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Mud liogscare at Saline. ice boaU coast on North Lake. Ice yachting is the pleasure of Nortli Lakers just duw. Jacob Bullock, of Salem, has been granted a pension. T. J. Van Atta has moved from Salcm to the upper peniiisiila. Straw is very scarce this spring and prices correspoudingly high. The South Lyon council has simt down on base ball in the tiiuniclj a) lloüt A lawyer - a good one, mind you - wanted at South Lyon as a permanent fiiture. J. V. Donovau, of Detroit, is to deliver the Memoria! l)ay address al Brighton. Mrs. Joseph Beaaley aged 58, and Mis. Peter Kalmbach are aiuoiig recent Chelsea deatha. Chelsea has just paid $3 for an injury to a man from a detective sidewalk. Cheap enougb. The Michigan School Furniture Co. of Northvllle, has changed its name to the Globe Furniture Co. Wni. S. Negus who dled recently at Helena, Montana, leaviug an estáte of 75,0O0, was u native of Dexter village. The Dexter Leader thinks the Chelaea Herald is now a republican paper - on the tarlff- if so hurraii tor the Herald! C M. Hagadorn, who returned to South Lyon trom Arizona rocently is euthusiastic about the mininir business. Rev. II. Palmer, of Lima, attended the state encainpuient G. A. K. at Lansing last week as a delégale from the Chelsea post. Geo. Foster and Chas. Carpenter of Chelsea have bought an automatic drilling machine for tubular wells costiug $250. Wayne wlll have its fash, blind and door factory, recently burned, rebuilt on a more extensive scale than ever. That's business. A Chelsea builder ad ver Uses for four tb Ie bodied men to curry away the sliavnjfá this summer so great is Chelsea's oom to bc. Andrew 8. Sawyer, a son of C. W. 5awyer, ot Lyndon, has moved on to the tfoorville farm of his uncle, Hun. AnIrew J. Sawyer, of tlils city. David Henning made the Ladies' ..ibrary Associalion of Dexter a present of $20, and with it 2? new books have een added to their library. A. E. Perkins moves bis family and ïarness shop from South Lyon to Lake )dessa, a new towu on the D. L. & N. R. R.- Grand Rapids branch. It Is thought that thousands of dollars vorth of clover and timothy seed will be own this month as there is little old lover on the ground at present. Orrln Burkhart of Lima, bought two ihropshire evves a year a ago and now las a flock of ten sheep, the increase )einji eight. Pretty good sheep story old bv the Cbelsea Herald. The State paya 4% cents per ponnd for food Michigan-raised beef for the use of in' Jackson prison. Those of us wlio lave not been caught and caged have to pay from 7 to 12% cents per pound. W. E. Boyden, of Delhi Mills, has sold o Mr. McCaughty a slockgrower fnun Australia, four Merino rams; and Win. UU, of Hamburg, has sold che saine peroii ten 2-yenr old ewes and three e we ejt. Our Hoeks are becoming famous he woi hl over it seeni9. Au exchange says tbat a newspaper blded up and placed in the siimll of the back will answer the purpose of an overoat. That is right; a newspaper someimes makes it exeeedlngiy warm for a erson without being folded up at all. In act, the more it is unfolded the warmer t makes hint. - Herald. Michigan folks who are in California nis winter complain that they cannot get newspupers from home witli any egree of certainty or regularity, unless etter postare has been pald thereon. - Jhelsea Ilerahl. There has b!-en mui'li omplaint from our California eubscibrs even after we wave taken all the pains osible in addressing. Stookbridge either hungers for a roller roces8 mili or else the editor of the Sun s attempting to grind a wrong impresión into Is contemporaries. II that is what he is up to he muy get into a "mili" wlth some Mitcliell or Sullivan of the ress. But joking aside Stockbridge bas bonus retdy for auy man who will give hem a roller proccss mi 11 . The following are the ofliceis of Manhester villaee elected March 12th: President- Amarlah Conklln. Trustees - Nalhamol Bchmicl, Thomas J. 'arrell. Joseph C. Gordunler. Clerk- John F. Neslell. Treasiirer- Qeo. .1. llacussler. Streel Commliwloiier- Norton S. 0. AHsfssor - BenJ. O. Lovejoy. Constable- Kred. O. Martly. Uur readers whosmoke clgarettes may Ind lood for rellection In the following rom n gentleman who visited n factory nd says that cigarettes are made of 'cigar-butts picked up in the streets, arks of certain kinds, tobacco-.steins and efuse, heaped togetberin ono lilthy pile, and theu aatiirated witli opium, which glves the cigarette that soothing effect desirable to all smokers." Ugh! - l'ickney Dispatch. The law of highways Is simple and clear. Kvery person has an equal right wlth any other to use any puMic hlghway at any time for travel, either on foot, on beaat, or witli any vehicle or conveyance by wbich he simply passes over the road and leavea it reasonably undisturbd for the next passer; and upon ever traveler resti the duty of so uslng the road as not to Injure or unreasonably impede any other who may be exerclsing che same right arul observing the same duty thcre011. A bicycle rider ora traction entine lias an equal right to the highway with r man on horseback or with a wagon. Tho YpsM.mtian has this very sensible article in referenee to business: "Mr Begole has parted with the Belleville Enterprise, and A. E. Smith, who has been conneeted with the office, assumes U maDagement. Mr. Befóle pursued Ilie theory tliat work was desirable at ai(y prico, and in order lo secure business tbat would not otherwisc have gone to lum lie made prices so low as to extinKiiish prolit. His customers received the temporary benefit of the low prices, but lus business was slaughteed by it In all such cases, the gain isonly apparent, (ind there is a net loss to the coinmunity. Any private business conducted without protit ia a positive loss to every member of the cominunity, and every rightniinded man will be Interasted In the prospeiity of every useful business in the communitv '