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June 3d has been fixed upon for Field Day. Out-door sports are very popular tliis aaos, ;n. Sheridan onglit to cali out a full house Batnrday nijfbt. "The Modern Pagan" at Unlversity hall Saturday evening. The Beta Thete's defeated the Zeta Psi's Saturday by a score of 16 to 3. Brown Unlversity has been given $20,000 by a wealthy Scotchman recently. Tlie Glee Club will sing at Dexter May 4, and in Detroit the latter part of the montli. Geo. W. Cable was greited with a fair andience last Wednesclay evenlng and pleased them very mucli. H. C. Davis, librarían of the univcrsity, expects to sail froin New York for Europe on the 15th inst. The stone and masón work on the newS. O. A. building has been let to Walker Bros. It will be well done. The Mock Hepublican Convention Is to be held In the opera house and consist of an eveniug sessiou only. Secretary Wade reports a good time down South, but he ought to have remained a couple ot weeks longer. Chas. D. Wiley, graduate of the pharmacy class of last year, died at hls home in Lanslng, last evening, of typhoid fever. The unlvcrsity base hall club played with the Oichard Lake Cadets Öaturday, and defeated the O. L. boys by a score of 5 to 4. nonie or me Argonaut boys have been studying the almanace and find ttiat tliere 8 to be a full moon durinjf commencement week. Penn College, Iowa, has tendered to Miss Susan Hmrisoii, now pursuing advaneed studies here, the professorship of English literature. Mrs. Prof. Louisa Reed Stowell, has been very ill for the past few days, but ia convaleseing, whicti unnouncement will be gladly received. Prof. Honnequin, who has tendered hU resignation. to the university authorities, stiimls high iunonr professionals as a teacher of dramatic art. The luw department was vislted last Thursd;iy by liegent Sullivan of the university of Toronto, with a view to etahlishing a similar deparitncut tliere. Professor Hennequin has placed his resignation in the hands of President Angelí. His work in the line of dramatic art and literature demanding, lteiiceforth all his time. On Saturday next. at 2:30 o'clock p. m., the first game of the season will be played upon the Fair Grounds, between the Athletics of Detroit and the University. It will be a gooi gaine as both clubs are strong. The latest of the philosophlcal papers i on The Speculative Consequences of Kvolution, by Dr. Alex. Winctiell. Like all works from his pen on evolution this has a lofty tone productive of good tliought to the seitrcher after light. Dr. A!bert Shaw, editor of the Minneaprüs Tribune, who is to read a paper to-night before the Political Science Associütion upon "The Tendency Toward Over Levfgiation in the States," has a subject thnt la proliiic of mucli good thought. The tendency is too strong til at way altogether. The members of the senior class have shown commcndablc enterprise in their endeavor to soc-ure the Theodore Thomas Orchestra for a concert on coiinnciicement week, and it is to be hoped they may succeed. It is altogether probable that the sruarantee lund can easily be raised. We hope the boys will succeed, for t would be a grmid event in the history of our city. The c:iLe of Thos. Peach ot Pontiac, whose mind has become unbalanced by over stuly is sad indeed. Mr. Peach graduated htst venr from the law denart. mem out wan ooligeu to give up stu.Iy on account of healtli, at thesuggestion of liis physician. Uring of imictivity he entered the office ot Levi Griffin ot Detroit, and coniinenced study again. A few days since he came to Atin Arbor to vislt E. I!. LewU ud fumilyj and on Siinday eveninr he becaiue violent and liad to be put under reitraint. Yesterday liis father, who ia a merchant at Pontiac came to take hls sou home. In the Livingston Circuit last week, Dr. J. C. Wood of this city, was awarded judgment for costa in the $10,000 snit tor dainages for alleged mal-practice brought gainst him by Mrs. Ijamareaux, of Colioctuli township, coutity aforesaid. Our readers will remember that during last July while Dr. Wood was passing through Howell he was served with n suinnions, the plaintifl' charffing that while being treated in the Hoiurii'pntliic hospital her?, some bottlea filled with hot water came In contact with her feet and limbs, burning her aeverely, the rei-uit of cartlcssnesa of the attendunt. Jt was considered at the time a very nnjust proceeding, by thoce familiar with the circumstHiicee, and the result provea it to have been so. The plalntift' must have cliHiigt-d her mimi wonderfully, for she never appeared in the case, not even filing allugationa. Tliough the result ia but justice, yet we congratúlale Dr. Wood upon the saine, as toch suits sometnnes result quite opposite to law and juatlce.


Ann Arbor Courier
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