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Estáte of Alma Siimncr. CJTATft Of MICHIGAN, County of Waahtenaw, O ss. Ata sessïon of the Probate Court for the County ot Washtenaw. holden at the Probate Office. In thr city of Ann Arbor, on Wednesday, the 28th day of Muren, in the year one thonsand elijht hundred and elKhty-eijrtH. Present William D. llarrlman, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Alma Sninner, deceased. On redding and flltng the petition, dnly verlfled, of .lames E. Sumner, prHyint,' that admlnictration oí sald extate my be granted to hlmself or somc oiher suitablc pereon ; Thereapon lt ie ordered, that Honday, tho 30th day of April next, at ten o'clock In the forenoon, hi' assltnied for the hearing of sald petltion and that the belrs at law of sald decr&sed, and all other persona lnterested In sald estate. are required to appear at a sepuion ot aid court, then to be holden at the Probate Office, In the City of Ann Arbor. and ehow canee, lf any there be, why the prayer of the pe tltioner shoald not be jrranted. And lt it fnrttn-r ordered, that iaid petltloner ?ive notice to the persons interested In sald estáte, of the pendency of nahl petitton, and the hearing? thereof, by cauelntr a copy of this order to be published In tho Ann Arbor VouneT. a newxpaper prlnted apd circula tod In Maitl county, three succetive weeks previons to sald day of hearing. ( A tr( copy.) WILLIAM D. HAKRIMAN, Judge of Probate. WM. Q. DOTY, Probate Résister. 1397-14OU ¦¦ Sea Wonden exlst In tbousands of L'L'UforrnB. but are surpasNed by the mar¦¦ V1'ls "f nivfiitiDii. Tlioae wlio are In iitrii of profllable wurk ihat can be donewlille living at home should al once M'iiit rliflr aüdres lo naliet & Co., Portland, Malne, and rewlve free, full Information how elther sex, of all ages, oan earn from S5 tu $15 per day aml upwards, wherever they live. Vou are Btarted freo, ('tipltal not required. Rome bave made over $50 In a single day al this work. All succeed.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News