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There are 16 colleges in the IJ. S beadless. A new tennis couit at the Delta Tau house. Olbson lms secured all of the class pfcturei this year. Prof. Harrlngton left Monday for a Few days vacatlon. The Dente tot away wlth the Medies oy a score of 7 to 4 Saturday. Prolh. Vauglmn and Demmon expéct to sail tor Kuropu on the 21st inst. On account of scarlet fever the ajiricultural college has closed tor l time. The Dtnta] departinent library hiis received tome valuable additions recently. 800 invoice of Germán and French Dooka h:is arrlved tor the general library. The social given by the Hobart Guild last 1 rul;, y eveiiing was a veiy eiijoyable The J'iii Delta piii'.s han liad their countenances iransferred to paper lv Kandall. J Tilt; V. of M. bas witliin 2'.i OfumaoT students Rg Harvard, viz: Harvard 1,090 Ü. of M. 1,667. The irictiün oltlie new laboratory of nyglene is balag Buperlntended by I'rof. Carhart n person. K. F, Sinitli of 80, ha charge of tlie classes in microscopiciil botany Uurhijr Airs. Stowell's illuebs. Prol. Hennequln is president of the Lacrosa club. The "bats" lmve arrived aDd practico commeneed. Tlie University of Pennsylvania reOelvei by bl (piest the $190,000 law library of the late P. 1'. Nortk, of l'hiladelphia. The okl cnnipus fence has been tlie target for many a keen and wcll directed tli lust by the newspaper fiaWinity, but seeins to stand it pretty well. Tlie University Uepublican Club sent a rlrigliig dispatch to Senator Ingalla lau 8 iturday, Üiauklng him for the able marnier in wliith he tlayed Voorhees. The result of the game Haturd:iy between the Athleties and the Universities re.-ulted in a xcore of 10 to 5 agalnst our boy. The new uniforma did not pull thein tbrough. The liase buil crue has sneli a (frlp on the average young man tliat even Field Day la a secondair consltferatfoti. 'l'nat day has been post poned until June ad, to acoomodatv the hall Diavers The ('lironlclc publishes a list of 3!)5 naines of delegates cliosen to the mock repúblicas national convention to be beid in the opera house Friday evoning Muy lltl). The boys-propose to d the bulnew up in shape. A "Bse Hul] Crank" wiites us tliat " iflhe University Base liall Club nine we re selected because of ability to play ball, insteadofgood fellowahip, a team could be organizeil here that would be well nigh inviuoible." On Friday eveniuL the Philosopliical iooietv uil! meet ia Room 1. Miss Qraret is in read a paper upen "'ïSopliists," and Mr. Hubbard one opon "The líelatlon nl ;,iid Intellert to Will." Prof. Edward Calrd'a portraltof (üasL'ow will be exbiblted, The canse of deth af Chas. I). Wlley, ptiarmic '87, at Lanting reoeatly, was coneumptl f the braln, a ilisease very rare, and but little known to the medical professlon. llis fuueral was held Friday and nrgey attended. He waa :i very popular yoUBfE man. Dr. David 'Cï. 8harie, of Ousnpofli, melic of '85, was in towu on Saturday. Heconveyed the Rtomacb of John Aikin, Ol ('alvi.i, Chm (-(iiiiuy. to l'rot'. VaughHD tor analyis. Aikin (isappeared my.-leriousiy In December, llis boily wu'found In J.o ig Lnke on Thm-aday of la.-t week.


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