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t Constipation Demanils prompt trcatmcnt. The results oL neglect may be serious. Avoid all harsh and (lrastic purgative, the teiulency of which is to we.iken the bowuls. TIio bost remedy is Ayer's Pilis. Bi-i iifj purely (etaule, their actinii s prompt and their effect always benetirial. Tliry are an admirable Liter aml Aftci-iliniHT pill, and everywhere endorsed by tl' proivssion. "Ayer's PUla are highl; aml univerKally "snoki'ii f by Hu! people about lui. 1 make daily use of them in my practice." - Dr, [.E. Fowler, BridgeIKJit, Conn. " I ran recomnirnd Ayer's Pilis anovo all othsn, baving lmin prored tbelr valiu' as ¦ cathartio for mysrlf and faiiiils." -- .1. '1'. Hesa, Lcithsville, Pa. 'Tor severa! years Ayer's Pilis have been uscil iu iny'faiuily. We tiud theiu an Effective Remedy for constipation and indigestión, and are never without them in the house." - Moses Greuier, Lowell, Mass. . "I havo useil Ayer's Pilis, for liver troubles and (digestión, diiriiiR many years, and have always fnium tliem Erompt and ctiirii ui in their action." - . N. Smith, nica, N. Y. " I snffered from constipation which assnmed sneu an obstinate forin that I feared it onld cause :i Btoppage of the bowel. Two luxes if Ayer's Pilis ef(eoted a cteiplete cure." - D. Burke, Saco, Me. " I have nscd Ayer's Pilis for the past tlnrty yeara aud conslder them an invaluabíe faniilv medicine. I know of no better remPily for liver tronbles, and have always fonnd them a prompt cure for dyspopsia." - James Quilín, UO Middle at", Ilartford, Conn. "Havinfrheen troubled with costiveness, wbicli seems inevitable with persons of si'dentary habits, I have tried Ayer's Pilis, hoping for relief. I am glad to say that tliev liavti servoil me better than any other medicine. I arrive at this conclusión only after a faithful trial of their merits." - Samuel T. Jones, Oak st., Boston, Mass. Ayer's Pilis, PREPAKED BT v Dr. J. C. Ayer t Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by aU Dealers in Medicine. This is the Top of the Genuine PearlTop Lamp Chjmney. Allothets, similarareimitation. yyTv'l'his exact Label iS 10 isoncach lVarl fjm JPi TopChimney. VRM U A dealer may say %"'" SUUi Rr an( think he has 53 BSKf others as pood, ¦5 L" BUT HE HAS N0TInsist upon the Exact Label and Top. For Sale Everywhere. Made only by GEO. A. MACBETH fcCOPittsburgli, Pa All DniKgut, H.c, )c., nd #1.00. ] red onlj bj Dr. Seth Arnold, Mcd. Corp., Woooiockct, 1. The Davis Swing Ghurn. a. M Mk Makes the Inrareat f%L fvrt -Mi nmoiinl of lm tier 9mËiL&3wjL 1 u-r :iuB tha concuulon fi' 1h Rreater thau in any je1 r I uTl'il otlier chnm made. Hv SWÏ V Makes the beat eastest to clean- It 14 m fL l. the easlest to work. r f tMLL JarKO majorlty ol Jwi ¦ Yv the NewEngland mW jW "ii li ii ums th Jy ' íactory Alzea, hang m from fhe ciiitng. One chnm at Wholesale where we have no asrnt. Eureka ant skinnkr Iïtttkr WobK-üiui, KïSniTT BtTTEB PRtNTBBB, ETC., ETC. Seii'i for llluetrated ctrcuar9. VLUM.UAT 1AUM M AriIIXK CO., Belluwa 111, V. 1 PAINTli ZT l'.irit Fridy, run it to Church Sundity Eight f, - C I isfnonable Shades: UUck, Maroon. Ver-mlion J ¦ l.luc, Yellow, Olive Iake, Brewstcr and Wagon a p Cfk l.recui, No Varnishing necessary. Driri ti.inl t-.e Milh & "kkioe." Unc Coat anü job is done, n t L YOUR BUCCY lis . Tip top for Chrtlrs, Lawn Scats Sasti, Flower % gtj T i ¦ Baby Carrúgcs, Curtalií Polcs, hurníturc, S..Q UJ I r'.nt Ioors. S front s. Screen Doors. Boats, a ¦ m miles, Ir.m Pencet, in lact verytMtiff. Jui ff 71 " tlic tínn for the ladics to use abuut the house "= . ËFORONEDOLURlS 2 COITS HONEST tLS Are you K"11!? to Paint this yearf If so. don'l u J, ;r buya paTnt containmff water or benaiae when r ï _ fortlie s.i!iie money or nearlyso) you c ju procure ( O!T i ( l)'S PlIHI PA1JTT tl t is wirrwlrd lo Z G - il ltu. si. f, km ik LINBBED-Olt 1'ilNT lS aad frM from water and benzine. Drotantt thl u J _ liraml nl laLc no otlu-r. M h.imlüiiK 5j = C it ate our aents and tulhorfxcd by us, in writin, b5 2 (r. w.irmiitll lo wnr 5 YKAKilh SMUlSor SS" fgS .[ TÍ iltS Uh 2 CG&T8. Oúr Sh id are the J g J " ! atcst Styles r.sed in the tast nuw beconiing e '" a UJ m Mrtií.ií n the West, and v.p wih the S L - ; : HOM -l PAIS! a ! ) -u wffl Í g never rertt it. This to the wise is sutticient u u o HOUSE PAINT pj COIT'SFLOORPAINTJii Paint that never 'Irit-il teyond the sticky potnt, sS Zi n tweart ' CO1T 1 ; O? KLOOI rui - _ ¦J I , ..nrr.Tnl.-rt lo dr b ln.rtl rurk orr nllit. No trouble No g :WONT DRY STICKY 5 DR. MILES' RESTORATIYE NERVINE VjMfek contains no Opium or dan. HP Kerous drug. Can be taken jlÉ by any one at any time .JtjK&nírK The ae and best Dl. JL?íAl mem "wr i,, iiiaihiid Í'.-' l&-Kfll NEBVOrSNESS, Sl'ASMS VSHaU SLEEPLKSSVESS, FIT ( BJk SKXI'AI. WKAKNKS8, am mFWñWMW JÍEBV0Ü8 DISEASE8. Sold by Druqqists. Sample Bottles FrM A Concentrated Liqnid Extract of MALT and HOPS. MANUFACTURED BY SPECIALTY DET PHIL. BEST BREWING CO. Aids Digestión. Cures Dtjftpepsia. Strengthcns tlie System. Hestores Sou tul, Kfreshing Sleep. JP 'rícele 8 to Xumitig Mothers. Rccommendcil by Kinincnt Physicians. - o - FOR SALE BY ALL DRUCCISTS. FL TJ I3 T XJ R. 3E5. tKGAN'S IMPERIAL TRDSS. Spring, graded from 1 to 6 pounds iu preHsure. ViOKS DAT ASD KIGHT, by an lnfant a week oíd, oran aUultSOyear. l.adics Trusses a perfection. Enclose stamps for teKtlmonUils oí cures, etc. EQAN IMPEHÍAL TRÜ8S CO., ANN AKBOR, MlCH.


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