the death a little dauirhtcr some 30 years since, was the death of a son Burtron D. Keith, at Jackson, on the Is of last December. The death of this son weighed heavily upon her mind an heart, and no doubt hastened her las illness. "Mrs. Keith was uncommonly domestic In her tastes, serving her Master by giving her rfrength and energies to the proper rearing of her lare family. Her home was her heaven. She was a kin and loving mother, of inch gentle an sweet disposition that of the eight children which she renred not one of them could ever recall an unkiud or ill-tem pered word said to them by her. She governed her home by love and kindness ; a successf ui method in this instance for not one of her children but have so f. ir honoied their parents by uprigh hves. " Slie was modest and unassuminfr, shrinking frorn. anything of a public nature, but one of the kindest of neighbors i;;iiiiiiiii mui retaiuing the warm friendshi] of those who carne within her circle of ac qnaintances. If ever a true Christian woinaii lived she was one. Hhe was : untversalist in faith, butbroad and libera in her views, seeing goodness in all denomiuations and trne Christianity in al creeds, and uuder her teachings severa! of her children have united with other clmrch denominations." When the great reaper death enters a f;imily circle how swift lits work often is this niakes the third time within a year that these saine niouruers have foliowei adiar one to the lust resting place. One by one our loved ones are passing to the other shore, but how grand the faith that teaches us that it is but for a time that we sha'l be depnved of their society, am that the reunión will be so glorious that that the pains and heartaches and woes we suffer by their departure will hu more tliun compensated for. "Dvath is the crowu of life.'' It a soheme iver existed tü push Oov. Luce out of a renoininition, why don't the pipers pretend to havo unearthed it teil wlio aru in it? For our part we doubt it, ai.d believe thal it? pretended discovery is oaly onc of Mr. Luce's shrewd rehamea to rnliy hiti frieuda, It has always been ciistomary to jïive a renomiiiiition, Htid the custom will nut be deviated froni in tliis instancu probubly, but one of tho best goveru rs Michigan ever had, (Gen. Alger) was satislied witli the glory ot' onfl term, and poiltlvely dclllied ii reninniiiatiiin. 'l'hcre is no compeusiition, but glory in this office, and if people hold ou to glory too long, the briglit lámela soinetiines become ,-unborned and fadsd. Uut Gov. Luce's wishes in the muiter well no d ubt be nspected, whatever tlicy re. Another strike ends iu n failure, the Brotherhood of Locomotive Kngineers rallinf to curry the day agaiust the c. B. & Q. H. R. This brotherhood was probably ttie strongest labor organization in the country, and its failure should teach a lesson. Hot-headed luiste never yet acconiplished anythinir. Arbitratlon is better than striking for the gettleuient of di ffe ren ces.