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Pomological Society

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AI 'lic Mnicli meeting oí me socieiy. Prof. V . M. SpHuldiM rene) a very Intwntlng on "tlpceol Proiireai n the Study and Tre.Minenl of tlic Diseases of Planto." W'c can only fciy a skeicli of this most inteiesiing paper i "PmctiCHl lesulls are ten -t liciiiliinir nf the atudv of vegetable patholnfjT. Wilhln the past few years niucli bal ticen WCQflipllahed in a practical way by scientific lnvestig ation añil of t lie uatute and causes of tlie varioiis distases that prey uin our frnltt, 11 iwcih and RflÜM and tlie meitns of combvttlng them. Ín tbls country Hiere are tiardly inore tlian half a doen men wlio nre making plant dlmn a special study and raosi of these are obligad lo c.arry on the duties of an exacting professlon atthe saine time. In Kurope the case m better. Even theie tlie number of tlioe engaged in tliis study is iiot large, tuit tliere ia a better división of labor and a generous provisión Is niade for aecuriug the necessary facilities. It is probably anfe to gay that the etiology of tlie parasitic diseases of plants is, on tlie whole, better understood to-day ilian are tlie diseases of tile liuman syatetn and Ihis no.twithstanding the fact that the therapeutios of planta, number hard ly as many years as the theory and practico of medicine does eenturies. In i recent work ou this subject by Yon Thiiiuen I lind the ñames of some 35 discases of cultivated plunts, due to the influenceof as inany parasitic organisms, and in nearly every case the structure, habita and mode of attack of the paruslte and lts cílects are clearly and aecurately destribed and tlie incius of combatting it satisf.ictorily indieated. The 'Report on the Fungiis Diseases of Ue Grape Vino' sent out by the U. S. Departineut of Agricluture iu 1880 is one of the most credltable pieces of work ever issued from tliat ili'artment. With the infomiation accessible, gtapegrowere in the eastern United States inny go un and exlend tlieir vineyards with i ¦casoiiabk' coníidence of rewaid as far as parasitic diseases re coucerued. The conlributions on the lilack knot of the plan and eherrv by the Cryptograilllo Lnboratory of Harvard lTniveisi'y me the raost complete and satlsfactory. ThC Itudlea and experiinents on iearl)lif;lit by l'iof. Ai thur of tlie New York Ai cultural Experimental Station seem entirely conclusive and the cause of tliis diwafe lias been toniid iu a minute oríranisni. classi d with the bacteria. To Prof. Trelease of the Agricultura] Station of Wisconsin we are ïndebtecl for viiluilile results of the Btudy of the diseases of fiuits. Of these there may be pecially meationed the spot-disease of strawberry leaves. The de?c.ription of tim parasite, tlie índicatiom of rariettei most susc'ptble to the disease and otheis that are praetically exeinpt and the directlons for pueckJng the diffloulty are of the tfreateet Importaiioé to truit-firowers. The researches by Prof, T. J. Burrill, of the University of tlllpol., have produced a ood deal of valtiable Information concerning certuiu conimon and destruc ti ve parasitle dispases. One of th 'se is i he orange rust of raspberry and blaekbeny leales, cominon ennuh about Aun Arbor and of widu oceurrence elscjwliere. Another is the eane rust. For both of these the remedies already indieated by expeiience are recoinmended, viz : Cutling out the canes as woon as the berries are picked keeplng the flatda clean and elioosing sucli varieties us bav provm lesa Maule to attsok. After recoi'dintr Home of the important investigations inauíurated at the Ajricultuial Depaitment at Washington ooncerniíifídestiuctlve plant disease.s the Professor thinks that, althoUgb substantial pro;res8 lias been made within a few years past in tbeknowledge and scientilic Uea'ment of the rield, garden and orchard crops, very iiiucli atill remains to be done.. Of the cause of some of the wort destructive disease.", peach yellows for example, we are still altngether ignoraul and it is very desirable that every fact bearing upun tlie distribution and habits of tilla and other insufüciently stlldled diseases of fruits should be carefully and muuitely recoi-ded. There is neeil of all the help that can be secured througjh liearty and continued co o eration, for the field is large and the tralned workers very few. It is to be rejjretted that with the special provisión made by the general government lor tbc uiaintenance of experiment stations In the diffurent Ktates measuies have nol been taken by our own State Board of Ajcrlcultare lor the proseciition of this line of investiftatlon, and it is to be hoped tliat the subject mav receive in due time the atleution that lts uiprtance demands." Followlng Prof, Spalding Mr. Erwln F. Smith ot the Departmi nt of Agriculture at Washington gave a history and desoriptlon of peach yellows, illustrated liy photojyaphs, po that every fruitgrower could aee at a glanco the appearance of the dieease. Fortunately for Washteuaw this disease, by which whole orchards have been destroyed on the western sbore of Michigan, has never made lts appearance here. Peach trees 25 and 35 yeaia old were reported by Messrs. Parshall and Treadwell. The ouly remedy now is the immediate taking up and burninjr of tlie nfected tree. A vote of thanks was tendt-red Prof. Spalding and Mr. Smilb. The subject of fruit exchanjre was taken up. The neceasity of a better distribution of our fruit is feit. The crowding of fruit at one or two comni s ion liouses gets pnces down to zero. As it is now, fruit-growers are at the mercy of the connirs ion man, who eau atlow them just wliat be pleases. The comuiittee on fruit exebange will have a meeting the 17th of Marcli. Prot. I!. E. Xichols and Mr. Ganzborii read the constitutiona of lucoi poiated fruit exchanges of Benton Harbor and other plnoet. The exnlblt consisted of a beautiful rpd apple by J. Almand for a name. Wm, Oanwell thought it was a Ben Davis, others were not posiiive about the name. A fine display of artificial flowers was made bv Mrs. Martin Clark,


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