Plain Talk To An Applicant For A School
From Petoskey Independent. HOWELI., Mich, Maren 3 - 88 To Chas. S. Hamptou. Sir; I think gome of ffolng to some northern Couiity to teach a country Kbooi Ihto slimmer, thinking that Eiiimet Couiity would be a gooil location. I wrOte tliis to tiquire of you what deinaml there is for teachers mid liow miicli waffes tl.ey are Koinjf to Pay n your Couiity tlit.- suininiT. I have taiight tliree terms of school and can give the best of uefehance. Hopking tliat yon will soon ans. I remain your obedieut seuvant The above Is printed exactly as written, except that we have cnlled attention to gome of the mistukes by the use of small capitnls We take this means of notifyin;r tbc writer that he is not needed in schools of Emmet county. In the tirst place a person who does not know enough to endose a stamp when wrltiog h lelter on his own business is not fit to teach school. In the stcond place the young miin wil! be "hopeing" for un "ana," a long time before the people will choose hiin for a putilic "servaiit," unless he learns to spell words of tWO ayllables and knows something about gramuiar, punctuaĆ¼on and the use of capitals. We presume the writer tliou;ht thtt Emrnet county was so f;ir north that anyone could teach liere. We advise him to ({o to school a year or two bef re presuinfilg to set htaBMll up as an instructor.
Ann Arbor Courier
Old News