Republican National Convention
To the publican Elector of the United States: In accordance wlth usge, nfl obedlent to the lnstructlons of the Kepubllcan National ConTentlon of 1884, National Conventiou of delegitea.repreientatives ot the Republlran party, will be ¦ hela at the cüy of Chicago, Hl., on Tuesday. the 19th day of June, 1888, ai 14 oYlock, noon, for the parpóse of nominilla candldaleë for President and VlcePreeident, to oe upported at the neit National election. and for the transaction of niicn otner business as may be there prasented. RepuMican elector In the xeveral States and voters wïtbont reg ird to put politie! afflliatioa, dlfinrenccsMidaciloo, who belicve In the American principal of a protectlv trlff, for the defenae and diveloiment ol home Industrie and the elevatlon of hi me labor, who wiuld reduce the natlonal laxes and revent the accnmoUtlon ol the turplus In the treasurjr In harmony wlih thla principie; who are oppoxed lo the attempt now more opetily avowed ihan ever before to ubollnh a pollcy whlch would strike down A im-rlcan labor u the level or the and:r-pald and oppretsed worter of Inrit? land; wlio favor a vstcm of naval and conal dafcDne waich vi 11 cnihlc tne United 9tie to conduet It international nfgotiatlon lth iolf-respeel; who frratufnlly cherish tne delenden of thr country; wau cond4 mn and reaent tho oontinued and unjust exclusión uf rapldljr grow.Dfc Territorles whlch have an Indisputable iltle to adm sslon nio the sisterhooa of States; who are In tavor of free schools and popular educatlon; a free and honest hallot, and a fair connt; the protectlon of every clilz-n of the United State In hls legal rlghts at hume itnd ahroad; a foreiiju pollcy that shall extend our trade and commerce to every land and clima and shall properly support the dlcnlty of the nation, and the promotion of frlendly and harmonioax relations and intercourae between all the States, ure cordlally invlied to unit; nnder thla cali in formailoii of a National tlrket. Kach Siate shall be entitled to four delegóte, atlarpe, and for each repreaentatlve at-large two delegales, and each Corgresslonal district, each TerriMry and tbc District oCColumbla to iwo drligatea. The delcjjutea-at-la'ge shall be choaen by popular State convemioijs called on not les ihan twcniy days publlshed notice and not lees than ihiriy days b.fore the meeting of toe National CoDventlon. The Congrfsalonal district del-gitea ahall be choen In the same mauner as the norainationofam mberol Congrese is made. The delegatcs frem tie district of Columhia sball be caoeoo ti n i'oiiTt-ation con-iituted ol m. mbern el ctei in pr imrv dictri:t awmhll-s held under the cali and dircciion of the Repúblicas Central Uom mil tee in tald District. An altérnate delegare for each del gate in the National Convention to act la caae ot tbe absence of the delegite, shall be elected in the s ime m&nner and ai tbe same time as the delégales. All notlces of contesti munt be flled wlth tne National Committee In wniing, accompanied hj prlDted staieinents ot the gro -nds of contesta, wbich shall be made public, freterence In the order of hearIrg and detriminlng contests wlll be glven hy the cotivention In accordance with the dateiof flllng of uch notice and autem-Dt wilh the National
Ann Arbor Courier
Old News