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he oommon eouiicil oceurred on Tliursliiv even Ing laat, at thelr room In the ourt house. It was a very mild end'inji, nul everj t Uimi betokened a peaceful disoliition. Every member answered to roll culi promptly, and prlBkled aboat hi' room wrere Mventl of tlie new niemiers pickiug up cues for tlie oomlng rear'g battle. Ttiere were no petitlona or Communications, i tbing ftlmost uubeard f for ;i regular monthly meeting. Aftir ping throngh uiüi tin; nsu:il prelitnli,,rii-s, the mayor suspended t lie rules t n il tave Ilfiiltli Offlccr lircakey an oplorluiiity to read liis animal report, wiiich e glve in f uil, as follows: The 1 1 -: l ' ti i iiii, -er ivKiirctfully reporta that i.iiil bealth l ue city tor tbs past ycur lias beengood. In ihe early part 01 the yenr tin i. ;i great prevalence of measlcs, uul throngh th uil ui.d winter illphtherla ia prevalled loa fery Berlooi añil fatal eitent. Acoompanylng Ibli is ¦ morttury report lor tbe vt'iir endlag Maroh BI . The caueo ol déatfl caun'ot be Kiven wïth teohnloal aooouBBjr as the reporta of leatbsare do) mada to tbe Health Offloer i'ltht'r bj physii-ians nr houselioMers 8Z0epl ii ipeolal caaen. Neither can I Ive elawlfyoatlon by Bezen, aa tin1 report of one of the anderiaken drs nol glve fuii ciirlstaiii li.iln.. In my ophit.ui tbe list rontnlns tlie naraes ol sfitno wno wi luit n-siilt'uts tt llie iu . Wit h Ihe growlti "i the city theneed of mui - itary ¦upervlilon Inoreaaaa. We oannot depend too 'm r on onr nutural (kIvhiUbkis ol gravelly BUb-tratai good air and geoeral ialuiirity. io nmiMiMiii the blgb eharaoter of onr .'ltv as a hcülthful place to live. 'Ihe dutlwi ofa bealtb ollloar sre varled, cliHi.-ii!t, oitm perplezlug and t trM, ander the pri'MMil order uf tliint!, unnatUfiiotorlly luitlll. d. Tlie lw givee boards of healtli reit power nominaily, and tlie people seem to expeot tlmt the power can be execnted without other support, forgettlng that, llke all laws, eau only be enforoed when there is a public sentiment dcmandlng il, ml I" re the city in lts corporate capacliy sets the e.ampleto tbeo n. di. Tuere Is infflclenl work in any city of 10.00U iuliabitants to orcupy a good health ofllcer a l;iui' part ol hls time in louklng after Itary eon lltlons; and iu my opinión QO BI ney woulil be more wisely expended tlian in payinir a good salary to a competent man wbo coalif andertake the work, and devote hls winm' Unie to it. ilundiciU oi lomplaints of varlous kinds have been made to the Henltli Offloer and Board, most oft Inmi of nuisances or otlences ueedlng attentlon, the greatest nnmber ly far of privy vaulti a ml oeafl pools. XbesealBO oonalltute the rentest danger to bealtb, and ocoaalon the greateat Deed foraewaca. It is onlyaqueatlon oí lime wbeo tnee wlll beOome a iiiilsaiu'i-. l ironld reeoom mead to the aaooeaaon "t lli Is Board thatahouseto house Inapeotlon ol tbe wnole city !"¦ made as was done aboal tour yeatt ai{o, and report on aecoinpanyliiililanks. Many nuisaiici's, oltences and causes ol ilokneaa, nol atberwlaie known (and ol ten nol oornplalned t iy nelghbora unwilllng to rUk oll. n-e), are thus dlscovtied and reino cl Tue question of sewers Is too lnrge to discusstn detail In a report of thl kind, and l will ouly say here that Iknow no more lm porlanl or worthy work to engage tbe attenUon of those who legisliite lor us, nor none wbleb may benefit the eity more iban a good ¦ystem ofsewers. Hm in my opinión we oan better walt uimi ¦ oan leonre a good lystem Iban lobavea poor system at onoe. And l wouid siiiiirst tnat Board reooommend totheGooneil tbe employ ment of a oonrpetentenglneer ti examine ni.d report, upoo plans, i-nsi. etc., and tiiat Information be proonrad u to nwer lystenu In cltlei ol similar ¦Ice and m tnalion . Thequestlon if dralnliiK luto the river ( .i the oplnioa ora well quailned advlser) Is nut ¦o likeiy to meet witii objeotlon aa it ini(?bt have been, before many paper and pulp milis and tbe rjDtveralty sewer dralned Into the river. The current of water would Boon oxilarge amount of aewerwte. Keepeotfully mbmltted. W. F. BBEAB i v. llea.lh Ufflcer. MOKÏAI.ITV REPORT KOK CITY OF A NN ABBOB miOSl Al'H. t TH AI'H.'88. (Made from üeports Furulshed by Under' laken.) LuKers.j Accident I U.iipral Dcbllity ,. B Rullway .. 4 Heiirt Dlsease 1.1 Apoplexy 2 Inflnm. of llowels. .. (i Ás tb ma l " "Bral 1 BoodPoison 4 Malarial Kever 1 Cáncer ... 0 Mea-sles 6 CblIdBlrtb i Oíd Age 12 (InmT.i In! inliim.l.' I'arulysis . .'i Üonsomptlon 28 Pneumonía 7 Oonvulütona i Rhearaatlum l Croup 4 lili Boni 8 Diphtlierin l' TOnllltli 4 Pisease of Kidneys 7 Typhold Fever . ... 1 Drowned i 4'tal 1 rnknown 1 Dropsy i Whooping-i'oinsh .. i Total 15 l'ben i'uinc the flnance report wliicli showcd the i-x pendil ure ol the foliowing amounts: lstwardfuiul $ 8 00 ¦l' - ¦ SI 98 3d " IH 4lll " " 5tli " " s 5J tu '¦ ¦ : i ")i Gen. street luml 13 18 Oei ral '¦ 37(i UO Contingent " !I77 68 Total l,220 84 In aililition to the iibovi', elrction, electric liht, mul other bilN w?re ;Alowi d out of the general fund mnountinjc 314 80; contingent fund, $'21 00; 5tli ward fund, $9 00. All. Allinendinger, from the General Fuiid commfttee, reported Inrefeiênoe to the claim nf Win. Neitha ir foi for alleged injurie Irom adefectiTe wulk, recomiueodect liiat tlie Mme be mu ullowed. Wlilch report was ad pted ('iiy Attoroey Jmlyii reported in referenoe to a lot owned by Mr. Süeeley, of Detroit, cm tlie line of the Cliurch streflt extensioa, and tlmt the saine coold be purchftsed tor $800, nothing leas Whidi rcpuit nccepted and adopled, and on motion ol All. Wloes the Recorder was aulliorized to draw a warrant lor the amount uamrl lur that pnrpoee. For Kveral years im honor of offerlng the fóllowinjt lts lutioii lias f.illeu npon AM. Kc.irns, of the 8J Wurd, :ui(l tij ycar proved uo eixoeptkiD : BaMvfJ, Tlmt Hip Reonrder be instructed to procure a gold dollar and have lt sultably liisiTiheil, and pay it over (o .Mayor W.B. Simlli as lus sala i y for the ]):isl yia'r. Wliicli was adopted. The reporta oí (iiy ofBcere wen received :iud orderéd filed. City Treatarer Moore'd r'ioii showed the followlng balances on ham] : lst ward fUTid $ 1 (,7 ;,i M " " l,i,9 'ii l " HM int ¦iii " " m u7 5tll " " _.. S17 02 Blli " " Qeneral streel fund J7 ss General ' overdralt 1.927 98 i'oiitiiiKent ' 2,571 'J.l Water workS " 3,41)7 08 Dog ta. " 1SK 82 in v (¦¦inctery " Uelluqueul lax '¦ uvi.-nnaft 1,565 3fl Beporti rere hamled in for two nonthx, there bavlng bren no teporl (liven to the oonticll of Uk' oonditlon of tlie ruada for stveral inonlhs. City Marshul Bipley reported the folio lug i-xjv inlituif of poor tunda for tbc inontli : Kt ward S 38 :il ¦' " is n M " ! 7 81 4th " lóil 99 6tn " 89 10 MA " _ 20 7 Total f393 68 The canvas? of votes was then ndulged in and the various offleerq dtclarcd elected atappeared la last wetk'i paper. At the cIom i ilmt eselung passage metion were made tbanklns the retirlñg mayor and rrcnrilc.r for their services, and the hoily adjourned to meet no more. Illi: M. ( ui M II. ruMMIM 'Ks BUSINB88. The new conncl] niet Mond.iy niplit with t ii 1 1 teata for the lirst time in a long time. Mayor BenkesawuralDg theduties ol' liis . 1 1 í ( ¦ - in a nioilest ;md quict way. The tl rat biisiiiis, oí the meeting was to elect city uffleers, and the followliif; were cho.-en : iHt Treasiner -.lolin Moore. City Marshul - Fred si i'l. . City Zlna 1'. Klng. City Engineer- J. b. Uavis. City i'h.vsii-ian- Dr. c. ; Darllng. Irdol Healtb- Dr. W. F, Brenkey, U. B. DodHley, and EU W. IfOON, [ There being leveral balloti cast for i;.,.. H. Pond ti' treaaurer, it la butjucliet' to state tlüit he WM not il ennilldate for that ottico, the dnliis of whicli would have ao coofllcted wiih his editorial work that he conld not havo accepted the place had he been ell Cted.l MdTIONS AND BXaOLI TIONS. By Aid. Hammond : Rttolretl Ttiattlu' treiiKiirer ui 1 lils cily now elected shall bcreqolreü lofnrnUb wlih each montlilv -tiitiiui'iit an utndavli from Ukoashler of the bank In whtob the city fiind are doposltod, abowlng the tmount ot lumls In saul bank ut time of the statement for the montti. I 'eUtlom of Juliattt J. Wlne8 and three others, uskiiir for a ildewalk on the noith liUe of Wilmoiit stn-et hetweeii Washleiiiw Ave.and llin streel. Keferred to Sidewnlk Com. The Student'i Chrlitun Assofiation wen; grunted permlMlon to use one-thlrd ui .tn il for building parpo . Resolved, Thai perraisslon be grnnted lo Hetnzraan A Laubengayer lo bulld a Ki.le iiMr-ii aorou w. WihIimiki" street eBtc i ihe ï., A. A. & N. M. It. K. track. By AM. Wines: Smohfd, Tliot the mayor appolnt aoommatee dI Uve. of whlcli the mayor and city attoriiKV shall be moinbers. for Ilie purpose ol revlslnij or amendiiig the city charler.sald commlttre to report lo tlils body on or beïoif the tir-t regular anaUaj la November. Cariied, anl the oommtttoe constata ot the mayor, city attorney, Aldi. Wine, Allmendinger nud Kearns. AM Wines: Resolved, That the conuniltee on revlslmi of the city charter be empowered lo employ a seeretary and obtaln sueh materials and advlce au may be ruioowry to u proper exeeullon of their w rk, L iW on the table By Aid. Hammond: Resolved, That the approaches to the PoaUaoil reet bridge be laken out from Ilie ralddle of draei and pot In their proper places. and ilie crosslni; be built as soon as posslüle. Ucferred to Street Committee to repoit at next meeting. Ou motion of A!d. Ware, Pred Mcyir :is gppoitited JKOltOr of the "'l!i ward engine house, from Jan. lst. VVni. Cleaver was nppointed jauitor ot the üili ward engine house for the same time. By the Recorder : Itfaolved, That the Flnance Committee be requented to report at next meeting ofihe council the financlal condltion ol the cily and an eslimate of ihe neoessary ordltmry ex ln-iulitureh lor Ihe year, logeiher wlih tlie amonnl avmliible In tlie various funda on Ki'bruiuy lst, I8W, subject to the order 1 ilif council. Oarrled. J5y Akl. Allmeiidingei : Ketolved, That the Recorder he iiistruci .1 to it-ceive bldH for Interest on city dep siis, and report UUD6 lt council. O irried. By Aid. Alluieiidinei : Resolved, That the Flnance (.'mntniltee be gWeu Ihe usual fium of $2ö lo Inveslig te the hooks of the Ireasim r und recorder. By Aid. Ware: Resolved, That the Flnance Commltlee he allowad the UMial ainount "ifn for clerk lilre. Carrted. Aid. lleiz moved that a coinmilte of live lie niioiuted lo ex.iiniiic tlie OfflclHl bonds. carried, and Alda. AllmendllUEPr, Herz, Mlller, Bnrker and Sutherlund apnintcd. Tba in iyor ihen reported the foDowln Standing Cominittees : Kinancu- Aid. .Mailin, Wlne, Allmeneinger. cii 'iicral Fund- Aids. Herz, Allmendlnger. and Mlller. General Street- Aids. Sutherlund, O'.Mara, Spcikis, Barher, Ware and Martin. Sldewalks- Aids. Keurn, Allmenijinger, Herz, llaniinoud, Mlller, WlnKlre Department - Aids. Mlller, Hutherland 1 Eammond. l'ulii-e- Aids. Ware, Wlnea, Her? Lic-iise- The Kecorder, Kearns, Sp I'arks AliU. o'Mara, Barker, Spokes. -M lyor Benkes in aniiouncihi blo coruniittecs made a few remarksot whicli the followlo{ is a synopsis: He dweil princlpally upon the finalices, counseling inoderallon In expendituresduriiiK the coming year, as the auiount to the credit of the city is muoh lewthan usual, and Hiere wlll be less llquor tax Qomlng In than nsunl. The taxes last year reaehel Ilie lhnii allowed by tlie charter, and the recelpts oaa not be made to equal those of last year, consein-ntly it wlll be aUsolutely nnfumarjr to reduoe expenses far below CnoMOftbe pasl jraar.and thlnk twlce before lncurring au v expense whatever He then referred to the condltlou of the Kldewalks and the absolute necesslty of alieniliiu. (o tbam, as lew of the people couiparatlvelv rlde, whlle all walk. Vttentlon tu tbli luoleol may save the city sultsand damaga. He believed ihai all the lawa ihoald be enforoed, and Ifany of them Bhonld iie found too stringent or levers thev Bhould lie irpealed, bul not Ignorad The buildino; boom opent ii in Ann Arbor witli all its old-time viaor. Encourajiing. A city can be too eeononiical.


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