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M IHO.VU: UIKECTORr. Av rbor Comm andeiiï, No. IS meets flrst Tuesday of each month, C. E. Hlscock. E. L; John R. Mlner, Recorder. Washticsaw Ohaitkk, No. 6, R A. M.- Menta Hrst Mouday each raoutb. J. L. Slone H P.; Z. Roath, Wecretury. BUSINESS CARDS. KENRY 8I.XTOH, CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER Resldenco and Shop NO. 85 Hill street, Ann Arbor, Mich, All work promplly exeuQMd. and wllaftutttori guariuiteed. CHAS. L. ALLEÑT Contractor and Builder. Phins and Speclfications rarefully drawn. Resldence, 46 E. Catherine St., Ann Arbor, Mich. DR. C. HOWELL, PHYSICIAN OrFicK, Room 4, Masonic Bi.ock. lionrs : N ie ia; 2 to G p. m. DR. H. R. ARNDT, PHYSICIAN Okkiok Ovkk Fikst National Bank. Hoürs at trrrrcB: I0:30to is a. n ; %-M to 9M o. m. Can be reached :it. residence (West Hu ron street, tlie "Prof. Nlchol plnoe ') ly lAtoptaone, Ni. '.)"!. mul wlll reply to caiu In the evenlng. II. 1.1 il I1EKZ, House, Sig-n, Ornamental and FRESCO PAINTER! 1'npiTl.ii!, Ulazlnu, (ildini;, and Oalcimlnlntr, and work or every deoorlptton done in tbe brst ityle. and warranted to give satiBfactiou. Shop, No. 4 Washinerton St., Ann Arbor. W. W. &. E. Mi IIOI, Kooms Over Ann Arbor Savinirs Bank, Xasouic Temple Block. GA.SorVITALIZLD AIR A'iiuiulstiTi-d for the painlew extraction of teetb. o. islT 'i&jLjrttis; CLOTfl muil METALIC And Cnioraon Ooítlna. Culis attented to Day or Nli;iit. Krabnlrnlng ik gpeclalty. Stceroorn on E. Washington Ntreet. KesIdeDce Cor. Liberty and Klfth. V. II. JACKSON, DIIEailTIITIIIIISIITIL OFFTCK : )vor Bacil & AbelN Dry Good Store. Entrance next to National Bank. MBS. V. AÜELAIDE BROWXE, Professional Nurse ! Hi had tlve years exprlenoe, ilso llrst cIhss hospttul and clínica) training. Mawsae aod adjoloJstratlon of BleoliicUy a tpeclalty. Jnqulre at 1U South Thayer st. Ann Arlor. Mich. iD THE CREAT Germán RemedyJ mTRUTHS FORTHESICK.n 11 l,T thiiM! ili-:ithlTTTö?Mvill l.t! imIi! I ¦BWoasSpeltodepena foracaewbere8DuB IHonSi LHiirKliiriEKS phub Bitteii vtilllll lt v exirf you. not nnslst or cure. Itj a t,„ v„„K,;,l,.r..i,h n'-vrfallsn HthattlrocUnüallgone Cleaneethe vltliitciini MruelinR; II ), use hlooU when you se 1 1 MScm-iiur BiTTEKSi t liiipurltica lmrutll II will cure jon. n), through tho bklul II Hl O.eraiii im!.„ are IMmpU.ii.BU.trhesJ I gl";ly conflned lu :!'"1 ,'!l'lv O"SS Qthe milis and sr'-1".'"1,i, I!'n!'K,"!M3 Mliop;clorkB,whod. :""' lu!alth wl11 ío1 m Mnot procure eufliclent Ip III ¦ exerclse, nuil uil who ]!TTT7T7ñ ¦ areronflncl liuloors, ,ru ,.'" i ij., ,7'; if 1 1 ¦ ahoul.1 uo 8ULPHÜB ,. . ,urn'',,N.t ,„ X'l I Hbitteh. Thev wlll ';, ' ' '¦ 'J1' C"8,:I q not Oen bo wcak au.l ["usedl U S lltOBuft-ërfromKheum' "'" bnlld """ upanril I IHatlRin, UBe a bottle of m-ik(' ou strougundl I nSüLFHUK B1TTKK8 ; heulthy. Hl H'tneverf.MUtocre. M-i.i-nrii ÜITi KiisHI M Dont bc without a wlll make your bloodSS ¦S bottle. Try it; you pure, rlrh and strong.EJ Ijl will nnt rerct lt. and your flesh hanl. ITI Try Si lpihk BlT-lll llhealth, who are all rEB8 to-nlght, midi II Illrundown, shouldiiKe you wlll elcep wulll II MSCLPiirit liiTTEHH. Ml feel hetter for lt. IJ Do you want the best Medical Work publlshed? Jend 8 ï-cent gtamps to A. I'. Ordway t CoBoston, tlass., and rccelvo a copy, free. C. H. MILLEN, INSURANCE AGENT! No. 4 South Main St., Ann Arbor. The oldeat agency In the city. EstabllBhed over a quarter of a century ago. Representlng lollowlug first-class companles, wlth 00,000,000 Capital and Aasct. HOME INS. CO., of New York. CONTINENTAL INS. CO., of New York. NIÁGARA INS. CO., of New York QIRARD IN8. CO., of Phlladelp'hla ORIËNT INS. CO., of Hartford. COMMERCIAL UNION, of London. LIVERPOOL, LONDON and GLOBE. WASHINGTON FIRE and MARINE of Boston. Rates Low as tlie Lowest, Losses Llberally Adjtisted and promptly l'aid. _ C. H. MILLEN. Jams, Confections and Pr&serves Manufactured by the Aon Arbor Preervlngco.,iioto ROWH A CADT, jm Solé Agenta for Ann Arbor, or to the factory PltUfleld road. South.


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