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Renews Her Youlh. Mrs. Phcebe Cbesley, Pcterson, Chiy Co., lowa, tells the l'ollowinj? reiuarkuble story, the truth of wliicli is vonclied for by the ri-skleiits of the town: " i ain 73 yenrs olcl, have buen troubled with kidney complaint and lameness for maiiy years; could not lirias myself without help. Now I aui free trom all pain umi soreuess, and hui l)le to do mv own housework. I owe my thanks to Electric Bitters for liavinjf leuewed my yomli, aml removed coinptetely all diMaM umi pain. Try a bottle, only 50c. at Eberbach & timi's Drug store. blnce Keutuuky' l'ieaurer rau away from bis einpty Treasury the grass in tliat state is uot the only thlng whicli is blue. - Chicago News. Edwin Foresl's Secrel. The great trngcüinn, Forrest, liuil a lecret vbich eveiybody ought to learn aml pimit by. S ild he, " I owe all my succi'i-s to the tact Una ererjrthlug I ':nvr uiidertakcn I have done iliorou;hly. 1 never negleet trlfle." Thtit's the point - d 'ii't negleet t rifles. Doti't nerltct tliat htckiug congli, tbose niglit-sweats, iliat frteble and cupricious appetite, and the O h-r gymptoiis, trilling in theuntelves, biu awtul in tlieir siyiiiticanci". Tley heralü the approach of consuinption. Yon ure in ilnn tï'T, but yon can bu sa veri. Dr. Pit rce's Goldeu Medical Diacoviry wlll '¦store yon to lii'ultli and viiror. as it haH t loiü-ands of otherf. For all pcroful us Uisrascs, and eonsuniption one of thein. it it" a sovereign rtmedy. OH! MY HEAD. The pain from Neuralgia and its oompanion disease Rheumatism is excruciating. Thousands who could be quickJy cured are needlesslr suffering. Ath-lo-pho-ros will do for othora what it did for the followin parties : Wffliamsport. Ind., Oct. 8. 1887. Havinff been afflicted wíth neuralgia ?or the past four years, and t ryinji almoet ererythiiyr, but Ín raio, I finally heard of Athlophoros. Aftr tucinc one bottle I found it to be helptnff me, and after taking four bot - tlee of Attilophoros and ono of Pills, I foand that I wasuntirely wel!, 1 think the medicine ü pueitirel; & sare euro. Chaükcky B. Redoic. Mt. Oaimel, UI., Dec. i, 1S87. I have nned Athlophoroo in my family and find it to be the gm&teet medicine for neuralgia in existenon and haring had it f tngs fastned upon me for the past 30 years Iknow whereof I apeak. Mks. Jüua Cbilton. OSencl fi rents for the beautiful colored pictuiv, " Moorish Maiden." THEATHL0PH0R0S CO. 112 Wall St H. K p?pRicr$ CREAM AKlNg lts superior excellence proven In milliongof homes for morethan aquarterofacentury. It Ixnscd by the United Míales goverpment. EndorseU by the lieada of the Ureal UuiverKltles as tlie stronuexi, Purest, and moet Heallhrul. Dr. Trlct-'M theonly BakiiiK TowderUiat does not pontain Aranionla, Lime or Alom. Sold ooiy In cans. PaiGE BAKIN'G POWDER CO., NEW YOKK. CHICAGO. 8T. I.OÜI8. PO' i il MACKINAC. Summer Tours. Palace Steamers. Low Ratee. Tour Tripa per Week Between DETROIT, MACKINAC ISLAND Bt. Ipnaoe, OhboTran, Alpen. HarrlsvlUOiooila, Sana Beach. Port Hurou, flt. CUir, üakund House, Marine City, ïvery Wck Day Between DETROIT AND CLEVELAND Hpeeial Bundfty Trip durlnï July ad Auguit. OUR ILLUSTRATCO PAMPHLETS BUm and Bxourtlon Ticket wlll b. furnUhed by ïoui Tlokot Ant, or addrau E. B WHITCOMB, G.n'IP.,.. Ag.nt, Detroit & Cleveland Steatn Nav. Co. DETROIT, MICM. WtItIH H'a Wondem exlst In thousands of br rfor,m8ibut are urpasaeü by the mar MliMk velu of lnventlon. Those who are In nct'd of profltuble Work that can be donewtille living at home uliould at once send thelr addres to Mallet A Co., Portland Malne, and recelve free,rnll Information how elttiersex, of all ages, can eurn from f A to t'tt per day and upwards, wherever they live You are utarted freo. Capital not requlred Some hnve made over 150 lu a Ingle day at thls work. All succeed. DllLËniESTMATIVE NERVINE Mr. Wkf cotitains no Opium or dan. H5 3T KM"tms drug1. Can b taken Apl eÜI - any one ftt any time. jmÊÊWrmm The latest and heet Dlw Jn JES rry for HKADACHK. W KJÊEB H,"oisn:s'1', 8PA8MS. Sold by Druqgists Sample Bollles FrM


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