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fPv vTAïLHIgas f fcÉ Ceniml tAT (U':,i1_ '"'jS ''r?' ,1 & fru PMM 1f ow ;V,i. vuÜryM Tune ukliiK eflect Kov, 2Ulh, 1SW, Omtral Mtandard Time. CHICAGO TO DKTBOIT. _S.liil íi_ A. . A.. I'. I. a. P.M. r. . 1.a Chicago.. Lv. 6 50 900 3 10 4 40 8 15 10 866 Kalamuoo... 1 17 150 658 850 12 31 ÜT 646 Battle Creek. 112 4 27 7 83 1 S5 S 18, T 3a Jaekson 315 4 20 8 4 8 15 4 501 15 OnnUke.... 8 38 618 84 Chelsca 85 6 56 Dexter 4 14 65O10( DelhiMills... 12S ll0l7 Ann Arbor.... 433 5 30 9 45 4 35 60S10M Ypsilantl 4 50 545 95 4 52 6 24 10)7 VVayneJunc. 5 15 605 515 47 110 Detroit.. „Ar. 600! 6151045 I 600 7SO1K0 t.ThomM 1110 JOB 9 SO 830.... Filis View 117 660 N. Falls 221 459 122 6B.... Buffalo 485 7 15 8 40 0.... DKTBOIT TO CHICAGO. Ï & ?5 5 KJ & 5 .TAT.OK.. ? fi & t a o } ÜIÏL !:.!_! i? ÍA.M. P. M. A. M A.M. A. U A. Btiffilo 1130 535 006 900 100.... N. Filis ! IÍ4Ó H43 216.... St.Thoman 425IOOO.. 1 10 S 50 a. m . m. r . p m. r.M. r.u ... Detroit.. ..I.v.: 7 U0 9 10 130 4 01) 800 1015... Wayne June. 7 41 953 208 4 45 837 1055. . Ypsllanti .... 113 1012 220 5 1 858 1118..!:. AnnArhor... 818 1030 232 530 ÍISU35 Delhl Mills .. 8ÍH 5421 Dexter 837 5 50 1 9 35 Chelsea 859 8 Odi 9 52 GiaasLake.. 15 2711015 Jackson 946 11S5 3 32 710ÍI052 1 SS ... Creek.. 1121)1 1 12 4 401 S52I18 12 253 KalaniaZMi. . . 13 17 1 5 5 ló 9 451 1 80 3 011 4 46 Chicago.. .Ar. 5 4j H J0 9 . .. 70o7isl0 O. W. RUGÜLK8, H. W. HAYKS. G. P. & T. Ageut Au-t.. Ann Albor. Chlcaso. Toledo, Aun Arbor & Ni iii Michigan Railnay. n.MK SCHBDULB. Totnke effect : i r. V2 o'clock, noon, on Sunday, üctober Otli, 1887. Tralns ron by Standard Time. OPINO NORTH. "=i I ,!l Js STAT.ONS. ggj go i. H. P. K. P. M.A. ¦. Toledo Lv 5 15 3 15 6 25 6 51) Mitnliattaii Junction 5 20 3 20 6 40 6 10 Alexis 527 328 655 835 Samarla 5 45 3 4:i 7 2) 7 80 minie Jnnctloii 02 4 05 7 51 H 10 Dnndee 6 10 4 12: 8 (15 8 8U A.alia 6 25 4 18 8 20 U OU Milán 6 35 4 35 K 35 9 30 Urania 0 50 4 15 8 55 lo UU rMitírteld "Olí 4 58 H 05 10 20 Aun Arbor 7 15 5 10 fe 11 SU Ulan! 7 831 5 30 9 5 ID Wnilmore I.nke 7411 5 45 Mo.12 2 ÍS llowell 830 6 2 630 5 U) Duraud 9 30 7 40 1 9 3 p. h. Coranna S fó 7 4 10 35 üoo 10 01 7 55 1100 OwcBso Jnnrtion 10 06 8 1011105 Il lia a 11 lt) a 15 ü 46 St. Louls II 851 9 33 3 35 Atan 11 42 9 41 3 56 Me. Plcasant Ar lí 80 10 30 6 00 P. M. l. .I'. M GOINQ SOUTH. TATION8. gi Í mi L Sí A. M. P. H. P . Mt. Pleanant Lv 8 40 6: 180 Alma 10 15 7 20 220 St. Ixui8 lt$ 7 27 2 26 Ithaca 12 25 7 4fi 246.... Owobso Janction 4 00 8 55 4 02 .. Owosso 108 9iO 4 08 Corunna 125 9 06 4 15 ... Durand 5 16 9 80 4 36 i. a. Uowell 7 40 10 -JO 5 38 6 ( Wbitioore Lakc Kxi. 11 00 6 16 6 6f Leland 6 SO 11 14 6Í0 73J AnnArbor 7 15 1130 6 S'J 10 M l'iltffleld 7 28 1143 7TO11S0 Urania 7 35 1150 7 10 11b Milán 7 45 12 04 7 20 1214 Azalirt 7 55 12 14 7 30 12 46 Dnndee 8 03 12 24 7 40l 1 19 Monror Junction. 8 10 12 31 7 51 ID Sumaria 8 25 12 4B 8 10 2 18 Alexis 8 45 100(8 30 2 4 Manbuttan Junction 8 50 105:8 87 SO Toledo Ar 9 00 1 10 8 4i 8 15 A. , T. H.[r. . p. M. South Lyon Uraiicli. NORTH BOUND. STATIONS. SOUTH BOUNI. 1 rain 6 'I rain 1 P. M. P. M. 9 60 Lv. Leland Ar. 6 30 10 00 Ar. Worden Ar. 6 SO 10 20 Ar South Lyon Lv. 6 00 ConnectionB: At Toledo, wlth rallroada dlvergIne; at Manhattan Junrtion, with Wheeltng A Ijikr Krlu K. K: at Alexis Juncllon, wi'h Af. U. H. R., L. S. M. 8 Rj. and V. A P. M H. R.; at Monroe Junctiin. witb L. S. A M. S. Ky.; at Dundee, with L. S. A M. S. 1 .. M. A O. Ky.; at Milnu Junction. with Wahash, St. Lools 4 Paclflc Ky ; at PittHfleld.wlth L.s. M. 8. Ky.; at Aun Arbor wiih Michigan Centra] K. K., and at South Lyoo with Detroit, LanxlnK Northern H. K., aod Mlch. A. L. Div. of Grand Tronk Ry. At Haml'urit wltb M. A. Line División Grand Trunk R'y. At Howell with Detroit, Linsing & Noribern K'y. M Durand witti Oh cago A Grand Trunk K'y au 1 Detroit, Grand Haven ï Milwaukee K' . At llm. so Junction with Detroit, (rand Haven A Müwaakee K'y and Michigan Central R. K. Ai Vt Lools wílh Detroit, Lacsii'K& Northern R. U. Dd tít na Vallejr A Si. Louis h'y. At Alma It , Detroit, l.nníiiiL' A N' rthirn Ky. At Mt. Pluaatinl witb Flint Pere Marqnette R'y. H. W. ASHLEY, General Mana'er. W. H. BENNKTT, A. J. I'Alsl EY. Gen'l. PaA. A Ticket Aeent. Local Aitent Chancery Sale. Ín pursuanre and by virtue of a deiree oí lae Circuit Couri r. r thi; l'ounty of Wachienaw Mate of Michigtn, In Cbancery, made and entered on tbe Illth day oi Decemher, A. D. i887, In i certHln cans tlierein pendlni;, wberem Uenry K. Watson U complaiuant atid Susan K. Kidder. Amos Y. Kiddi-r. Ida C. Kldder and Cyrire Klaoer are ditendanta. Notice Is glven. ihat ou Satnrday the (hlrd day of March. A. D. 1888 at ten o'clock In Ihe forenoon of said day, I nhail ieil at public auction. or vendue. to the hu heet bidder, at the eagt maln entranre to the Court House, In the city of Ann Arbr, In said eouuty. thit belng tbs building In which the Circuit Court ol tald cuunty Is held, all thuie certaln BleMa. or panels of land efiuated In the tuwnsltip of Saline, Wwhtmw County, MlcLigm, and descrlbed is folluw, Ui wit: The east half of the northeiet qnarterof sectlon twenty elsht (28) and the west huif of the northw ('t quarter oí sertion twenty-seveo (27) exceptinfl a piece of land deeded by WIMlam Kldder and wlfe to Henry Peternon. doceased, ai folIow8, to-wit : Bezinning at a puint twent y-two ro !i west of the center of the Tecumseh and Saline roid where said road tntersects t' e north line of the northwept quarter of saidsection twenty-seven(27): tlience eaet along shid north line to the center of the Tecutneeh and Saline roid, twenty-two rodf,' thence outh ilong the center of ald roid ñfi een (15) rodn; thence nortb to the place of beelnnioff. contaif.ii.i; one hnndred and flfty-nlne and 011ehiilf arre mure or lees, all In towuship fonr south of range flve east. County of Washtenaw and Stiitc of Michigan, exceptíng from fiid ibove described partvl of land, tbe foliowinti Piere or parcel of land, viz. ; Ccmmencing at the nort!wtit corner of the east half of the nortbeist quirter of section Iwenty-e ght (28) townahlp four sonth of range flve east. running soutb on line betwetn ".'ift arid west half of said quarter sectiou, 20 cbalns and 75 links; thence nor.ih 43 degrees an4 30 minutes eaet. 5 chainsand 96 links to the center of the Ternmseh road, thence north 47 degrees and S0 minutes eat, along the center of said road, 3S c'hains and -40 links ; thence nortb 47 degrees west, 3 chalns, and 74 links to section line in the centv of the hlghway, thence west on aid section line In the ccutiT of the highway 26 chaln and 12 links to tbe place of begiunlng, coutaining 43 and 40 oiie-hundredthf acres of land. PATRICK McKERNAN, Circuit Court Commissloner, Wishtenaw fouuty, Michljjan. JOHN F. LAWRENCK, Solictor for Ccmplatnant, Ann AhBoR, January 16th. If88. . Nol Ice to Oreditors. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Wuhteniw ss. Notice Is hereby elv.n, thnt hy an order of the Probate Court for the County of Washtenaw, nn the iixth day of Februiry A. D. 1888, slx montas Irom thnt date were allowed for creditors 10 jrsent tlu-ir claims against the estáte of Kmanuel Mann, lote of sald toui.ty, dereased, and that all credlton of said deceased are requlred to present hi ir clims 10 sald Probate Court, at tlie Probatr In the city of Ann Arbor, for eiaminatiou aml allowauce, on or bufore tlie 6tb day of Angust ïext, and that such cIhIiiis wlll be heard beiore said Court, on Monday tbe seventb day of May and on Monaay the slxth day ot Angust next, at 0 o'clock In the forenoon of each of slid days. JJated, Ann Arbor, Februarv 6th, A. D. 1888. WlLLlAJd D HARR1MAN. 1388-92 Judg of ProbiU flHMURIMH l'"s revolutlonlzed tbe world H lPlUTinM ''uring the last half cenlury. 111 ILII llyll Nut laact among the wundera ¦ ' ¦" """ f Inventlve progresa I raethod and system of work that can be pertiirniiMl uil over the country without aepuraiIng the workers frorn tlu-lr homes. Pay Mbi-raijBiiy one cando the worH ; eitherex, young or okl; no Hpeclal ulillliy reyulred. CxpltHl uot needel ; you are startetl fr-e. Cut Uil out and return lo u.i aud we wlll send you f ree, aotneinlng of great value and liuportanee to you, that wlll start you In builueas, whlch will brlns: you In more raoney rlgtit away than anythlng else In the world. ffrand outfit ree. AUdraas Tru A Co., Augusta, Maloe.


Ann Arbor Courier
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