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Ammonia In Baking Powders

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Amnng the recent diseoveries in sclenee and chemistry, none Is more Important thiin the uses to which coinmon animonia can be properly put asa leavening agent, and which indicóte tliat tliis familiar salt is hereafter to perform an active part n the preparation of our daily food. The carbonate of ammonia Is an cieeedlngly volatlle siibstance. Place a smul 1 portion ot it upon a knife and hold over a il. mie. and it will almost immedlate'y be entirely developed into gas and pass off into the air. The gs tbus formed is a simple composition of nitrogen and hydrogen. No residue is left trom tlie ammonia. This gives it its superiority as a lea veiling powder over soda and ereatn of tartar used alone, and lias induced its use as a supplement to these artlcles. A Binall quantity of ammonia in the dnugh is cilective in producing bread that will be llghter, sweeter and more wholcsome than that risen by any other leavening agent. When it is acted upon by the heat of baking, the leavening gas that ralees the dougli is liberated. Iu this act it uses ilself up, aa it were; the ammonia ia entirely diffused, leaving no trace or residuum whatever. The liglit, tlull'y, fluky appearance, so desirable In biscuits, etc, and so sought after by protesBional cooks, is saicl to be iiuparted to them only by the use of this agent. The bakers and baking powder manufacturers proddclng the tinest goods have been qulck to avail themselves of thlsuseful discovery, and the handsomest. and best bread and cake are now largely risen by the aid ot' aininoiiia combiued of coui'se, witli oiher leavening material. Ainmonia is one of the best known produota of the luboratory. If, as seems to be justly clalmed for it, tlie appllcation of its properties lo the purposes of cooking, results in giving us lighter and more wholesome bread, biscuitand cake, it will prove a boon to dyspeptic humanity, and will speedlly force itself into general use In the nru üchl to which science has assigned it.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News