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. V. aaaW. AKlHc POWDER Absolutely Pure. EVERY NIGHT ISCRATCHED I ii til the hU In uhn raw. Body povered iiii HraleH 11 ke npotN of mort ar. i url l tlie utiriira Kr medies. I am g lïrg to teil yon of the t?xtraordinary change your UiicUKA Ki mi in-rfomi -d on m . Aboutthe ttril of April u-t I noticed mine red pimple üke c talftg out a'l over my body, but [houht nothingtif il until m me tme later on, wat u it ti i; m to lonk lik.1 npots of m rtnr tpotted "". and which came ofl' in layéis, aecompanU-d w "th ttcbfi I would scr ch every nm until I was raw. Ihei the next hight the , befrg forined iiniaiiwliile, ncriched off ag&lo. In vafn dld 1 o iiMiit alt the dociorH in the country, but wiih uit iiid. Aftcr tfiviDi tip all hopen ol rervi-ry. 1 happetiffl toeetm advtTtiHfm"nt Ín the uewipaper abmit your Cuticuka Kembdi km. and purchapd ttu-in fiutn mj dmggittt.and uhulned amt lm medíate relief. I beL4u to noMce that tiie scaly iTuptloi e xradiially tlmpped ff and littppefcm. OD6 by oiuí, mid have been tul y cured. 1 haii the tli-':i-e tb írteos mui h before 1 bg in tükli g the CUTicuiiA Kkmkih iund lafóarof lv w ekö eiitirely cured. My dieeast w ' eczeni-i and paona-]. I ree mm nd d Ccticuka Iíkmkdiksio all in my vicumy, and 1 know of a lt.-iu id my wtio have Uden thero, and thank me lor the knowle'gt' of tfat'tn, eppecially mot hert wtio have babci wiiti fcaly eroplioiiH on tlimr hnd- nd bodiec. I cannot expretis In w irdn th tlinnk to you for what the i 'UTit'üRA ItMDri'a bf n tome. My iody w.w euvared wiiii érale-, rtnd 1 uu nwtul pectacle to beboet. Now my fkiu is as nice aud clear a a bab'[. GBO. COTEY, Merrill, Win. Seit 21,1887. Feb 7, 1888.- Not a trace whatgoevur of thi'dineae froin which 1 tnil:red hnu shown ittelf slnce rnycure. GBO. COTEY. We cannot do justice to the esteein in which CUTicOBA. tbe great Skin Oare, and Outicürí Soap. n exqni-ite nkia Hcan'-ifler, preparad froin It. and CUTn uka Rbsolvbnt, the dcw Btood Pur fler, are held by the fbounaodi apon thounande wboM Uveo have been mside happy by the cure of pg mfzii k, hmniliafiii, llcbtng, fCuly and pi m pi y direae uf ekin, ticald and blood, wlth lom oí hair. Sold everywhere. Price: Cü-nruBA.fiOc. ; Koai, 25c; RK8OLVKNT, $i. Prtpand by the Potter llil i A CUUMICAl. ('o., H(!tollt M;i8á. {3#Senrt for "Ilow to Cure Skin Dleaaes," 04 pagee, 50 illutitration, and 100 testimoniad. ni RAPLES, blBck-hcads.n-d.rongh, chapped and I I IVI Jiiy skin prevuuted by Cuticuha ïoap. Catarrhal Dangers. To be freed from the dHnKert of Böffocntlon wbile lylng down ; to brcathe freely, sleep souudly and aiidintorbed; to ritte refrcstied, hend cu-ar, braln active and free from pain or acbe ; to know that no poisimoii, imiri'l matter deftles the breath and rot away the delicate machlnery of i-mell taate and hearing ; to feel that the sywtem does not througn i tí veían .nul ttrteriu8( HUCk up the poiton that ík pure ti utideriniiH' and destrOT, i?1 indeed a bletmlntí beyond all other human enjoymentn. To pnrehabe lmmntiiiy f'nm Htich a fiïte nhotild bo the object of al nffllcted. Hut hot wlio have irled tnai y remudies and phyticiaus despair of relief or cure. Sasfokd's Radical C'urk meet evi ry phae of CaMrrh, rrom a pimple hend cold to the mot loathsome and destruclive stages. It la local and eoiMlttndonal. Instant in relievinL', permanent Id curluf, safe, economlcal and uever faillnx. Sandford's Radical Citre conplsts of one bottle of the Kauicai. Cukï, one boi of ('atakkhal Sm.reiT, and one Imiikvfi Inii n.rn, uil wrapped Inone packigu-. with treatle and directioii", and Bold by all urnj,'(,'8ts for $1 00. POTTCK DnUG AKD I 'IIR I'A I. Co.. BoSTON . NoRheumatizAboutMe in om; iiim n (V J The Cutlciira Antl-Ialn Kr llHt"r, relii'ven Kheunmlii', S-iaf tic, suddcn.simrpand Nervoun Pain, 0t jVtrainu and WeakiieiseK. The flrt g l .wi ouly piiin-kllllnf; plaetrr. Niw, ( original, Jn-tanTaneous, infallilile, sale. A marvell'iim Antldnte to Pain, Inflamroatim and Weakness. Utterly nnllke and vaat); inperlor to all oiher plas'ers. At all drnuriKtí, 26 cents; flve for f!. mi; or, potuuefrra, of PoTtkk Iikuu & Chkhioal Co., Boston, Mou. THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK, ANN AKBOK, MICHIGAN. Transacts General Banking Business. CAPITAL, $80,000. Oreanized onder the General Banking Law of thlBSiate, thestockholdors are Indhldually Hable for an additional amouut equal to the stock held by them.therebycreating a Gaarantee Fuud fof the benefit of Deposltors of $100,000.00. Three per cent. interest Is allowed on all Savlnfre Deposita of one dollar and upwards, accordlne to the rules of the Dank and interest compomided eml-annually. Koney to Loan on nnlncumbered real estáte and other good necurlty . DIRECTORS: CHRI8TIAN MACK, W. D. HARRIMAN, W, W. WINES, DANIEL HI8COCK, WILLIAM DKUBKL, WIIXARU B. SMITH. DAVID RINSEY. OFFICERS: 0. MACK, Pres. W. W. WINKS, Vlce-Pres C. JL. HISCOCK.Oaahler. ¦(¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦II luis revolutlonlzed tlie world TITTTPluTTniU lurliiti Hie lam hHlf centnry. Hl lUil llUll N'1 lv:l1 n"'K llie ouders 111 ¦ ¦'¦¦¦',, f irjvêDttve progresa U a method and Rystetn of work that can be performuü all over the oountry without Hepara'ng the workers fnun tliclr homes, l'ay liberal ; any one cutí Jo the work ; elther sex, yonng or oíd ; no ipeolal nhlllty requlred. Capital not needed ; you are starled ftve. Cut thl out and return to us and we wlll send you fre, aometliln)? of great value and linportanco to you, that wlll start you la business which wlll brlne you In more money rlghtaway than anythliiK ele In the world. Urarul outfll ree. Address True A Co,, Augusta, Mullí' . Bet your Printing; at tlie Courier.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News