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Food Tests In New York

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Undnr the dlrectJon of the Xew York State Board of Health, eiehty-four different kinds of baking powders, etnbraeing all the bramls that could be found for sale in the State, were submitted to examination and mialysis by Prof. C. F. Chandler, a member of the State Board and President of the New York City Board of Health, assisted by Prof Enward G. IíOve, the well-known United 3tates Government chemUt. The official report shows thut a large number of the powders exuuiued were found to coutain aluin or lime; many of them to such n extent as to render them seriously objeetionable for use in Ui ¦ preparation of human í'ood. Alum was fmind in twenty-nine snnipies. Tliis drug is emplnyeil in bakittg powders to cheapen thelr cost. The presence of linie is attributed to the ini pure cream of tartar of commerce uscd in their manufacture. Sucli oreaui of tartar was also analyzed and fouud to contiiiii linie and other Impuritle; In some samples to tüe extent of 98 per cent. of their entire weight. All the baking powderá of the marker, witli the single exception of " Hoyal" (not including the alum aad phoiphïte powders, which have not the virtue of even on uipure creim of tartar), are made from the adulterated cream of tartar), are made from theaduiterated cre:im ol tartar of commerci', aml cOBtequeotly contain lime to a oofrespoudlog cxicut. Theonly bakin powder yet lunml liy cliemlcal nna'ysis to be eutircly frffl trom lime and ubsolutely puro is the "ltoyal.'' Tuis perfect purity results from the exclusive use of cieam of tartar specially refined and prepared by p iten t processes which total ly remove the tartrate of lime and other impunües. The cost of tliis chemically pure cream of tntar is much jfreatcr thau anv other, and on account of tliis reater cost is used in no bakiti2 powder but the "Koyal." Prof. Vorm who made the analysis of baking powder3 for the New State Board of Health, as well as for the Government, says of the purity and wholetomeowi ol the"Royal": "I find the Royal B iking Powder composed of pure and Wholesale ingrediënt. Hlsacreaui of tartar powih-rof ahigb degroe of merit, and does not contain eitlier alum or pliosphate or any injurimis snbstance. E. G. Lovk, I'ir. D." It is bighly satisfactory to tliu homekeepers of this vlcinity, where the Hoyal Baking Powder Is in general uso, Unit the investigatlons by the analysis In Massachusetts, New York, snd Ohio, the only States that have thus far taken action upon the important subject, agree in class'mg it as the purest and most rllieient bttklng powder in the market. Ho thit dina like llattery is Bither leH or malr nor a man. Conimenil me l freens that flatter you, as it is os'd, afore your face, and detend ye aliintyour buk.


Ann Arbor Courier
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