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The Observer sihs for a bae bal] club at Saline. Tliey still teach nrithmetic on the Pittsticld town line. The onlon miirslie-! are being seeded rapidly these days. Tlie Bolieininn oat erop s snid to be very unpromisinr this spring. Manchester has been inppecting her sidewalks witli blood in lier eyef. Wliitmore Lake Is "sücking up" prepaiatory for the sumnur ï-esorier. Tlie Mil ni Presbiteriana inlized $25 trom a ihickt-n pie social. A base ball club has heen organizad Él Brighton, nnd is ready lor busin 8toeknridre will makc her nwn lirlcks hereafter. M.iDy piares import tin in. Brighton ha nu Alrer Cluti wild 81 mi-mbcrs, and Eugene llicl.s president. Toin Wall. of Wliiiinoie Lnke. lias gone to Md. Pleasant to take a positloa. Rev. J. M. Oetchell will pervu the Manchester Universalista another ye:ir. The Saline run club practices ocoasionally now-a-days. Barn' doorn in grent (fcmand. The Germán Lotberana at Ypsilanli have braken ground for a new school house. The frypsies have tliawed out and are reported in several localities already this spring. The "Lizzle Payne1' will be reaily for tlie spisoh as Koon ;is naviation opeus on Wliitmore Lake. On the third Wednesday in May the S.iline Methodist chnreb society is to give a May festival. Aha! Tecumseh tliinks she c:in support a daily paper. Wi'll, perbaps iba cun. U'Jjii knu E ': The Germans residinj; in tlie vicinity of Whitaker propose erectlnjr a new Lnt In-rail church there this sumtner. The Presbytenan society ts Mng funds to secure the services of Rev. J. W. Patchin another year. - Manchester Enterprise. Mrs. Irena Rane, wife of John Rane, of Wliitmore Lake, died on the 19th uit., aged G8 years, and was buried In Green Oak cemetery. While putting some marhinery in position last week at Saline roller milis, Henry ColUim had his left hand budly muliated by a heavy shaft falling upon it. Ministers and justices who fuil to make returns to the county clerk within ten days sfter performing a marriaie ceremony may get theraselves into trouble. Accordlng to the Enterprise, Mancheser has 17 fellows holding up one of their lands for marshal, and the peculiar part of it is that they are all right hands, too. The amateur dramatic club at Stockiridge is rehearsiüg "Cupid's C.ipers," and "The Cow that kicked Chicago." The cow will be brought upon the BtAge I11U Bl.t:. The Sim is publishing in installments tlie history of the 'Stoekbridüe Union Atrricultural Society," showing IU propperity from itó iuception. Au excepüon to the rule. The M. E board of trustees linve decided to build a cliurch of their ovvn, mul will commenre at once. They have reserved h euitable lot out of Mrs. MarMe's estufe for the purpose, and before another year rolls around will probably be holding meetings io their own edllice. - Mltun Leader. Heuben Buerle, n lö-year oíd son of Win. Buerle, of Freedom, has bren troubleri with necrosis, or deeay of the bone of lus rijrlit foot. and on Tbnrsday last Dr. C. P. Kapp, of this village, and Dr. Johu Kai, of Ann Arbor, performed an operation to remove the dead bone, and theyoungraan lagetting along n Icely. - Enterprise. It is pretty safe to gay that 1G democratie voters were made here last Frlday, at least that number took out naturaliation papers to become Americ in citizens. - Manchester Enterprise. Is it not a little dangerous for the future of a nation, increasing as rapidly as this is through foreign einigration, that all naturalized cltize&a should unite with one party only ? The following is going t'1" rounds of the press: "Au editor works 3Q6lí days per year to get out fifty-two issues of a paper, tüat'á labor. Once in a wliile 8ome son of a gun of a Uead beat takes the paper tor n year or two and then vanishes without paying for il; that'd anarchy. liut later on Juttlce will ovortakc the last niimcd creaturc, for there is a place where he jrets hls deserts- tliat's hades. The Methodist society have succeeded in clearing their parsonage of a $l,U0O drbt, that lias been hanging over it the past 10 yean. Rev. Vokum tonk the matter in hand, and tohiin isdue the credit for successfully managingtheatïair ind wiping out the incumbrance. He divided the debt into forty shares of $2"i, wliiih he got different members of the cliurch to iMtMMbygiTlDgthslr individual notes. - Saline Observer. We are sorry to say that tlils village has somt' young boys that are galnlna a reputation that will, unlesschanged, luad them to the house of correction. The latest thin? they have done was to break a number of window glass out of sorne building!. Boy's, it isn"t rijrht. Take our ndvlce, and stop, rlglit off, before it Is too late. - Pinckney Dltpatoh. 'l'hat "tlir way of the transgressor is liard," is just 88 true as fate. He who sows the wind just so surely reaps the whirlwiniJ as tlie hui: is to rise and set. The Ypsilantt Sentlnel ftlthougfa grown gray in serving the public with a spicy paper has lost none of hls sarcasm. Hear liim: A lire broke out In tlie woodhed of of a MIIhd citi.en, and being iliscovered the "boeket briMde" immedlately organivd and saved tbe ndjolnlng awelllnff. Tlii is entlrely oat of order. Miliiii rreeds n lire departmeBt",w1th two tbousand dollar team sagina, a ihc hon'lroi! dollar tefim.twolhoniand ték of liose to rot out, ready to burst betwecn lin?, and a 1,200 pooiid Ik-11 to wak; tlie di-nu. Thcn Whcerer discovers a little blaze can can trivc the aj&rm; the bcll can ring: tbe peopte mu pither round and wntcb tbe Inervare. The IrOnes oan be harI i! the liurness can lie found- the bote r ui be laid, and in ¦ twlnkllng, y tbe lime rii" house Is burned, Ibe mlgbty concern is on hand to put ont the brande. Thai li uint tbey ongbt to have rlght off.


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