Confirmation Suits!!
Ve have them in endless variety, all colors, patterns and pnces. We an supply all the boys being confirmed in Washtenaw Oounty and hall have plenty left. Our stock of them is larger than we ever arried which will enable us to please all, and at the same time we vill guarantee to save the purchaser from ONE to THREE DOLERS on every suit. Do not buy until you see them. JPRINü QfEECOáTS 1 1 SPUUG QVEBDOATS ! ! e are selling them fast, and as each and every purchaser leaves ur store, he is more than pleased with his selection. That's the way ve do business, buy all the novelties, the best of goods and sell them it reasonable prices. We have a beauty at $12. Gome and see ;hem at THE TWO SAMS. SPRING SUITSÜ SPRING SUITS! 3ur entire stock is now here, and we are showing the latest effects n Prince Albert Suits for street wear, as also in Dress Suits. They Lre the popular and new thing for spring. Four-button Gutaway 3uits, in'light medium and dark colors, as also a large line of Sack 3uits. Come and see them, no trouble to show them, and we take reat pleasure in showing the finest line of Suitings in Washtenaw 3ounty. BLITZ & LANCSDORF, TIEIE TATO SAMS. ïïie Only Strictly One-Price Clothiers in Ann Arte
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