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Plenty Of Evidence Of Forced Economy Among The People

Plenty Of Evidence Of Forced Economy Among The People image
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"This is an afri' ut BCrimploy,'1 said a own cast judge to a Boston reporter tlie olhcr day. "Wluil do yon mean by serimpingv " "Ali, my boy, it meani mlifortune, lirinkiifie in values. a torced spirit of eonomv, and very little, if any, divilend. Tlie prodigal father who sevcral -ar ago ciit coupons tliat li Is son miglit ?dulge in wild extravagancieR, now tells lie boy to go to work. The society juecn who worc glittering diamonds now vears puste, and a plalD, modest costume. riicrc ure a few rich ones who do not üivc to scrinip, but I am spcaking genrally- lint where I notlce the most paintul lerirapiDg is at the rcceptions I altend ut liouses. My head iwlmi itli vlewlng the paucity of the present and tlif prodi;ality of the past. Iuatead of sparkling champagne and liquorg ad lib., the wliole spread consista of a small toda cracker and a thimble goblet of bouillon. The result Is, I do not drink the bouillon and it is served to some other guest. Vet these same people flve years ago hardly knew what bouillon was, :ind never thourht anything of provldlng champagne for a bundrad guests or more. "The spirit of torlmpiag has chaogeO eren Üifl erj aapaot of t he erowü tliat r-urges hither and thither. I will begin wltll inysi-lf. Look at the overcoat I wear. It shows sijjns of veteran service, and the ends are somewhat frayed. What am I (loiiia:' Why, lorímpllljc. I have a $.0 overeoat nt home, brand new, but I am savlng It for next winter. That is just how you will fliid the majority of Street pedestrians. "Ali, but behind this scrimping 1 see 8Otnething more terrible tlian economy - stiirvation. Yes, scrimping for the wellto-do iiHMiis starvation for the working iiir people, Mpecially for the workinjr girls. 1 do not sprak from ignorance I usi'il !o Imy stockings at 98 cents a pair and now I can purchase them of the tincst material at some small, obscure store for only 25 cents a pair. How Is it done. f Wliy, they are smu;gled in trom Europa, and the result is the working girls who once made tliem at living wage.s are now starylng." Tliis article is taken from that rank advocate of free trade, the Evening News. And we will invite the attention of the people to the siguifieance of the lust parafrraph. If the ptaelDJt upon the niarket ot uie iew siocKings inai are mujiKieu nto tliis country lias sucli i dlre effect, wtaat will be Uie consequences f we have free trade and open all avenues In the sume wuy f You botter pause before taking tUat lep. You better look before yon leap luto Hu' niiscry tliat f ree tradc will bringupou the American pepple. Before roa cast your ballot for fre'. Iradc, my lahoring man frienl, prepare for itarvallon, for it is just as pure to fbllow is the sun is to rise.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News