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Os the 2Oth bilis were reported In the Senate to encouraga the holding of a Nutlonal Industrial cxposltion of the oolored race In the United States In 1&W-9, and providtng that pensiona be rated according to the rank held at the date of discharge. The Flnance Committee made a favorable report on the blll to wipe out the charges agatnst the States for the loan of 1S38. It amounts to Obctween t20.0U0.n00 and 130,000,000.... In the House bllls were tntroiluced to protect freo labor and the lnjurlous effects of con vlet labor; toestablish a deparlment of labor, and to provlde for the Issue of legal-tender Treasury notes In lleu of notes estimated to be lost or destroyed. ü were passed in the Sonate on the 21st to allow soldlers and saüors who have lost both hands, or the use of both hands, a pension of tlOO a month; to divide a portion oí the reservatlon of the Sloux natlon of Indlans In Dakota lnto separate reservatlons; for the relief of the volunteers of the Forty-elghth regiment of lowa Infantry; provldlog for an ln6pectlon of meáis for exportatlon, and prohibltlng the Importatlon of adulterated articles of food or drink ... In the House bilis were passed 10 prevent the product of convlct labor frombelng furnlshed to or for the use of any department of the Government, and to prevent the employraent of alien labor on public buildings of the Government. The Senate on the S2d passed bilis to prevent obstrucllon of navlgable waters and to proteot public works agalnst trespass or lnjury; fora commlsslon on the alcohollc liquor trafile; authorizlng the President to arrange a conference In 1889 between the United States and Mexico, Central and South America, Hayti, San Domingo and Brazil to advocate arbitratlon; reducing the postage on seeds, cuttlngs, bulbs, roots, scions, etc, to one cent per tour ounoes, and the Urgent Deflcienoy blll, whlch approprlates M,R78,5O0 ...In the House bllls were passed extendlng the protectlon of the United States laws over United States offlcials; providlng in all civil and criminal trials in circuit and district courts that the judges shall charge the jury In wntlng lf so requlred by elther party; providlng that judgments and decrees of United States courts rendered withln any State shall be Hens on property as judgments and decrees of the courts of that State, and the Urgent Deflclency bill. The death of Chief-Justlce Walte was announced In the United States Senate on the 23d as soon as the members met, and on motion of Senator Edmunds a committee was appomted to take such action of respect as may be expedlent. As a further mark of respect the Senate adjourned to the 26th. In the House resolutions of respect to the memory of the Chief Justlce were adopted, and without transactlng any business an adjournment was taken. DOMESTIC. Stohm, Ice and high water damagei were reported f rom varióos pointe in the West on the 'JOth. In portions of Dakota and Minnesota the heaviest snow-iall of the winter prevailed, and in Western Kansas and Nebraska heavy storms of sleet and bhow nau aamneu iruit nuu uvc-hluuk. The Commercial National Bank of Dnbuque, la, suspended paymentou the 2Oth, The loss to the stockholders would be $600,000, but it was said depositara would lose noihing. Claus Gibble, superintendent of the Vulture mine, and a man named Johnson were robbed of $7,000 and killed at Nigger Wells, Col., on the üOth. John Walker, seyenty-four years old and tlred of life, shot himsulf to death in Richinond, Ind., on the 20th. The poRtoraoe at Radford, IlL, was burned on the 20th, all the f unds and supplies being lost. The total exporto trom this country of dalry products for the ten montha ended February 28, 1887, were $8,342,040, whlle the exporta of the corresponding period In 1888 were $10, 113,171. Mayor Hewitt, oí New York, In a commnnlcation on the 20th to the Board of Aldermen defends hls action in refusing to allow the Irieh flag to be raisad on the city hall on StL Patrick's day on the ground that none but an American flag should be permitted to Hout from any public building in this country. He said that forelgners who come to this country to live should remember that they thereby beoome Amerioans and cease to be foreigners. The only visible sign remalnlng on the 20th of the great Burlington strike waa the retentlon of their headquarters in Chicago by the Brotherhood. The contest itself waa declared to be over, despite the rumora of a combination of switchmen and brakemen to help the englneers and tiremen. The boycott on Burlington freight, which was the great stroke relied upon by tho engineers to win thelr demanda, had been conipletely ralsed. The experts examlnlng the accounts of Richard H. Greenwood, treasurer of Davless County, Ind., found on the 20th that Greenwood was short $14,1(58. Resolutions denunciatory of the Mills Tariff bill were adopted by the Central Texas I.ivc-Stouk Associution on the 20th. The Btatlstician of the Agricultural Department at Washington on the 20th estiïnntcd the stock of wheat in farmers' hauds at the present time at 132,000,000 bush' els, against 122,000,000 bushels at the same time last year. A heavy wind and rain-storm in the Plttsburgh (Pa.) district on the 21st leveled telegraph polen and did other damage. Aftkb a turee weeks' nnsuccessful strike for ntne hours' work for ten hours' pay the Milwaukee ship carpenters and calkers gave up the üght on the 21st and resumed work. A terrible oyclone vlsited Georgia and East Tennessee on the night of the 20th, causlng immense destruction to property and nmi-li loss of llf e. The storm formed in the viclnity of Calhoun, Ga., and purBued a northeasterly dlrection through North Georgia and into and beyond East the ground completely of grasa, aud a forest of tlmber was mown as with a great eeythe. The Kmlgration Board in New York on the 21st reported the total number of passengers landed In that oity the past year as 450,8-jr. Durinq a storm at Washington on the 'Jlst lightninjr struck the Capítol, the flash belng especially vivid in the Senate chainber. On the tilst two New York pllot boats, with f ourteen men, were reported as lost. James Sapp, of Goodland, Ind., was arrested on the '2 lat in Logansport, charged wlth passinjj $"2,000 in counterfeit monèy. One of the üercest gales ever ezperienced raged on the 21st at Wheeling, W. Va, 8everal houses were unroofed, Bnd many persons were blown off the Ir f eet on the strekt Cold weather, with one of the severest Btorms of the eeason, was reported on the 21st from Wisconsin, Minnesota and Dakota, Gbkat floods pre valled on the 21st on the Upper Missouri in Montana. The country in the viclnity of Wolf l'oiut was one vast sea, tarros belng nnder four feet of water. A SEVERE raln-storm, accompanled by violent wlnds, prevailed throughout Western Massacbusetta on the 21st, inundating meadows for miles and badly washlng the higliways and railwaya Governor Thayer has designated April 23 as Arbor Day in Nebraska. A paswed over a small sectlon of aonntry 1jpnt a mlln south of Fiilton, N. Y., on tbe 1, wreaklnif Hiv(irnl Iiouhhk and dojnfc iitimr danuige. Nq llvi-n wr lost, l'i'.t hcvcful persons were Injurml. Fubthek iiivuitlgation of the tx eatment of Ar ka n 8 uk uunvicts In the Coal HUI mine revealed on tbe i."Jd brutaüties even more horrible than at flrst reported. Warden Rcott whipped seventy-flve men ra one ntgbt t il 1 all were bloeding, the men bal gone without sboes all winter and one had been murdered. At Milford, Mwh., the Fettibone flonring raills wen burned on the '22a. Losa, 9122,000. A fbeioht train went down an embankment on tbe 22d near Portland, Ore., killing ouc innn and injuring ten others. Two car-loads of cattle were killed. Adam at Quickstream, Ma6&, collapsed on the 22(1, causlng two bad washouts on the New York A New England rallroad, be8ldes ili-Htroyintr three liiVliway bridges. The loss frMfT75,000l A frlkiHt train was wrecked on the 22d at Barre, l'a, and three men were killed and tbree injured. As á resui.t of the liquor prosecutlons at Concord, N. H., every saloon closed on the 22d, the proprletors refustug absolntely to make any sales. Thbee boys, sons of Georire Walker, Robert Wood and Edward McChüly, were drowned on the "J2d In the Delaware rlver near Cbester, l'a., by tbe cupalilnor of a boat B. F. Bush'h yacht Coronet, whlch won the oten yucht-race with the Dauntless last spring, left New York on the 22d for a tonr aronnd the world. The crew consista of the master and forty men, and Hr. Bush and family will join the party at San Fran" cisca It was estimated on the 22d that the strike of the engineers on the Burlington road had coat the Brotherhood to date over $800.000, nnd the rnllway company over $1,000,000. The William H. Schmidt Fash & Door Company's factory at Hilwaukee was burned on the !2d. Loss, iJflOO.OOtt The flood at Millburg, Masa. necesltata a removal of iirisonfirs trom the Jail on the 22d, where the water was slx feet deep. Some of the oltzans had narrow escapes In gettlnp: out of their houses. The central portion of the town of l'xbridge was also üooded. At MUwaukee on the 22d Thomas Brown. an lnmate of the Soldiers' Home, aged sixty years, was fouud near the grounds frozen to death. All rallways in Northern Michigan were blockaded by snow on the 22d, and In some towns the thermometer registered twentyBre degreea below z ra Itwhs estimated on the 1ÍLM that over forty thousand dollars in counterfeit fivedollar sllver certincates hcd been pot In clrculation in Chicago in the past few days. In the lard Investigaron before the tlonal House Agricultural Commlttee on the 23d W. G. Bart'e, an ex-pork-paoker of St Louis, BtaDed that he bad been in th business tor fnrtv years, and knew that Infccted hogs were cut up and put upon the market as good meat. DuBiMi the Beven days ended on the 23d there were 212 business f allures In tha United States, against 202 the prevtous seven daya The union plasterers at Buffalo, N. ï, struck on the 2Hd for nine hours' work wlth ten honrs' pay. Sea urn was knocked down at the Lake Erie depot In Lima, O., on the 23d, robbed of $2,500 and seriously lnjured. The burglar escaped. The switchnien along the line of the Burlington system quit work on the L':fd In order to help the enginesrs and tiremen of that line. Thomas Bkown, a new Burlington engtneer, in passing a crowd of s trikers and their Bympathizers on the 23d at St Joseph, Mo., was struck on the head with some blunt instrument by sorae one In the crowd and fatally Injured. In New York on the 23d Hcnry Bergh, nephew of the lately deoeased f ounder of the Society tor the Prevention of Cruelty to Animáis, was unanimously elected president of the soc ety. Passenoer trans on the Pittaburgh A Lake Erie rond carne in collision near Waropum, Pa., on the 2,'id, and two men were killed and nine other persons wero seriously wounded. 1t was dlscovered on the 23d that II. F. Royce, the treusurer of a savings bank In Willimantic, Conn., had approprlated the funds to the amount of $150,000. In the tally -sheet forgery c:ise at Columbus, 0., the jury disugreed on the 23d, after baving been out fonr days, and was disoharged. The ballot stood at ten to two for conviction. At the State convention of orernnized labor in Montgomery, Ala., ou the 23d acommittee waa appointed to culi a convention, if lt should become ndvlsable to nomínate a State ticket, nol later thun June 1. A prohlbition resolution was defeated. The pension claim of Cyphert P. Gillette, of What Cheer, Ia, was allowed by the Pension Department at Washington on the 234 The amount Gillette will' receive is about $lü,O(JO in arreurs and a inonthly pension of $72. This waa sald to be the largest sum ever puid to u private soldier as a pension. PERSONAL AND1POLITICAL. Ta Demócrata of the Kineteen th IUlnols distrlut on the 20th renomlnated R W. Townshend tor Conirressmaa Minnesota Bepublicans will meet In St Paul May 10 to elect delegates to the National convention in Chicago. The West Virginia Democratie State convention will be held at Uuntington August 16 to nomínate a State ticket. The President on the 20th nomlnatec Strother M. Stockslager, of Indiana, to be Comtnlssioner of the General Land Office, and Thomas J. Anderson, of lowa, to be Asslstant Commissioner. . Solomon Sapp, eighty-three years old, and Mra. Thomas Stevens, seventy-flye years old, both early settlers at Princeton UI , were married on the 20th by Kev. O A. Walker, who is eighty-four years old. The Kentucky Democrats will meet In Lezlngtón on the ltíth of May to elect delegates to the National convention. In Washington on the evening of the 21st ex-Uecretary and Mrs. Hugh McCuiloch celebrated thelr golden wedding annlversary by a brilliant reception. At the annual town meeting In Lee, N II ., on the "_' 1 st Mrs. Iiebecca Bennett was chosen moderator and Mra. James Buzzel was elected superintendent of schools, the h'rst instances of the kind in the State. Democratic State convuntions to elee delegates to the National convention were announced as follows on the 21st: At Atlanta, Ga, May !); at Duyton, O., May 15 at Grand Rap ds, Mich., May 1(1. Iowa. Republicana met in State conven tlon on the 2 lat at Des Moines and electe deleguUN to the Nutiomil convention, the delegates-at-large being David B. Hender son, J. S. Clarkson, George D. Pcrkins an( J. P. Dollivcr. The resoluttons simply se forth the qualincationa and attalnments o Senator WUliam I!. Allison, ond recom mend him as a fit candidate for the Presl dency. Fobtt-two of the Ohio Democratic clubs met in .Columbas on the 21st and formcd a State I e.igue. 1.1. ' - ¦ " E Wbioht, Stato Geologist for Ilrhlgan, did l iu home In Murquette on he J'Jd, aged forty year.i Mm Jiinkttk Lokwsnbebo, iged ono lundred yeais ard nlne months and six )h. du-J iu Chicago on the -'Jd Mfts. ]'. ii ki, Jacisom Eckford, a nleoe of Anclrew Jacksou, born In the White House April 9, 1830, during hls adinin "tration, and marrled flrst to Governor Knox, of Texaa, died at Hun Antonio, Tex., on the ad Jm M. IIai.stïad, president of tha Amerloan Fire Insurance Corapany, explred at New York on the 22d, aged elghty yeaxa. The anuual conventton of the New ïork 8Ute Woman Buffrage Associatlon began at iew York City on the 22d, Mrs. Llllie )evereaux Blake presiding. The ProhlbltloniBta of West Virginia wlll meet at Parlcersburg July 18 to nomínate & itate ticket and elect delcgates to taeir N'alonal convention at Indianapolis. The Hliode Island Leglslature adjourned tint die on the '23d. Mobbison Remici Wiitk, Chtef Justice of the bupreme Court o( the United Utates, lied at hls home in Washington on the morntng of the 23d of pneumonía after a irirf lllness. He was born at Lyme, Cona, ïovomber 29, 1810, graduated f rom Yale n 1837, and on January ül, 1K74, was ¦ppomted by President Grant as presldlng offleer of the Supreme Court. He leaves a wife, who was In California at the time of lis death, two ons and one daughter. Jpon the announcement of hla death tlie iupreme Court adjourned, and the President lHaaed a proclainatlon ordering that ;he Goveriynent buildings be draped for .bree days, and that Hags be draped at ïalf-mast on the day of the funeral Govebsob Ros, of Texas, on the 23d determlned to convene the Lefftslaturo lu extra sesslon on April Kt, to dispose of the surplus money in the 8t:it treasury. Gbein Clit Smith was on the '23d nomlnated for Conyreaa by the Prohibitlonlsta of !he Eighth Kentuoky distrlc. FOREION. Melttsíi snow had on the 20. h caused irreat Hoods in llussia, and the damage would be great. Advices of the 21st from Bagdad say that the Hamavend Nomadlcs had ralded the district aronnd that city, burning and pillaglng several vlllagea and murderlng many Kurdtsh peasanta Whtlï a performanoe was in progress on the 21st at tbe Banquet Theater, in Oporto, Portugal, an explosión of ga occurred and the theater took flre and was destroyed. The house was f u 1 of spectators at the time. Eighty bodies had been taken from the rulns. and others were missing. Adviceh of tbe Hlst frora Edmonton, in the lar Northwest, say that hundreds of ('anadian Indians were etarving to death, and over sixty had already dled. Rkpobtb reached Madrid, pain, on the 21st of great suffering among the people In rural district owlng to the severe weather. Many peaAnnta had perished in the snow. Marino Bbos., buildera und contractors of Borne, Italy, falled on the - lt for L2,000,000. Advices of the 22d ay that Myinggan, an Important military post in Upper Burmah, had been destroyed by an lncend ary fire, and flfteen thousand people wefereported to be homelesa. Bt a colusión between a freight train and a snow-plow on the V2d near Gravenburst, Can., seven men were killed and flve seriously woutded. John Follín Ttltos, the famous landhüdim nainter died uuddenlT at. Home on the 23d. He wat born in London, N. H., in 183a Furtheb reporta on the 23d of the theater flre at Oporto, Portugal, say over one hnndred and twenty persons perished in tha flamea In the Brltlsh House of Lords on the 23d bill to enfrunchlae women passed lts lirst readlng. In the Canadlan House of Commons on the 23d Minister-of-Justice Thompson introdnced a bill to rattfy the flslieries treaty. Advices of the 23d say that thirty-nlne vil laven were deatroyed by the recent floods in Hungary, and the entire county of Bekes wonld resemble a lake until tbe summer was f ar advancod, Great distress prevailed among the inhubitanta LATER NEWS. it was aisoovered on tne 24 n tnat rainer Ihinsee her three little children stirvn or be taken in charge by her la e husband's rilatlves Mra Lebkuchner, a widow in New York City, had glventhem poison with fatal effects. i UANK A. Dearbobh, a Boston lawyer, failed on the 24th tor $170, (XK). Ths New York Iiepnb.ioans wlll hold their State conveution in Buffalo May 11! to elect delrjfa'' to the National conrention. John T. Hoffman, Governor of New York from 1668 to 1872, died in Wiesbaden, Germany, on Ihe 24th, aged sixty years. At l'rovo, U. T., slxteen Mormons were on the 24 th senteuced to six months in the penitciitJiiiy for living with more than one wlfc Thb heavieHt snow-storm of the season was raging on the 25th in Wales and the west of Scoiland. Pbesident Cleveland on the 24th signed the bill fixmg tne chuxge for passports at one dollar. Neab Owensville, Ky., on the 25th Lee Bice, a weulthy cltizen, and Judxe T. 11. Hamllton ended their lives by suïcide. 111 health was glven as the cause in both cases. In a quurrel on the U4th Wllliam McClune, aged sixty-tlvo years, of Llmber Kidue, Va., murdered hls wlfe and then killed himsell Convict at Woodlawn, Ala., revolted on the 'J-lch, and two weru killed by the guarda. Joseph W. Dbkxíl, of the well-known banking family, died at hls residence in New York on the 25th, aged flfty years. On the 24th Steven and Charles Kelly confessed at Charleston, W. Va , to havlng been the leaders of a gang of robbers in that section for year and were under arrest Commodobe Robebt B. HiTCBCOCK, United States Nary, died in New York City on the 24th, aged elghty-flve years. The Central Theater in Philadelpbla waa destroyed by Ure on the 2 1 th. Loss, $100,000. The National Congress of Women held iti ilret session in Washington on the 24th. Pobtion of Kansas were tloodod on the 25th and there was great distresa A heavy storm of rain and hail did much to ald the dlscomfort and suffering. At Wuterf ord, R. L , MisseB Margaret and Annie O'Kellly (staters) were struck by a train on the L'lth and killed. In a six days' match been blcycllsts and cowboys mounted on mustangs, wliich was ended at London on the '' Ith, the former won, maklnï 8!)1 miles to 89Í1 James and Samuel Doyle (brothers) were drowned while nsh ng in the Arkannas river tome miles below Fort QibRon on the 25ch, Fob the third time in t n days railwoy trafile in Ulnnexota wns at a standstill on the 25th on account of snow-storms. The exchanges at twenty-six Ieading clearing-houses In the United States during the week emled on the 2 Uh agerregated $908,050,7(12, against $(b3,tíM8,2), the previous weeK. As compiired with the correspondlng week of 1887 tha increase amounted to per cent


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