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- THE - HAGSTBRFBR ICR CO. wlll furnish ÏÜË! Deli vered to ¦ Any Part of the City ! KOU BBASOM K 188& 25 lbs. daily (esoept Sundays) $2.00 per lío. ¦' " [i per Week, $1.75 " " " " (3) " " $1.50 " " " " (2) " " $1.00 " " Hotels. Hestíiurants, ;u)il Iiuiehers wil! be supplied by the ton or hundred. OFFICE: 28 S. MAIN ST., E. V. HANOSTKHKER, Manager. This is the Top of the Gen tine PearlTop Lamp Chimney. Allothers, similar are imitation. JgTfeyThis exact Label yi5(ra 3mV is on each Pcarl rjfl jftA Top Chimney. {"Piiyf : sai A dealer may say OTÍ'BJAKml and think he has SjE HïO thers as pood, VJ BUT HE HAS NOT. Insist upon the Exact Label and Top. roa Sale Everywhere. Made onlv by J5E0 J. MAC8ETH & CO., Pittsburgh, P Jerome Freeman ! Movrs from liis preaenl stnn.1 ovor Watts' to Hie POSTOFFICE, BARBER SHOPI BATH RtosM, Monday, Mrcb 18, WimW and HOT MIES ! INSURANCE KAL ESTÁTE and LOAN AGENCY OK A.W. HAMILTON [ OBlce, No. 2, Klrst Floor, lluiuiltou Block. I Partie dewlrlng to buy or sell Reivl Estáte I wlll flnd it to thelr advuntage to cali on me. represant 15 flrst-cliiss Flre Inxurance Corapanlea, havlng au aggregate capital over JOO.000. Rate rw. I.IKSPH liberal ly adj usted and promptly pald. I also lsmie Life and lorestmont Pllclea In üeNew York Mutual Lire Insurance pany, Assetts, Í75.00O.00. Persons deslrlng Aoldenl Insurance, can have yearly pollcles irrltten for them orTraveler's Coupon II nee Tickets iMDed al Ixw rates. Money lo oan at Current Katm. Office hours from 8 a. m. to i .' m. and 2 to & p. ra. ALEX. W. HAMILTON, n Hniilton Ulock. ' ,1111111 lic wiirdt-d are tbOM wlio read Ytllls ¦ tlien cl; they wlll flnd IiUmM I ' iiiiiilf i'liiployiiipnl II, at wlll not take tliem from their homes i lid families. The piolita are large aud nu. r every lndustrlous person, many have p nade and are now maklng seviriil huiulred "" ollars a month. It Is easy for any olie to nnke $5 and upward per dy, wlio is wllllng owork. Klther sex, young or olrtj cnpllal - ot needed; wu start you. Kverytblug new 1 So special abllity ri'qulred, you, reader, can o It as well as auy one. Wrlte to ns at once I or full particular, wlilch we mail free Adress Silnson & Co.. Portland, Mlue.


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