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The Ainei lean Di.sease. No people tn the world re so mbjec to MtTvoiií diseases, sucli as nerviu exIniustion, physlcal or mei. tal oveiwmk. herx) che, b:irkarhe, neuralgia, tdteplrss nes, dizzines-. i!pep-i i, pa pi tmii'ii, IlioiiUiiy Kiin-, and ii;inity, M the Amt:i icans Every part of the imdy is controlled by il in tvi's Mild wlii'ii they are weakened ty overwork nrtliwaM tlie part is al8i affeded. Now t is evenwhr conceded that Dr. Mle.s liestorutive Nervine, a conceiitiated neive fond and medicine, is the best remedv in 111 world tor these diseases. Ask tor a ti ial bottle at Eberlwcli A Son. Love In tlie purlflcstlon of the heart from fElf il IIHimllH III anl ennot)le8 the cbnracter, ffives hifher motives, a noble r aim lo every iiction in lile, and mxkes both iiuiu and woinan strong, noble, oourageous; and the power to love devotedly g the noblest pilt witti whicli a lininaii heilig eau be eudowed; bui it U a sacred flre that must not be burnt to idols. - Jewsbiiry. Ze:il i verv blind or liadly renlatod, when it enero iclifs npon the ntrliis ol others. - Pasquier (juesnel. Sliall Women be Allowed to Vote .' The question of femaie suffra'e has agitated ilie tonjrui s and pieiM ol reform erg for maiiy years, and jfood argumeiils have bee:i addueed for and a;ainst it. Many of the softer sex oonld vote intelligently, an! many wonld vote ia tbeir liiisbands (lid, and fflve no thong-lit to Ilie merits of a political licrie. Tbey would all vote for Dr. l'ien e"s Favorite I'nsoription, for they know it i n botín lo their sex. It Is iinequated for tlie cure of leuc rrhea, abno nial dtctnrtw, moroinK 8ickneg4. and tlie contitle-M IIU to which women are anbjict. It is the only remedy fnr woman's peculiar weaknesscs and a Inents, sold by drupeistp, nnder a positive {tnaranti'e from tlie manufaclurer-, thm it wil] give xatisfaction in every case, or moncy will be icfnnded. St'e ;iiiriiiitee DB eveiy wrapper nrinind bottle. The man who is returuing home from mirket with a pair of cliickens in his basket, never foreets to let their leet protruile alinul tlnee Imhes from beneatb the lid. There may be room enoiiLrli Ih the basket to liold nn ox, but the lejjg of pa:rof fowls will alwassfck out. ¦ % Bucklen'8 Árnica Salve. The Best Salve in the world for Oiiib, Bruises, Sores, (JJcéri, Sall Rheum, Fever 8orei,Tettcr, ('happcd Hands, Chilbl.iins, Corns, and all Hkin Kruptions, and positlvely cures Piles, or no pay reqnired. It is fruaranteed to fflve perfect satistiiclioi., or money refunled. l'ric 25 cents per box. For Sale bv Eherbach fc Son DON'T SCOLD & man for groaning when he ha Bheumatism or Neuralgia. The pain ia simply awful. No torture in the ancient times was more painful than these twin diseases. Butr- oughtn't s man to be blamed if, having Khcumatisra or Neuralgia, he wont nse Ath-lo-pho-ros, when it has cured thousands who have suffered in the same way ? It has cured hundreds after physicians have pronounced them incurable. "The akill of five pbynictans could not cure me of Rheumatimn which had settled in the hipa, neck and houlders. So iiitens w&s thepain that sleep was almost imposBible. Tlie fint doee of Athlopboros are me relief, and the third enableo me to sleep for four and a half hnnrs without waking. 1 oontioued iu use. and am now well.n Riv. 8. H. TROYER, New Albany, Ind. J-Scud 6 cents for the beautlfol colored picture, " Moorish Maiden." THEATHLOPHOROS CO. 112 Wall St. M. Y. pRPRicrs CREAM lts Bnperlor excellence proven In mllllonaof homes for more tlian aquurterofacentury. It UiiBcd hy the United States governrnent. Endorsed by the head of theOreat Unlverltlea au the Strone8t, Puret. and most I leal ili rul. Dr. Prlce's tlieonly BalcniK l'owder I hal doeg nol oontaln Ammonla, Lime or Aluin. 8old only Ín cans. PRICE BAKING POWDER CO., HKW YiiiiK . CHICAOO. ST. LOUIS. wTO MACKINAC. Summer Tours. Palace Steamers. Low Hates. Túmt Trip ior Weik Btwoen DETROIT, MACKINAC ISLAND Bt. Iirnaoe. OhsbOTsran. Alpena. HarriBvillo, 0ooda. Sand Beaoh, Port Hurou. flt. CUIt. Oakland Hou, Marina City. JSvery Week Day Between DETROIT AND CLEVELAND Spoial Sunday Tripa durln July and Aouit. OUR ILLUSTRATCD PAMPHLETS Bfce and Sxourvlon TtokeU will be f uralshed by jour Tloket Afnt, or uldrtu E. B WHITCOMB, Gen'l P.m. Ag.r,t, Detroit & Cleveland Steam Nav. Co. DETROIT, MICH.


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