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RINSEY & SE ABOLVS BAKERY, GROCERY, AND Flour and Feed Store. We keep conBtantly on hand, BREAD, CRACKERS, CAKES, ETC, For Wholesale and Retall Trade. We shal) also keep a supply of SWIFT & DEUBEL'S BEST White Wheat Flour! Osborn'k Gold lii i Flour, Buckwhcat Flour, Corn Tl ml, Fced, Etc, At Wholesale and Retad. A general stock of GROCERIES and PROVISIÜNS Constan tly on hand, whlch wlll he told on u reaeonable terms as at any other honse In the city. Cash pald for BUTTER, BGOS, and COUNTRY PRODUCB generally. Goods dellvered to uj part of the city without extra charge. RINSET & SEABOLT. LTJMBER! LUMBBR! LÏÏMBER! Lf you contémplate building, cali at FERDON Lita Ill'i! Corner Fourlh and Depot Sta., and g our ligurcs for all kinds of LUMBER! We manufacture our own Lumber and Kuarantee VERY LOW PRICES IfGivc u a cali and we will make II to rour interest, as our lare and well graded stock fully tustains our assertion. Telephone Connectiooi with Office. T. I. KKECH Supt JAMES TOLBKRT, Prop An Adjourned Animal Meeting of the Washtenaw Counly AgriciiHural and Horticultural Society. Themembersofsald Society wlll takenotice, Umi IQ aocordance wltli Act No. 47, 01 the Sesslon Laws of 1882, there wlll be lield R mljourned unuual meeting of sald Society, oa Frlday, April 2Oth, 18S, at2p. m., nt thelr room In the basement of the Court House, In Ann Arbor, In Mld County, for the purpose of votliiK to (iiiinorIze and direct the President. Secretary J Tretwurer of sald Society to sell the real e 'Ht.'itnd fairgrounds of the Society Itualen In nald City, of Ann Arbor, to Israel Hall anu lnvest the proceedsof such ale In tnel"„, ohue twenty-two acres of land. .s Ing bol' slxty rols soutli and eat ol the a' ''; grounds, and belonglng to sald Israel Ha, to be used for the lafr grounds of sald Society to move the buildings, fences etc, now im sald fair grounds to sald twenty-two acres, and the Board of Managers hereby K'veII!; tice thiit at such meeting they Intend to as for an order for such sale lo sald Israel Haii or to such olher person or persons a saiu Society Rhall at such meeting direct. The board of Managers of said Society by Kkedkick B. BKAUN. Presldeut, John K. Minkb, Secretary, J essi k A. Dkli., Treasurer. Dated, Ann Arbor, March 18th, 18a. w


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News