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To see the Boston Ideáis mul hear their beautiful raiibie is tbeerent of a life time. See that you do not mise It. If Booth and Barrett don't " woodbine" they will be in Ann Arbor on Alay 7th. l'liis is on authority. The Boston Ideáis will appear at the grand opera house, Monday eveninir March 26th, in that beautiful opera "Thé Daughter of the Rejriruent." The Ida Van CortlandCo. g playlnir to big business this week at the }f rand opera house, and giving excellent satisfuctlun. Frices are withln the reaeh of nll and the people are apprt-ciating the fact. Beautiful music, beautiful costumes beautiful airs, with constant chanees of scènes of dazzliur splendor is what one will see and hear in the "Daughter of the Kegiineut" at the grand opera house Mondar, evening, March 26th. Of all tbe papers in New York Cily the Mail and Kxpress is acknowledeed authority upon tlieatrical malters, and in lts isbue of Jan. 17th it says of the prima ilonna of the Boston Ideal Company 'M'lle üe Lussau lias a voice of excellent tiuality, her vocal training has been of the best, and her tace a ad n'gure are very ïttractive. Her singinji of the principal numbi-rs in "The Daughter of the Regiment, 1 ist night, was every way admirable." M lie Zelle de Lussan appeared at the btlh Avenue Theatre last uight as Marie in Donizetti's opera, "The Daughter of the Regiment," says the New York Herald of Jan 17th, and adds: "The presentation was a signally successful one. It hH been stated that M'lle de I-uvan dreaded the criticisin of New York. She need have had no fears. Slie ave a brightly, sprightly interpretation of the role. Her voice was Jresh, full sweetand indicated ihal her training had been of a good echoot ; and she proved her capacity to interpret a patlietic, tender or merry air with ease and grace." To-ninht (Wednesday)- don't fail to see Ida Van Coi tland's rand impersouation of Antonia the Corslcar in the great play entuled "A Dangerous Woman." Thursday night, Dion Bouccicault's Masterpiece, the great London success, "London Assuranee." Fridny night grand testimonial benefit to Ida V. n Cortland wlien she will appear as Mercy Merrick in ttie l'avorite emoiional play "The New Maadalene," dianialized trom Wilkie üollins story of the same name. Sutnrday afti r loon at 2.30, grand fnmily matinee, the charming comedy drama in four acts and written expresuly for the Ida Van Cortland Co., entitled "Cuught in the Webb." It never fails to please. He Mire and bring the children. Unity Club has arranged for a great literury treat for the people of Ann Arbor early in April. George Willis Cooke, of Boston, the author of books on Emerson, George Eliot, Ruikin, Carlyle and Browning, hns been engaged to give a series of four lectures on "The Intellectual Development of Woman." Mr. Cooke has given these lectures in many of the large eilies ot the East, and everywhere they have been spoken of with the htffbest pralse. He has just given tiiem before the Peabody Instituto in Baltlmore. The specific subjects are : 1. The Literary Women of the 16th and 17th Centurles. 2. Ui. Johnxon and the Llterary Women ot the J8th Century. 3. Hurrlel Murilncau and lier Conternporarles. 4. Ueorge Eliot aud the Llterary Women of to-day. The lectures will be giren in the Unltarian church. Tiieterms will he put low. More full announceiuent will be made soon. The New York Sun of January 17th, 1888, has this handsome notice of the Boston Ideal's presentation of the Daughter of the Regiment (to be given here Monday evenini;, March l'iith, aud the Sun is not given to compliments where they are not deserved: "The production of Donizetti's " Daughter of the Regiment " at the Fifth Avenue Theatre, last night, was completely successful. M'lle de Lu9san's presentation of Marie was at times somewhat exuberant, but scarcely too lively when the coiiditions amid which Donizetti's heroïne was reared are taken into account. It had, moreover, the uncominon merit of uniting to lts dramatic excellence and cont.igious spirit the positive worth of a lyric effort of ii high order. The audlence waxed enthusia-tic over everything; there were tour or flve recalls after the tirst aud second acts.and the final curtaiu had to be raised again before the crowd departed. The general representatlon of the opera was animated and remarkably smooth, Mr. Baxter proving an acceptable Tonlo and Mr. Clark an appropriately brusque and sonorous Sulpice." Emma M. Minkley has been granted a divorce froin George Minkley, by Judge Kinney, and Carrie E. Jewell one from Fletcher W. Jewell, both on the charge of cruelty and failure to support. The tonner Anu Arbor, the latter Ypsilantl parties.


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