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WhMt stands at 50 cents in this market. The Chequamegons play for the Junior Ex. Friday evening. Confirmation at Bethlehem Lutheran church next Sundaj. Tlmotliy sei'il in big demand at $3. Hlgheet price known tor years. Marion K. Archinson senks the untieinj; of tlie unit i í i ie n ht I bond from John Atchison. Rev. Mr. Mll] ml. nf St. Clair, will till the pulpit of the Presbyterian church ntixt Sunday. The junior exhibition of the liish school occurt on Friday evening at the lii'h school h:lll. A strict enforcement of our present laws would be abmil a (food a sti'p towaldi lem.erance ascoald In' laken. We invile tl' especial atrention ol our readers io an article nn the 1-t page, entltU-tl Public Wealth n. Public Ilcaltli. Some K Of '¦'') companions of Ypsilanti carne up to aattat In Boyal Arcli Masonie, work at the temple bist Monday evening. Joe Martin U dow with Martin Haller the fornitura dealer, where he meets his old friends with the usual pleasant ¦ralle. Naoma, the 9-years old daughter of Silas P. Hill (lnii Moiidny forenoon, of typhoid pnenmonia, and was buried yesterday. The " ernzy tea " giren ly the ladies of the Baptist eb uro b last Friday evening wal a succes erery way and netted $50 for the funds of the cbnrob. It i iiropnsed to have H. E. Frater present the mime of Gen. Alger to tbe nnfioual repablleau convention in one of in' taagoetlc and routing speeches. W. B. Cady had a toast at the "Soo,'" St. Patiiek't day, on "Give me liberty or give me dearli " Probnly the audience at the close of the speech gave him death. This week examlnationi ocour in the grades of' the public fchools and Friday doses the term A vacation of one week will ensue before the spring term commences on April 2d. E. R. Forsyth, a grocer of Ypsilanti, while in a state of tempnraly derangement, committed suicide by hanging Ust Sunday. He attempted a trip to the other world hy this same route once before, but was unsuccessful. Hon. Warren Chase, of Boston, Mass., will give a parlor conversation on the subject of Spirituallsm, on next Saturday evening. Muren Mth, ut the residence of Mr. and Mr.-. EU W. Moore.Xo. 8 Pontiac st., Fifth ward. All are cordially invited. Chicken thieves are drivinor a lively business these day In the 5th ward. Dr. Sudworth lost 40 Leghorns last week, anti the entire tlock of Mrs. Eli Moore was stolen from their coop last Friday nifrlil, while tarara] minor steals are reported. There were five parties, dancing and otherwise, last Friday evening, besides the Baptist social and a pliiy at the opera house. The person that couldn't. be sulted that evening must have been hard to please. And yet tnany people remained at home. The K. O. T. M's have bought the complete hall outfit of the Delta Tau Delta's, have reuted the old Masonic hall over A. D. Seyler's store, and are now as handsomely fitted out as any society In the city. The Mnccnbees are to be congratulated. The first meeting will be tc-night. With the present month, Rev. Samuel Hatki'll, D. !., will close forty-one years oí ministerial lalior. of which the last seventeen have been spent as pastor of Uie First Baptist church of Ann Arbor. The services of next Sunday, the last in nis official relati'm, will be especially coramemorative of the occasion. The Sons of Veterans met Saturday evening at G. A. K. Hall and organized camp to be known is "H. S Dean Camp, 8. V. No. 90." They will meet auuin Wednesday eveningr to perfect tbe organization. This has no connection with the attempt at an organizitlon made last slimmer. Toni BlackburH who holds forth in the barber shop over J. T. Jacobs & Co.'g store has his face plastered up in such a way that one might think be had been tbroogh a tlireshlnjí machine. But then, ne hasn't, te menly had a tumor removed from between his eyes, and is Ketting along nicely. Emory Hurst, colored, was arrested by ¦Mirhal Sipley for steallng a hat froiii HhtzA Lanjisdorf's store last Saturday was brought before Justice Frueauff M"ii(lay, waiveil examination, and was bmiml over to the circuit court in default oi 00 hall. The extreme limit a man wn le sent up tor stciiling trom inside a ore is tive years. Mrs. H Bovee, of Bijr Rapids, mother M Mrs. Parli Banrteld, lost two sons in the war. and some ¦() ynn ngo nppf ie1 T a pension, but for several years never eril a word from the claim. On the "' March i,„,t 8le received notice mat her pension had been granted at $12 Per month from date of apolication, amounting to some 12,500. As she is "onie 70 years of aae now, the money wil be a big help to her. At a meeiinir. yes'erday, of the Direct"rs of the Chrlstian Asswiation, Mr. Bplaninoired hls plant, whlcb had been inaiiiiuously adopted, and which provlde lor ¦ three story building of undiessed toneto cost when complete about $25,000. is of the Normtn-Homanesque order nd will be a line aildition to our city. Furlors, libiary, and praver-ineetinif rooms occupy the ground floor, wiiile ove is a hall to seat some 500 persons. p'h ¦ liinenslons of the building will be Jxjo feet, and it is to be called Newwrry hj], ,„ honor of Mrg. Newberry, ?f Detroit, who gave 15,000 to the fund. "slooation will be on State street,directly PP09ite University Hall. I RejfUter your name next Wednesday. " We won't walk on the grasa any more." The political pot is very modest thla -priiií, and does not bubble and fizz wlth lts wonted activity. The prohibitionists have deoided to nomiiiatu Capt. L. L. Janes as their candldate for mayor. Plans are now brliig perfected and lt looks very much as if we should have a new school building thls year. Among the recent pensions allowed were those of Wm. H. Bowen, Salem Station, and George Hinsdale, Dundee. Capt. Sidney W. Mlllard and Lleuts. King and Merrithew reeeived thelr cominissioiis this morning. Happiness reigns. Mrs. Rapan, one of the old residents of Ann Arbor town, in the John C. Mead neiehborhood, died Sunday last, and was buried Tuesday. There will be a democratie cniicus for the township of Northtield, on Monday, the 26th day of March, at 1 o'clock p. in., at Walsh's corners. The fall of snow this mornlng tneasured about tlve luches, and our agriculturalists say was n blt'ssing to wheat fields and the farmers. Rcv. Mr. Dana, of St. Paul, fllled the pulpit of the Presbyterian cnurch lust Sunday, and many of his listeners pronounce his seruiunsof rare merit. Republican ward caucuses have been cal led for next Wednesd.iy evening at 1% o'olock, local time, and the city convention for Thurpday evening at K o'clock at the City Hall. On or about April 5th, the Sorg PaintIng Co. will open up business In the old stand of Albert Sorg o:i Washington 8t., with a complete liue of new wall paper, puints, 0Ü8, etc. Lust Friday evenlna a gang of boyg broke seve ral llghts in one of tlie stained glaes windows of Zion's church, the expense of which will make tlieir futhera quite wratliy, no doubt. It' your name is not on the registry list in the wartl in which you now redde the best tliing you eau ilo is to attend the board of registration next week Wednesday and have it put on. Joel W. Hamilton is to be murrled Thursday eveningat eight o'clock, to Mis Atina E. Herdman, sister of Dr. W. J. I Ifi-ilriin.M of thi8 city, Ht the residence of tlie bride's parents in Zanesville, Ohio. The Mlcli. On. R. R. has not hid a train npon its main Une delaj-ed an hour thls inter by reason of snow or storms. You down east and ouc west blizzurd afflicted people, come to Michigan and be happy. Koch & Halier the furniture dealers, have dissolved partnership by mutual consent. Mr. Haller retaining the business. It is understood that Mr. Koch has rented the Keek building and will start in biisinesj for himself. A sky liglit has been put in the nnrtli side of the Botsford building over H. .1. Brown'i drug btore, for the use of Mr. K r neger as a new photo:raph gallery. Tbrae rooms served for years as a printing office, hut now the printing will be ol a far different type. John Dowdigan, the collection clerk of the lst National Bank lias been promoted to the position of book-keeper, made vacant by Mr. Belser's election as eashIrr of the Farmers' Mechanics' Bank. Will, a son of John Finnegan lias been appointed collection clerk. Geo. E. Southwick, formerly a resident of Dexter and Ann Arbor, and at one time one of the wealthiest men in this county. but who sunk a fortune in Tenn.-Ksce UikU directly after the war, died at his home in Detroit last week Thursday, of consumption, aged 50 years. Mary, wife of Caleb O. Willis, of the 4th ward, died Sunday afternoon, of pneumonia, aged 79 years, 10 mos. Funeral services to-day at 2 o'clock p. m., from the residence on Elizabeth St. Mrs. Willis had been a resident of this city for many years. She was the mother of . B. Willis of this city and J. W. Willis, of Buffalo, N. Y. An investigation of the matters relative to carelessness in exposing children in , one of our ward schools to diphtheria, as Oharged by a correspondent lust weck, provea the same to have been unfounded in that particular instance. Tiiere is no question, however, hut throiighout the i city generally too Uttle care is paid to the spreading of contagious diseases. i Ann Arbor town expended through lts highway eommlssioner the psst year, the ' suni of $1,298. Of this amount, $875 ' were expended for bridges, culverts, and general highway improvements; $133 ( for opening a new street leading frora i West Huron st. to Washington st., outside the city limits. The suin ot $300 was expended for three new road j chines. The State Dental Association i in , KMioa at the Dental College, and a lirely ttght is being waged over the question of advertising. The sticklera for the absurd code of dental ethics, which ruakes It a 8 miídemeanor for a dentiat to tecure ' vertlsinjf to be paid for (nothing agalnst the gratiB ads) are being fought hard by ' Dr. C. H. Land of Detroit, who Is 1 ported by Dr. J. A. Robinson, of Í snn, the president of the aspocialion. Dr. Land has a righteous cause, and in the ] end he will ttlumph if not now. , The court house is now insured for ' $55,000, in twelve different companies, and rated at$l instead of $1.50 as hereto c fore, a saving to the uouuty Mr. Units te'ls lis, of $270 for the three years. Now i the proper committee should at once take that amount of money, or more if , necessary, and lix the roof so that it will v not Irak and destroy the inside of the , building. It is a t-hanie to have the the walls of such a fine structure ruined from roof to basement by water trick ling and pouring down them. ' There is a barber shop in the 5th ward t of this city which is a regular gymnasium, dental and tonsorial parlor combined. They have dumb belle, Indian clubs and all that fort of tliing for thelr customers, ( and a dental student puts in some time ( practicing his profession. He has got to be sucli an expert that people go there ', ind have their teeth pulled just for pleasure, and he doesn't charge them a cent therefor. Then to add to all this Jim , Sliarpe relates tales of the Indian border lite that are superior to three-fourths of ' those published in the dime novel line. It ' is probably one of the very beat patronized establishmente in the city. Dr. Frothingham has moved his office from the Hamilton block to the building mi i'ifth tt., near the corner of Washington st., some years ago owned and occupied by Dr. Parsons as an office. The new quarters will not be as central as the ' old ones, but will be more convenient for many feeble ones who dread the climbing of stairs. The Doctor will have things IHted up In good stylo, and the excellent taste of liix most excellent assistant. Dr. Phillips, will be brought into requisition in fíxing it up. [Since the above was in ' type, the Dr. has changed his mimi, and will stay where he is, but we are not ' going to lose so good an item as that these hard times, by a long shot. There is probably no one man to whom j newspaper men of this city are more indebted than to Thomas J. Keech, the admirable manager of the telephone exchange of this city. Mr. Keech for years I has went to considerable trouble and expense to secure for the journalists here mll and complete returns from the entire county on the nights of election, thus I enabling them to complete their tables l at an early date. This he did at tho recent local option election, according to j custom, besides rendering courtesies at j other times and in other ways. It is not s surprising to learn that such a man is . succeseful in his undertakings. And one ( can imagine that when the writer of thls item was iiil'ormed the other day that the Ann Arbor office was ainong the best managed in this state, and even in the union ; that fewer complaints carne from i here about the service; and that more ) contidenee was reposed in the management than in any other place in the state; I one can imagine, we repeat, that the in' formation feil upon welcome ears. "May i he live long and prosper," is the wish of all Ann Arbor qulll drlvers for Mr. 1 Keech. '