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D. F. SCHAIRER wrill place on sale this week 200 pieces more Sateens. II lï ï-ï a 1 1 III Beautiful styles in Sprigs, Moons, Crescents, Cubes, Squares, Fret-work and LeafLets. In odd Designs, Curious Designs, Pretty Designs and Homely Designs. They will not last long. Continuation of our Dress Goods Sale DRESS GOODS ! DRESS GOODSÜ EveryLady interested, and do not think of buying a new Spring Dress until you examine our special iargains. You can save from 10c to 25c a 15 pieces Colored Morie Silks at $1 per yard. 15 pieces Black Morie Silks at $1, $1.35, $1.50 to $2.25. Haskell's Black Dress Silks, the most popular and thoroughly reliable Silk in the Market. They are the purest, cleanest Silks made, and are free from adulteration and fraudulent weight added by dye stuff. Every yard guaranteed. Prices for this sale $1, $1.25, $1.50, $1.75 and $2.00. 3 pieces Black Surah Silks at 75c, $1, $1.25. 5 pieces Black Satan Rhadames at 75c, 90c, $1 and $1.25. BLACK DRESS GOODS ! ! BLACK DRESS GOODS ! ! ! All wool Almas, Cords, Cashmeres, Twills, Melrose, Albatross and Armures at 50c a yard. All wool Henriettas at 75, $1 and $1.25. Silk Warp Henriettas at $1, $125 and $1.50. 50 pieces wide Embroideries worth 15c and 20c per yard all at 10c. 100 pieces Torchon Linen Laces which will not last long at 5c and 10c a yard. 50 doz. Black and Fancy Jerseys at $1 each. 10 doz. best 50c Corset ever brought out. Special sale 25 doz. 5 Button Kid Gloves at 79c per pair in Tans, Browns and Slates, a big bargiin worth $1. Our spring Hoisery and Underwear now open. Gents unlaundried Shirts a1 50c and 75c. Acknowledged by every person who has seen them to be the best Shirts made. D. F. SCHAIRER. RURE pRPRICE's CREAM gAKlNg lis superior excellence proven In ml Ilion sof lioini's lor tii;ni aquarterofacentury. It Is uscd by t lie United States Rovernmeut. Endorsed by t!ie heads of the Oreat Universales as the atronest, Purest, and most Healthful Dr. I'rice's Uieonly Baking I'owder that does not contAln Aminoiilu, Llmeor Alum. Solii only In cuns. PHICE BAKING POWDER CO.. NEW YOKK. ( IIHAOO. ST. I.OUIS. TECIE ANN ARBOR SAYINGS BANK, ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, Transacts General Banking Business. CAPITAlT$50,000. Orpani.ed nader the General Banking Law 1 thlB State, tbc stockholdors are Indlvldually Hable for au additional amouul equal to the tock held by them. thereby creatina a Fund for the benefit of Depositare of $100,000.00. Three per cent. Interest Ie allowed on all Siivinifi DepoKlts of one dollar and upwardt. accordine to the rules of the Bank and Interest compounded eemi-annually. Mouey to Loan on unincumbered ral estáte and othur Kood securlty. DIRECTORS: CHRI8TIAN MACK, Waf. D. UARRIMAN, ff.W. WINKs. DANIEL HISCOCK, WILUAM DKÜBKL, WILLARU B. SMITH. DAVID RINSEY. OFFICERS: C. MACK, Ircs. W. W. WIN BS, Vlce-Pres C. ii. HISCOCK. C.ishler. ?02 SALE CHEAP.V SODA FOUNTAIN TeunesHee Marble In gooU comlltlon, also geuenitor. Kor iarticularg cali or ii'Mn-Ns E. V. HANGSTERFER, n Q Q Q Q Q Q ' U


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