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Give The Boys A Choice

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There was John, the eldest, a noble boy, So iliouglitful, umi hup and kln.i ; "A trifle too Berlou8," hls teacher sald, '¦For one of hls brilllant mlnd," But hls hand was not a ready hand To plough or scatter the seed ; Yet John must follow a fanner'g Ufe, As 'twas long before deereed 1 There was Davy. the very opposlte,- A lad wlth a merry eye, Who hated his books and hated hls school And thought all study dry, Except to read the of there rover's Ufe - A Ufe Ihat he faln would lead; Yet I uve must hang up his Inwyer's slgn, As 'twas long before deereed ! Our farmer he raïaed hut sorry cropy, uur liiwyir lost hls fees, And whlle onc took to hls books agaln The other took to Ihe seas. Now John he lilis a purson'K desk, A tul hls work is not in vain , l;ivy sails In as a shlp As ever went over the malu ! Tlnii ;ive the boys a cholee, my friend, And li-t Nauire takc the lom] ; "As Mie twig is bent the tree's Incllned," Has been louj ago deereed. Strong youthful blood cries out, my friend, in onc anlted volee, For a rlglH to make k way in llfe; Then glve Ihe buysacholve! "


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News