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Jut now wniie HeWwpüpew umi (wrtltl clans, espetlally thflha of th f e -iriÉile stripe, are jrreatly exercised ttboul inn-l aDd pools. They ale di nounccd ns l infruit of Proteeüoti, mul duubtlfA Wime uurefieeting, honest ile, thJ IH v. i learned that fr-triiltlilr- !y lylnir, begin to thlnk that ProU-etlpn r'Ntli er of all cviis. Trema mul i li ra toiubluations t' pn miii in(cie-tii in the tmne purxlilt - trmle or inwint - to regúlate Ihe Import or producllon and the dtstiitmtlon of thé nrticlcs nf ini-i - chandlse In wtiieh they del They itb' vioualv llave no relation wliati-vor t' Ihi - Iff or f ree-t rade In fait, the uuly ijoiwIble fffi-ct the tmirt' mny mi siicli combiiiation is to tendel tlinn rnoic dif licult In sucli artiolcs as muy bc i'iiliii c( il 10 price by tbe tarill', because Ihereby 11 l;tr)er capital is needi'd to fiistain the coinbimitlon. The c)fai' trust is of this kind. Tlie price of sugar ld so mjii'h higber, in conscquence of llie tariff, that uearly twicea much cMplWtH reqnirecl to carry on the trust as would be required under tree-trade. The trusts wbich have been most sitccessful in recent years re thcèOil trust and the Coffei; trust, botli of whinh dealt in argeles not protected by tarill'. The railroad pools furnish anothcr Instan) of reat conibinatlons for regulatitig prices, in wbich I'rotection could not possitly Iihvc any slmre. But whilc trusts and pools, in this protected country are of comparatively recent orgln, and only now r.ttractlng general attentloti, tliey have prevailed in free-trade Enlaud tor uiany yeurs. Perhaps protection has to some extent impedt-d or prevented thcir iotroduction be re. These combinations are not, however, in all cases as bad as repiesented. In many cases they have b' en advantagnous to all concemed. Workiiij,'nicii have learned the importance of combinations to secure uniforuiity of wages aml prevent an cxcess of workmen in special occupations. The mies of the uniona all U'ml to this result, and n miny resiect tliey conduce to the progpvrity of tlicir nunibers. Combiiiation of m mulaelurers, vvith similar object, bave also piovtd Hdvantajfcou?. by rVfttlattaft production, 8eurln)f uniiormlty in prices, presenting overprodnction and the coiiMiiucnt t"ppa};e of work and tlie dlicharjie of workmen. They also secure unifoimity of WHges and regularily of work tt tilgher wnges. These resulta are certiiinly as desirable and praieworthy us the re.-ults of coinbinations amoiij; workniiii themselves. An example of this kind of pool or combiiiation may be fouud in Ibe rubber shoe manufacture. During a series of years these branches of manufacture have been growing uiiprotitablt from excessive production and compelition. Prices have been declining below cost, and fartories have been stopping, or running on short time, while tlie o,tiality of tlie goods made have leen ilulerioratin throuith eflfnrls to cheapen tbem so as to meet competltion. The result has been los to manufacturera lower wages lo workmen and poorer joods for tlie cousuiuer. With ruin staring them in the lace, the manufacturéis conibiiii'd to form a pool and regúlate production ty lixin; thu quantity oiicli mili rtiall produce. The eöect of tliis rombinution luis ri'stored prosperity to the manufaoturer, securtd goud and permanent wpgea to tlie wnrkniKii. and rlveu better uoods to tlie (¦oiiButneri. It does int lead to excessivi1 prices, b"cause t is recuguizLti thal xcetsive pnces woukl ouly eucourage new futerprists and cuue a renowal ot dlsastrous coinbetitloii. I5ut H ilocs indine a tienltliy business, nuil prosperity to al' concerned. In sucli cases, therefoie, combi nntluns are (rood and ougbt not to be discouruged by indiscriiuinate clamor, whicli mmtlUi aotid and bad ilike.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News