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The lit. freshmen get their class raps 'rom the Two Saina. The popularity of the scminary rooms s gradually grouinj;. Dr. McLachlan quizzes the Honifpopathic seniora tlits semester. Dr. Gibbos' classes in laboratory work commenced business this week. The O. N. O. Club, laws, gives a dance Friday evening in Nickel's hall. Luboratory work in Histology bas been extended, by Prof. Stowell. President Angelí delivers a lecture at Homer, Marcli 23il, on " China." H. D. Liimpson, senior lit. takes the principalship of the Howard City schools. A literary society has been formed by the Japanese students here for their own de lcctatlon. Miss Lizzie Davis. lit. "JO has gone lome to get lier trosseau rendy - well, uot 0 gradúate. The Base Bill Association will meet in room A Saturday, at 2 o'clock p. m., to elect otlicers. Prof. C. B. Cady is to have charge of a Rtiinmer sehool of music at Bay City the coming summer. The volume Coinmemoriitive of the Semi-Centennial celebration is to be publshed by the Hiverside Press, Cambridge, itid will be furnished at $2 by the Unlveiiity authontie. Only u iiaiited edilion will be priuted, however. The total nuinber of students now In he University reaches 1,606, divided as ollows: Literary, 748 Medical, 210; aw, 340; Pharmacy, 90; Homoeopathic, 74; Dental, 104. All ahead of last year except the medical. And whose fault is bat? Can ftny one imagine? Onr department was fully represented. 1 tlie crowd that went down to the second ward to see that justice was had, and also had its f uil quota in the retreat hat lollowed with so much viaor. It will not be nccessary to mention the black eyes and lame backs complained of next day. - Homoeopathic department He)orter in Chronicle. The old fogies down east are etlll disu-ing the propriely of co-education, and muny of them cannot concieye how t is possible tli it it should succeed. Tliey refuse to believe the history of Michigan University, and even doubt the success at Cornell. But tliey will have o be taught this lesson as tliey been aiight uiany others, from the west. Local option is settled for at least three years, yet the students do not propose to remain quiet on this subject for even that ength of time. A meeting has been called for next Friday night, to take steps toward petitioning the next legislaure to pass a bilí similar to the one already i)assed, prohibiting the sale of iquor within a mile of the Soldiers' [lome. - Chronicle. There is to be a pronouncing contest in [Jniversity hall, Friday evening, to comuience at 8 o'clock, the proceeds to go to iym. l mul. There are to be 25 contestants on a side, the words to be given out by Prof. Trueblood; Profs. Hogers and Demmon to act as judies; President Angelí to preside. Tliose having a desi re to see a gymnasium built, eau have au opportuuity to help it along. A member of a large publishlng lirm of Chicago having made several visita to our city recently, it turns out that lic has eiignged Dr. Chas. II. Stowell to write a series of text-books upon Anatomy, Piiyeiology and Hygiëne for use in our public schools. One book will appear about the lst of July and the seeond one about Oct. lst. The contract ctills for Juli and complete statements of the ell'ect of alcohol upon the system. THE ALÜMNAK FELLOWSIIII'. Anna I!. Haire, oliairman of the Western AsBocl.tlion of Collegiale Alumnae Association Fellowship Fund, reports that a considerable portion of the desired aniount bas been rai.-ed, and that the mate will be establislied in the fall of 1888. The fellowship will be open to all uiembei'S ot this Association to be awarded to thecandidate presenting the most satisfactory thesis, tlie judges to be the executive offleers of tlie association, and auch meinber8 of the faculty as may be nppointcd therefor. By the advice of the faculty the fojlowlng conditions have been adopted: lBt. The holder of the fellowship ghall study In the Utmiry dejiartment In the dlreotlou of non-prolesHlonal orlglual work. 2nrt. Tlie twnure of tlie fellowship shall be Bulijoct totlie faculty '8 upproval of work done. Ird In case of unsailsfuctory work or rem.ivul from the Unlvernlty for any cauae, the fellowsblpsliall be forfelted. 4tli. üiie mtOor aud not raore than two minor HubJectB are recoiumended to ihe iellow. 5tt. Tne fund will be pald to the holder of the fellowship In quanerly lnstallmenU. Candldates for itils fellowsülp must send the mibject of their thenes to the chalrmao of the fellowship fund commlttee before March Theses must be sent to the chalrman of th ame commlttee on or before June 15th.


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